Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2910: Fight the demon emperor!

Under a palm, not only is not dead!

At this time, Li Ye's fighting spirit became more and more fierce, and his whole body aura showed a devastating growth.

The Ninth Level of Fighting God Technique! There is indeed something against the sky!

Even under the palm of the Demon Emperor, the meridian bones in his body were almost completely shattered, but in the blink of an eye, they recovered 70% to 80%.

This kind of resilience, even some monster beasts with incomparably powerful natural bloodlines can't do it!


Li Ye stepped out, only to see a whole piece of void shattered instantly.

"He actually wants to do something with the Demon Emperor?"

Li Ye's immortality has shocked everyone, and hasn't recovered for a long time.

Looking at Li Ye's actions now, it is clear that it is not to passively accept the three palms of the Baiyun Demon Emperor, but to take the initiative!

"Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of geniuses who have dared to work with the demon emperor! This son is definitely a monster that has never been born in southern Xinjiang for hundreds of thousands of years!"

"Regardless of whether he can survive this battle or not, for this courage, he is enough to survive the age!"

Except for the great emperor gates, some other monster clan powerhouses were shocked by Li Ye's pride, and they all showed expressions of admiration and regret.

I admire that the demon clan hasn't born such an invincible evildoer for a long time, but unfortunately, it is about to fall into the hands of a demon emperor.

"It's a pity that there is no other demon emperor behind this son to protect him. Otherwise, with his talent and insight, he will definitely become a demon clan Tianqing that is comparable to, or even surpasses, the ancient stone emperor!"

How many Yaozu ancestors sighed, but they were unable to stop it.

If only the Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor wanted to kill Li Ye, perhaps the demon clan ancestors would rely on the old to sell the old to stop or persuade.

However, at this time, it was the Baiyun Demon Emperor!

One of the oldest demon emperors in southern Xinjiang.

Who can stop?

Only the Demon Emperor!

Only the Demon Emperor can stop the Demon Emperor!

In the shattered void, a figure with blood was knocked down, smashed countless mountains and rivers, and even cracked the earth.

"Can you survive this time?"

Countless eyes are watching all this.

Demon Emperor! In front of a demon emperor, who can withstand three palms?

"Still alive!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed!

Sure enough, a figure soared into the sky in the huge broken cave like a crater.

Compared to before, he was even more embarrassed, his whole body seemed to be stained red with blood.

But in those bright eyes, there was a terrible fighting spirit.

Even the Baiyun Demon Emperor couldn't help being surprised at this moment.

"Two palms!"

With a grin, Li Ye's voice revealed a kind of weakness.

After abruptly bearing the two palms of the Demon Emperor, the average Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor has been wiped out!

However, Li Ye was not much better at this time. The bones of his body turned into powder, but he was reorganizing and healing at an extremely fast speed.

Behind him, a silver moon did not know when it would emerge.

The desolate breath came out from it, like an ancient tragedy, and like a cold and merciless murderous air!

At that moment, Li Ye's breath even rose again from the beginning!


Countless exclamations sounded!

Whether it is the demon race or the human race, whether it is the younger generation of geniuses or the group of demon race ancestors, they are all stunned!

Even the powerful men who were fighting against each other at the great emperor gates couldn't help being frightened by this breath, and they all gave up and looked suspicious.


I don't know who blurted it out!


Emperor Wei!

No one thought about why Emperor Wei appeared in Li Ye's body! Although faint, there is clearly a trace of imperial prestige!

"Impossible! Never possible!"

Young Master Wuya could no longer calm down and shouted loudly!

Emperor Wei!

That is the power that only the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor can possess! That is truly at the apex of this world, only the existence of the top of the Three Realms can do it!

Countless people were stunned by this scene!

"God, this kid, is this a human?"

"Emperor Prestige? Is he about to step into the Emperor Realm?"

Numerous monster races have been messed up in the wind, and Wu Lao in the dark and the powerful human races are also surprised all their eyes widened.

The demon clan will give birth to a new demon emperor, they are not surprised! But right before their eyes! Instead of hundreds of thousands of years later?

The eyes of the Baiyun Demon Emperor flashed, and the strong killing intent flashed away!

"This son cannot be used by the emperor, it must be removed today!"

How many people can there be in this world that can make a demon emperor produce killing intent?

That silver moon seemed to not exist in this world. Since its appearance, Li Ye's whole person has undergone tremendous changes!

A pair of eyes completely turned blood red, and an ancient breath slowly emerged from his body.

That is an ancient power that the monster race has never touched.

Even older than the Three Realms today!

"Demon change? Is it a demon change?"

A Yaozu ancestor blurted out!

"It's very possible! This child is so against the sky, there must be some kind of ancient bloodline in the body! But what kind of bloodline can have this kind of monster phenomenon?"

The indestructible monster is still vividly visible to everyone, but even so, it is not so exaggerated!

This is almost enough to affect the normal operation of heaven and earth.

The entire sky was completely replaced, as if everyone were in a world of silver moon, the sky turned dark red, and the crowd could barely breathe.

Jiuyao Hall!

Qing Cangmen!

Waiting for the horrified discovery of the strong emperors, their bodies couldn't stop shaking!

In addition to the powerhouses of the Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor level, they can control, even if they are the Demon Emperor and the Half Demon Emperor, they are shocked to feel that the strength of their own physical strength is unstoppable being stripped and threaded, constantly passing by!

"Stop him!"

Finally an elder of Jiuyao Hall roared, and in that short time, he realized that his strength had lost as much as 30%!

And other strong men have also discovered!

One by one was surprised and angry! In such a short period of time, a large group of strong people lose 30 to 40% of their strength, and many of them are already weak and pale, with cold sweats, and even standing unsteady!

What horrified them even more was that, except for the powerhouses of the great emperors, those powerhouses in casual cultivation were nothing unusual!

"That kid! Stop him!"

Finally at Qing Cangmen, Lingbao Demon Sovereign reacted instantly and roared!

But at this moment, he has lost as much as 40% of his power, and even if he kept hitting the surrounding seals to stop him, he found that there was no effect at all.

At the same time, Li Ye's breath is getting crazy!

Even to the point where even the Baiyun Demon Emperor's eyelids twitched slightly.

It can make the Demon Emperor feel surprised, one can imagine how much Li Ye's aura has increased in such a short time.

And the silver moon above his head has turned into a full moon state.

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