Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2904: Indestructible

Everyone had known for a long time that Li Yenai was the evildoer of the world!

Even overwhelming Young Master Wuya, Wuyao Tianjiao and so on.

But they really didn't expect that Li Ye's strength would be so strong.


The sound of inhaling bursts sounded, even some of the ancestors of the demon race were dumbfounded.

"This is too terrifying?"

"Half a demon emperor with a palm? Even the emperor doesn't have the ability?"

Many monster races were lost for a while, but their faces were moved after returning to God.

at the same time!

"court death!"

The elders of the Jiuyao Hall shouted angrily, no matter how much they had taken care of, they made an angry move!

They no longer care who Li Ye is, they won't talk about it first!

"Hugh is rampant! This Demon City is not your Yaotian City!"


The moment the Jiuyaodian powerhouse made a move, there was also a powerhouse on the Saint Demon Gate!

This is the two great emperor sects that are incompatible with fire and water, and now they are fighting!

While trying to take Li Ye, he tried to block it!

Especially on the Saint Demon Gate, although they don’t know why Li Ye had to intervene in this matter, they don’t talk about Li Ye’s performance on the Pilgrimage Ladder. They just say that they are acting out of justice. Everyone at the Saint Demon Gate takes Li Ye’s younger generation. With a good impression.

The elders of the Saint Demon Gate didn't say anything, seeing that the many powerful people in Jiuyao Temple were arrogantly deceiving the less, and hurriedly stopped them.

In this way, except for the few demon-external holy emperors who have not yet started, the demon emperors and half demon emperors of the two great emperors have joined the battle.

The two sides directly hit the sky above the sky, after all, this demon city is a holy city in southern Xinjiang since ancient times, even the people of Jiuyao Temple dare not wreak havoc here.

On the contrary, as Li Ye who caused the battle between the two sides, no one paid any attention to it.

However, soon someone shot.

"Qing Cangmen is indestructible!"

Everyone saw that the terrifying aura radiated from the body of Infinite!

If it is said that the strong of the Jiuyao Temple is to bully the small, then absolutely no one will say a word!

Even more, countless people are looking forward to this battle!

"The peak battle between the two evildoers!"

The extinction at this time, step by step, every step, the aura of his whole body is rising.

In just a few short steps, his whole person seemed to have the momentum to incarnate into the ancient sky demon, and the strong demon energy even turned into a terrifying sky demon behind him.

"Demon change! It really is the most coveted transformation of the demons!"

"This is inexhaustible. Now, without talking about the inheritance of the sages he has obtained, the changes after the demonization are enough to make him one of the highest geniuses in the world! This battle is hard to say."

Although the ladder that Li Ye stepped into was higher than Juewuwang, after he disappeared, Juewuwang just stopped at the 70,000 floor and failed.

But at this moment, no one dares to say that Li Ye will win this battle!

Just because Zhe Wuxi is a monster genius who has experienced demonization!

He is alone in the entire southern Xinjiang!

"Do you want to fight?"

Li Ye didn't move, but his eyes narrowed.

"War! It has nothing to do with the division, you and me, if I lose, after today, I will be invincible to see you in southern Xinjiang than take a detour! If you lose, you will surrender to me!"

The terrible declaration, and even more amazing is the indestructible determination!

A cold light flashed across Young Master Wuya's eyes, but he didn't say anything.

"Look at the result of the battle between the two!"

He is different from Extinction, who is a pure warrior, and his heart in martial arts is extremely firm! He challenged Li Ye just to decide the victory or defeat.

However, Young Master Wuya was extremely deep in the city. After waiting for Li Ye and the two tigers to fight, it would be a good time for him to clean up the situation.

Above the void, the two great emperor gates and even the strongmen from Qing Cangmen and Lushui Garden joined, and the sky was broken, the sun and the moon were dark.

And below, the battle of geniuses, which represents the pinnacle of the demon clan in southern Xinjiang, is also about to start at this time.

Hearing this, Li Ye's mouth raised.

"If you lose today, you don't need to see me take a detour, you just need to turn around and leave today Qing Cangmen."

As long as Qing Cangmen turned and left, his eyes flashed as soon as he said this.

He did not answer. For someone so proud of him, it is undoubtedly the biggest humiliation to see someone going around in the future. But he still swears, because he wants to defeat the demon in his heart.

But Li Ye's request made him hesitate.

After all, even though he is an inherited disciple of Qing Cangmen, he could not make such a major decision.

"The emperor allowed it."

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from the void.

Baiyun Demon Emperor!

Undoubtedly, with the promise of the Baiyun Demon Emperor, it was equivalent to Qing Cangmen having agreed to Li Ye's condition.

As long as he wins indestructible, Qing Cangmen will leave immediately today!

In this regard, the Jiuyao Temple cannot be changed.

After all, although Qing Cangmen is a little weaker than Jiuyao Palace, it is also the Taoism of Emperor Sect!

"In that case, let's send Qing Cangmen first to talk about it today."

Li Ye smiled slightly, his voice was not loud, but it made countless people breathe back!

They don't know where Li Ye's self-confidence comes from, is it just because he stepped into that place?

However, many Yaozu ancestors frowned, and one of the ancestors whispered doubts, "This son's self-confidence is worthy of curiosity. Indestructible, this son is weaker than him, but he has been inherited by sages and strength. It was even a month ago that he entered the realm of imperial reserve, which is by no means comparable to three months ago. If you want to defeat him, even the old man may not be sure."

Those who can be regarded as the ancestor of the demon race, the weakest cultivation base is the half demon emperor, not to mention that the ancestor of the demon race is an ancient demon saint emperor.

If it wasn't for the disputes between several great emperors, it wouldn't let him rise from the sarcophagus.

Everyone saw it, and sure enough, indestructible, their eyes flashed with a shocking edge at this moment!

For such a proud person, Li Ye is undoubtedly a humiliation to him!

The result is so determined before starting!

"Jesou, learn a brilliant trick!"


There is no doubt that the extinction three months ago and the extinction now are two people!

The demon change of the monster race! One may not appear in tens of thousands of years! And he did it!

He got the inheritance of ancient sages in southern Xinjiang!

Even a month ago, he broke through the emperor's reserve! Successfully becoming the emperor of the monster clan, even more so that his strength soared!

When one shot, the sun, moon and stars were broken, the mountains and rivers turned into a roaring dragon with the other hand, and the ground was crushed with one foot, and countless magma and mud flowed out!

This seems to have surpassed the ordinary half-demon emperor, and even the Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor was shocked under this scene!

Peerless genius of Yaozu! The descendant of the Emperor Gate!

There is no reservation at all in the infinite, from the first shot, it is invincible!

He wants to win! In this way, the shadow of the inner demon in the heart caused by the appearance of Li Ye is erased!

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