Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2918: The war is about to start

Do not!

Holy Demon Gate! Not just anyone dared to come and ask questions!

One family and three emperors, southern Xinjiang has dominated one side for millions of years!

Even the Hall of Nine Lights was so ambitious, it has endured hundreds of thousands of years.

On the side of the Jiuyao Hall, the Emperor Sun Yao had cold eyes, he didn't care who Li Ye was, but the appearance of Li Ye made his overall plan almost to no avail.

At this moment, his gaze swept away, and an elder in Jiuyao Hall suddenly understood.

The elder sneered, "Everyone, I think this matter may be suspicious."

Naturally, Jiuyao Temple didn't want a good opportunity to let it go. At this moment, when the elder said, many people frowned secretly.

"What's the doubt?"

"Everyone, don't forget, this son has stepped into the pilgrimage ladder before!"

Before the voice was over, many people were clever and reacted.

"Yes! He has entered the pilgrimage ladder!"

"Yes, yes, if he is a human race, why can he enter the pilgrimage ladder? That is the holy land of our demons! Throughout the ages, only the talents of the demons can enter, and the human race is impossible to set foot."

Many monsters nodded one after another. In fact, many people didn't believe in Li Ye's human identity.

After all, the dignity of the monster race made them unable to accept that the most defying geniuses in southern Xinjiang would be crushed and trampled on the soles of their feet by a junior of the human race!

Gu Ze and Indestructible were all defeated by Li Ye.

Although Lord Wuya and Princess Saint Demon Gate didn't make a move, everyone with a discerning eye could see that Lord Wuya had little chance of winning. As for Princess Saint Demon Gate? Both have that kind of relationship with Li Ye, which is even more unacceptable.

"Only the Demon Race can enter the ladder! If he can step on it, he is naturally a member of our Demon Race!"

"That's right!"

Many demons nodded one after another.

And this is what Jiuyao Temple and Emperor Sunyao are willing to see.

"This time, the Saint Demon Gate seems to be prepared to protect that human race kid at all costs. This is a kind of contempt for all the demon races in our southern Xinjiang!"

The elder of the Jiuyao Temple said coldly, and his expression was slightly agitated.

The situation is on the verge of breaking out, and the ambition of the Jiuyao Temple is clear, and Qing Cangmen and other imperial Taoist powers are also ready to profit and share a piece of the pie.

He completely forgot Li Ye, the righteous master, deliberately.

In the dark, the strong men of the human race looked at each other.

The Yaozu side did not want to believe that Li Ye was a human race, but they looked excited at the moment.

"Old Wu, is this really a genius of our human race?"

They had always been worried when they saw that the monster clan was now born with a monster. Especially seeing a wicked person like Li Ye, there is a kind of helplessness that the end is coming.

But I didn't expect the peaks to turn around, and suddenly they broke the news that the demon boy who could almost go against the sky in their eyes was actually from their side?

"The old man can't judge, but watching this son's words and deeds does not seem to be lying."

Elder Wu is also entangled, if he is really a genius of their human race, no matter what today, he will take action to save people!

South Xinjiang hasn't been born such evil evildoers for many years. If it falls here, it will be the loss of many human inheritance sects in South Xinjiang.

"Elder Wu, if this kid is really not a monster, shall we take action?"

Although the human race is declining in southern Xinjiang, it is truly united at a critical moment.

Even if they knew that there were three demon emperors present, they were not enough to see them.

Even if Elder Wu, who was the Holy Emperor, made a shot, he would not have a chance.

"Everyone, since the Saint Demon Gate is not willing to make friends, then you will go with the old man and find them personally!"

The powerhouse of the Jiuyao Temple shouted coldly, with the Holy Demon Gate's unwillingness to compromise and meant to do it again.

Here, the Five Sages of the Demon Race who appeared before did not intervene, but those with a heart can see that these five powerful saints who are well-known in southern Xinjiang, although they did not intend to intervene, they faintly do not know. Feeling that the five formed a strong aura and protected Li Ye in.

"It seems that the Five Saints agree with the identity of that kid demon clan."

Judging from the attitude of the Five Sages of the Demon Race, since they faintly acted to protect Li Ye, they naturally recognized the identity of the Demon Clan Li Ye.

And this made many people conclude that no matter what status Li Ye was, he naturally couldn't be a human race.

From beginning to end, Li Ye didn't argue for himself.

For him, whether the human race or the demon race, people were killed by him, and now things are naturally resolved by him.

"Boy, don't be impulsive. Although you are unparalleled in talent, with your current strength, it is not wise for you to conflict with Jiuyao Temple."

An old voice came into Li Ye's ears, it was the Five Sages of the Demon Race!

Obviously they also saw Li Ye's plan, so they reminded them.

"Thank you for the kindness of the five seniors, but one person does the job and the other person is responsible. Since the matter started from me, I should end it naturally."

"Boy, we old guys don’t care about your identity, but since you stepped into that place, it’s the person mentioned in the ancient oath. The future of the demon race needs you to take over. Now it’s not because of other things. And accidentally fell here."

It turned out that the Five Sages of the Demon Race had other identities, and they didn't even care whether Li Ye was a Human Race or a Demon Race.

In other words, the person who can step into the pilgrimage ladder is definitely a monster in their eyes.

"Haha, this kid is sentimental and righteous. It seems that he has something to do with the little girl of the Saint Demon Gate. Forget it, although the Saint Demon Gate has some special features in recent years, it is at least more suitable for guarding southern Xinjiang than the ambitious Jiuyao Temple. Although our five old guys don’t have much time, they won’t stand idly by today."

"That junior would thank a few seniors."

Li Ye was overjoyed. Although these five people were not the demon emperor, apart from the demon emperor, the five of them could be described as the real peak powers in the world.

Even if the five people join forces, even the Demon Emperor will not be able to break through in a short time.

Sure enough, one of the Five Sages of the Demon Race smiled and said, "Don't count on our five old guys too much. Although we can block a demon emperor for a while, if we work together, we still cannot resist it."

With the guarantee of the Five Sages of the Demon Race, a big stone in Li Ye's heart was considered to be let go.

At this time, the patience of Emperor Sun Yao on the void was obviously exhausted.

"Bing Yi, it seems that today, the Saint Demon Gate has decided to become an enemy of this emperor and all the monsters for a human race."

This sound was the most terrifying imperial might of the Sun Yao, almost everyone except the holy emperor felt the blood churning in their chests.

"Kill the Saint Demon Gate! Revenge for the dead compatriots of the Demon Race!"

Someone shouted loudly, but many small sect experts showed hesitation one by one.

Because a person stopped in front of them.

Li Ye!

One man, one sword! The terrible intent to kill almost even the character of Emperor Ri Yao could not help but pick up his eyelids.

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