Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2889: The legendary place

Whether Li Ye was reincarnated and rebuilt by a certain sage, only he knew best.

An incarnation of a sage appeared in the void.

The further the sage's incarnation appeared, the bigger it was!

Even one of the incarnation giants was a full one hundred and thirty feet tall, even a slight aura revealed, it was enough to make the Jade Demon Lord, such a Saint-Emperor-level powerhouse, have difficulty breathing.

"Sage of the Great Emperor!"

Someone couldn't help but blurt out.

"Unexpectedly, it actually exists!"

"Sages, at least they are all invincible pinnacle holy emperors, naturally there are also great emperor-level sages. But throughout these millions of years, there are only a handful of great emperor-level sages, and the incarnation of this sage is actually so huge, with millions In 2017, only a few people can meet this requirement!"

A certain Yaozu ancestor muttered to himself.

"Indeed, if it is those few, it simply represents the most glorious era in the history of the demon clan! Anyone is an invincible strong man who has approached the realm of the sky demon and crossed the three realms."

Now, let alone envy, what they are looking forward to is whether Li Ye will ignore it all the way.

"Holy emperor-level sages don't look down on me, what if it is a great emperor-level sage?"

Jade Demon Sovereign is also extremely looking forward to it, after all, this is the only time in a million years in southern Xinjiang. Witnessing that moment with their own eyes, no one will choose to give up.

At this moment, Li Ye also hesitated.

The inheritance of sages at the emperor level is stronger than the ordinary inheritance of great emperors. After all, not every great emperor can become a sage. At least in southern Xinjiang, those who are hailed as sages are the peak figures of an era.

"Boy, let's forget the previous inheritance. Now these few, even this emperor is jealous, don't give up."

Even the Great Emperor Tianjian couldn't help but speak out.

However, Li Ye was hesitating. With his identity, once it became public, what a devastating impact might it bring to southern Xinjiang. If he still got the inheritance of ancient sages in southern Xinjiang, it would be hard to imagine what the result would be.

"Boy, this is not your character. If the benefits of hand-handling can be shut out, it would be a shame! Moreover, the fact that Hengtian was able to come here that year proves that the few people in southern Xinjiang existed in those days. Reject people outside the Yaozu to come."

No one can answer the origin of the pilgrimage ladder.

Whether it is the Demon Heaven Emperor of the Saint Demon Gate, or someone else, there are still different opinions.

In the void, more than twenty huge incarnations have appeared at this time.

The smallest one is more than eighty feet, and the tallest one is more than 130 feet.

However, there is only one such huge incarnation, most of which are about a hundred meters in size. Obviously, there are not too many sages with such strength against the sky.

"No need to hesitate. Now that the sages of the past have recognized you, you are naturally qualified to get their inheritance."

At this moment, a soft voice rang in Li Ye's ear.

Emperor Bingyi!

Obviously, these words can be heard clearly. The Great Emperor Bing Yi also hoped that Li Ye would accept the inheritance of a certain sage, and she even knew Li Ye's identity.

A ray of sharp light flashed across the eyes of the Emperor Sun Yao and the Demon Emperor Baiyun, and the terrifying emperor prestige enveloped them.

But now they won't have any actions, so many sages incarnate, even if they are the demon emperor, they don't dare to mess around.

As for everyone in the Demon City, naturally they dare not say much.

After all, the emperor is the emperor, and just as the emperor Bingyi said, Li Ye's performance conquered most people.

Even if there was a trace of hostility in the hearts of the great emperors, they could not find any reason to refute.

If such a genius is not qualified to be inherited by the sages, then who is qualified?

Prince Wuya? Or is it indestructible?

They are indeed incomparably against the sky, they are peerless arrogances, but in front of Li Ye, they have already fallen into the altar!

Li Ye closed his eyes slightly, but the next moment, he moved again.

Seventy thousand floors!

All the monster races showed horror.

The hostility on Jue Wuxiang's face was completely rigid, and Young Master Wuya's strategizing confidence gradually wavered at this moment.

Seventy thousand floors! For hundreds of thousands of years, I have never heard of anyone going up!

"Does he want it?"

I don't know who said in a low voice, but it awakened everyone.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

That legendary place!

"No, it's impossible to put it?"

"That place, isn't it rumored that only a certain sage can enter before his death?"

"No one has been up for millions of years. Does this kid really want to challenge that legend?"


A legend that has been circulated in southern Xinjiang for millions of years or even longer, but no one takes it seriously.

"What legend?"

"The legend says that above it is another world that countless sages actually went to. Those sages did not die of their lives, but went to a higher level of the world at a certain level, and this pilgrimage ladder is actually a sky-reaching world leading to that world. the road!"

An ancestor took a breath and explained.

Everyone, especially some young demons, their eyes widened.

"The road to heaven?"

"Yes, the road to heaven! In fact, the Three Realms are not only the Three Realms, there are even higher levels outside the Three Realms, but no one has confirmed them for millions of years."

"Is there really that kind of place?"

"No one knows, but for millions of years, or even longer, the disappearance of the gods, and what on earth are above the emperor, no one knows. Perhaps only when you reach that place can you solve this eternal mystery ."

Yes, although the Three Realms and Nine Regions have existed since ancient times, what exactly is above the emperor?

The human race has the legend of the saint, and the demon race also has the record of the sky demon.

Since there are saints and sky demons, where did those existences go?

Today's Shenshengzhou, the Great Emperor and the Demon Emperor, have already stood on the pinnacle of the world, since there are existences above them, why have they never appeared.

There are different opinions, and even Emperor Sun Yao and Emperor Baiyun have a kind of detection in their eyes.

Because even they didn't know exactly how the saints of the human race, the sky demon of the demon race, disappeared, whether they all died or went to another place.

"The sages of southern Xinjiang have never passed away in their own sect, but have entered that place."

Emperor Ri Yao murmured to himself, although he is a demon emperor, he has not reached the height of a sage. Therefore, he was also curious about that place, but now he can't get in at all.

In that place, not only the ancient records of the Monster Race, but also many sects of the Human Race have been handed down.

When Li Ye wanted to go up, naturally he wanted to see if the legend was true.

And he is now infinitely close to that place, he only needs to actually set foot on it!

Seventy thousand floors!

Seventy-five thousand floors!

Ninety thousand floors!

No one will know that starting from the fifty thousand floor, there is no so-called suppression of sages.

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