Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2909: Take the Three Palms of the Demon Emperor

The demon emperor's sovereign, shot to take people, and only the demon emperor could stop it.

This is common sense that countless people will not deny.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Ye was nothing but a stubborn resistance, and in the end he was only in the hands of the Baiyun Demon Emperor.

A glamorous sword passed directly through a hand protruding from the void of the Baiyun Demon Emperor. It seemed to have no power, but at the next moment, everyone was horrified to discover that a bloodstain appeared from the palm of the Baiyun Demon Emperor’s palm. .

"Exterminated with a sword!"

Li Ye snorted, his sword light suddenly skyrocketed!


The void is at that moment, as if being pierced!


"how is this possible?"

Countless strong monsters in the Demon City exclaimed!

Only the hand that Baiyun Demon Emperor protruded was cut directly by that waveless sword!

That sword directly slashed a hand of a demon emperor?

Everyone couldn't help taking a breath one by one. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have thought that someone in the world could be so perverted.

Jue Wuxi was shocked, and the pupils of his eyes shrank sharply!

Young Master Wu Ya couldn't stop his whole body trembling slightly, and the fear that he had never had before began to breed in his heart uncontrollably.

Deafening roar!

That is the anger of a demon emperor!

Even if it wasn't the real palm of the Baiyun Demon Emperor, it was he who turned it out with supreme power. However, when he was cut by a sword, the Baiyun Demon Emperor's mood of Gu Jing Wubo for 100,000 years opened a gap!

The dignified demon emperor was actually injured by a junior?

Even if the injury is inconspicuous, it is not even an injury at all.

At the same time, Li Ye sprayed a mouthful of blood.

The whole person is faltering.

"I am still a little reluctant to the God Realm."

You know, he didn't even step into the imperial realm, but directly challenged the strong imperial realm.

Back then, there was a legend that the Demon Lord Gu Moxie first killed the emperor before becoming an emperor in the Lower Nine Regions, but now, for him, for the countless monsters in southern Xinjiang, this scene is even more unbelievable.

Demon Emperor!

A demon emperor was actually forced to retreat by a junior!

Without waiting for everyone to return to their senses, Li Ye's figure flashed and a sword swept across!

Two heads rose up into the sky! It was the two Qing Cangmen elders who were dragged away by the Baiyun Demon Emperor before.

No one thought that Li Ye would dare to kill in front of the Demon Emperor!

He was still the strong under the sect of the Baiyun Demon Emperor who was killed.

"Madman! This kid is simply a lawless madman!"

I don't know who can't help muttering to himself.

The disciples of Qing Cangmen were all scared stupid! The elder was killed, and the Baiyun Demon Emperor took action.

Everything is enough to subvert everything they have done for decades or even hundreds of years.

No one can do all this!

No one would have imagined this result.

"Little beast! The emperor thought you were not easy to practice before he took mercy! You actually killed the emperor!"

The voice of the Baiyun Demon Emperor carried a strong anger that could change the color of the world!

The dignified demon emperor, today is absolutely completely lost in front of a junior.

At this time, where would he care about others, directly revealing his true body, and at the same time, the entire Demon City was shrouded in that huge emperor's might.

He was scrupulous about his identity and didn't come forward personally, but at this moment, the Baiyun Demon Emperor obviously couldn't take care of that much.

With the honor of the great emperor, in an instant, no matter it was the demon-sovereign holy emperor or anyone, he was suppressed!

Only a handful of people can barely resist, such as the Five Sages of the Demon Race, although they have also been suppressed, they obviously still have some surplus.

As for the others, one by one did not even dare to breathe.

"It's really flattering to take a shot in the body of the demon emperor!"

Li Ye grinned, spit out a mouthful of bruises, and the whole person was even more motivated!

Even if he can't resist the opponent in the realm of the Great Emperor today, even if he is going to lose in this battle, he is confident that the Baiyun Demon Emperor cannot be unscathed!

That self-confidence turned into a fighting will to the sky, and even the Baiyun Demon Emperor's heart jumped slightly.

As a demon emperor, how genius and evildoer have never seen? Even Princess Saint Demon Gate and Young Master Wuya didn't care about it. At least for hundreds of years, no evil person can threaten him.

But the young man in front of him made him feel a sense of faint fear as the Demon Emperor.

Ordinary people don't believe in intuition, but in the realm of the Baiyun Demon Emperor, often intuition is enough to explain many problems.

"The emperor gives you three opportunities. As long as you can bear the three palms of the emperor, the emperor will not pursue everything you did today!"

After all, the Demon Emperor still needed face, so he gave Li Ye a chance to survive.

When everyone heard it, they were all surprised.

"The demon emperor is the demon emperor after all, but the three palms of the demon emperor, even the holy emperor, will not necessarily bear it!"

A strong man shook his head. The Baiyun Demon Emperor was not the most powerful among the Southern Border Demon Emperors, but was one of the first few demon emperors to become famous.

Even one hundred thousand years ago, the Baiyun Demon Emperor was already in the Southern Xinjiang!

"This kid is also extremely arrogant. Even if he defeated Gu Ze and defeated the enchanting evildoers such as Infinite, but wanting to compete with a demon emperor, that would be a dead end!"

Many strong monsters sighed or shook their heads.

Even the ancestors of the demon clan couldn't help but sigh, "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. This son is too conceited, and may die early! It's just a pity that such a genius is."

For millions of years, no one has set foot in that place, and now there are people, but they are facing the point of being directly bombarded and killed by a demon emperor.

At the Saint Demon Gate, there are also strong men who couldn't help but want to take action, but they couldn't get close at all.

The imperial prestige of the Baiyun Demon Emperor is enough to suppress everything!

Three palms!

No one thought Li Ye could bear it.

Those were the three palms of the demon emperor, and even the holy emperor would fly into ashes and annihilate.

Without a sound, Li Ye was swept out.

Even a piece of void is completely broken.

The demon emperor made a move without even destroying the heavens and the earth, directly turning a void into nothingness.

As for Li Ye, his whole body was blood, even if he was the flesh under the ninth stage of the Battle God Jue, it was still **** at this moment.

But this scene, almost everyone saw it, it was a breath of breath!

"not dead?!"

"Not dead? Is this kid a monster?"

Demon Emperor! That's the Demon Emperor!

Even the Baiyun Demon Emperor himself was a little surprised, his terrifying eyes grew stronger and stronger, and even a hint of purple gradually appeared!

Holy Demon Gate!

Jiuyao Hall!

Qing Cangmen!

Countless powerhouses, even the pinnacles of the human race who were secretly watching, were all frightened by Li Ye's terrifying vitality at this moment.

Under the palm of the Demon Emperor, he didn't die!

And it took a palm from the front!

"If this son does not die today, the future will become a great weapon!"

At that moment, similar thoughts flashed in everyone's mind.

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