Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2905: Yaozu Five Saints

The confrontation between the two geniuses is definitely the focus of everyone's eyes.

Even compared to the fights of the powerhouses of several great emperor gates, they paid more attention to the two battles that represented the pinnacle of the young generation of the demon race in southern Xinjiang.

"Who of you, these two, can win?"

Some monsters could not help but ask.

After all, such a peak battle might not have destroyed the world like the great emperor, but there is no doubt that whether it is Li Ye or Indestructible, they already have the potential to hit the highest peak in the world.

The future master of southern Xinjiang.

"Hard to say."

An ancestor of the demon race shook his head. This time, several great emperor sects clashed due to a human race junior, but some second- and third-rate sects were watching on the sidelines, and they did not decide to intervene for the time being.

"Ze Wumiao has a better chance of winning. After all, he is a descendant of the Qing Cang Clan, a disciple of the Emperor Clan, and he is definitely not to be underestimated!"

"Yes, indestructible, this son is a dragon and a phoenix among humans. It is one of the top evildoers in the world, and it is difficult to appear one for tens of thousands of years. Now it is the awakening of the demon in the history of the demon clan, which is known as the emperor. The road, the potential for the future can be imagined. In this battle, he has at least a 70% chance of winning!"

There was a voice coming from a well-known Sanxiu monster clan in southern Xinjiang.

Although most of the casual cultivators can't show some powerful people against the sky, there are no exceptions.

"It turned out to be Brother Toyama."

A strong Yaozu recognized this person and suddenly exclaimed.

It turned out that this person was a holy emperor of Sanxiu demon in southern Xinjiang, who was quite famous in southern Xinjiang.

Even some strong men of the second and third sects and even the ancestors nodded slightly to him.

"This time, the Demon City is very lively, but I haven't been born for a long time. I thought it would be difficult to reproduce the generation of the ancient stone emperor in this world, but I didn't expect so many to pop up all at once."

As soon as this person appeared, even the ancestors of Emperor Sect's eyes condensed.

"Teng Yuanshan! He is not dead yet!"

Someone's eyes burst into a terrible cold light.

"His lifespan should have been exhausted 100,000 years ago, even if the sarcophagus is covered in dust, it can't be delayed until now!"

No one can resist the cycle of heaven, the cycle of life and death.

Even the invincible Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor will also face the day when his lifespan is exhausted and death.

But at this time, many powerhouses are surging waves in their hearts.

"This Tengyuan Mountain, I didn't expect to stick to it until now. Now, looking at his blood, although he is a bit dry, it is obvious that he can at least persist in sealing himself for tens of thousands of years!"

"It is rumored that he was transformed from wisteria. Shouyuan was born to be longer than ordinary people, but he will not linger in the sarcophagus to continue his life. What will he do?"

There are many demon clan celebrities and ancestors who are full of doubts about this giant in the Sanxiu world that suddenly emerged.

At their level, in order to live longer, at any cost.

Not to mention that some major event happened outside, even if the bloodline of the master or even the descendants of future generations is chased and killed, it is rare to see it crawl out once.

After all, to the point where they have almost exhausted their blood and lifespan, the blood consumed by staying outside for a day is enough for them to stay in the sarcophagus for three to five years.

Tengyuan Mountain indeed has a great influence in the Monster Race's casual cultivation.

As soon as he appeared, at least many casual cultivators seemed to have straightened their spine. Originally, many casual cultivators always felt inferior in front of the great emperor sects and those powerful monster clan sects.

"It's worthy of being a figure known as one of the five sages among the scattered cultivation of the monsters in the southern border."

Secretly, Wu Lao and other strong humans sighed slightly.

"This Tengyuan Mountain hasn't appeared for at least tens of thousands of years. This time I don't know why, so he got out from below."

"Indeed, this is very strange. At his level, it is impossible to disturb him even if a few great emperor sects fight in the dark! Among the five sages of the Monster Race, his age is the longest. The closest thing to the end of his life span, his appearance this time must have some reason for him to come to Demon City without hesitating to exhaust more energy."

This guess is not only Wu Lao alone.

Many people have guessed this.

"Senior Teng, you this time?"

A demon emperor hurriedly stepped forward. He was also born in a casual cultivator, and naturally held considerable awe and respect for one of the five most powerful members of the demon race.

"Haha, such a big thing happened outside, my old bone was still a little rusty underneath, so I came out and walked around."

The three-year-old didn't believe it!

Whether it is a strongman of the monster clan or a casual cultivator, he muttered in his heart.

Who doesn't know, when the strong reaches the end of the crossbow, when the lifespan is exhausted, it is even more so to survive by unscrupulous means. Even many powerful people have gone into the devil's way, leading to the end of the disaster.

"Hahaha! Brother Yuanshan is right. After being here for a long time, every body will get rusty. It's hard to walk around."

As soon as he finished speaking here, Lang Lang laughed in the void.

The complexion of many demons changed, and some casual cultivators were pleasantly surprised. And those strong emperors flashed their eyes, obviously passing through the cold light!

I only saw a few figures walking out of the void, each of them exuding an invincible and terrifying aura, as if they were the rulers of the heavens!

It is true that there is not the domineering power of the previous demon emperors, but under the demon emperor, these figures are definitely the peak existence!

Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor!

And it's still the most peak Demon Venerable Saint Emperor!

A total of four people, plus the Tengyuan Mountain that appeared before, is five people!

"Five Sages of San Xiu!"

"Why did they all show up?"

"Oh my God! What day is it, why are these old monsters popping up?"

Some strong men of the Monster Clan sect frowned secretly, and the four people who came out were the most invincible among the casual cultivators. Including Tengyuan Mountain, countless demons call them the Five Saints of San Xiu!

Different from those strong in the sect, some of the monster races in the Demon City are getting excited one by one.

"It's the Five Saints!"

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to see the five sages!"

There are countless legends about the Five Saints of San Xiu in Southern Xinjiang.

"Five Saints, five of them are the ancestor-level figures of the casual cultivator world! They all appeared today!"

"They all show up one by one, is it because of that human junior?"

Countless people are speculating. After all, these five people, any of them are at least one hundred thousand years ago. Suddenly they all appeared one by one. It would definitely not be because of a trivial matter like a human junior who killed several demon juniors. .

As soon as the five demon tribe sanxiu supreme appeared at this time, their aura was astonishing, and even the demon emperor could not appear. Who could suppress these five?

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