Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2888: Is he the reincarnated reincarnation of a sage?

Each of the four huge and stalwart bodies represents a generation of sages who were once invincible in southern Xinjiang.

Even if it's just the will they left behind, when the emperor comes, he must avoid three points.

With four eyes, only Li Ye could detect it.

That was transformed by the four wills, and even those wills were his approval.

As long as he is willing, he can get the invincible will contained in any one of them and the life's perception of power of that generation of sages.

Climbing to the sky in one step, as long as anyone reaches this step, it is a step to the sky!

Even if it is a waste, after all of this, he will fly to the branch and become a phoenix in the future. Since then, he will step into the ranks of the peerless Tianjiao. After hundreds of years or even thousands of years, it will be less of an invincible holy emperor.

However, those who can come here are all the top enchanting evildoers in the world. After the inheritance, one can imagine how effective they will be.

Even the Emperor Sect, not everyone is qualified to come here and get the inheritance left by a certain sage.

Countless geniuses, just from the pilgrimage ladder, feel the fur left by the sages of the past, they can realize breakthroughs, break through the bottleneck and even embark on the road to the peak of martial arts.

No one will refuse!

In other words, even a fool would not refuse this kind of chance to climb to the sky.

"The pattern of southern Xinjiang must change."

Yubao Yaozun sighed slightly, and now there is such an enchanting evildoer, even compared to the two most outstanding tianjiaos in Southern Xinjiang, which is recognized as the Princess Wuya Saint Demon Gate.

Such a genius, no matter what his background, unless there is a deep hatred, no sect will be turned away!

Even the Emperor Sect will treat this kind of genius as a treasure! I was afraid of offending others and just left.

The Emperor Sect is unattainable, but some of the geniuses who reach this level are willing to welcome the invitation.

The birth of an emperor door may be extremely difficult, and even tens of thousands of years may not have a new emperor door. But like Li Ye, Young Master Wu Ya, and other outstanding geniuses, the chance of being born is even rarer than that of Emperor Sect!

"This son may stand in southern Xinjiang in the future, no! The entire Shensheng Prefecture and even the pinnacle of the Three Realms!"

Not only the Jade Demon Sovereign who thinks so, but the entire Demon City witnessed this moment, whether the Demon Race or the Human Race, would not doubt this.

Emperor Sun Yao's eyes shone with a terrifying cold light, and the Demon Emperor Baiyun showed a serious look for the first time.

The two looked at each other, and both saw a touch of worry in each other's eyes.

An enchanting evildoer who is not under their sect is a potential threat to anyone, especially the emperor behind them.

Unless, you can visit them.

"How would he choose?"

Some Yaozu couldn't help but ask.

Yes, if I said just now, Li Ye didn't look down on the will of the sage that appeared at the beginning, but now three suddenly appeared. And one is better than one, and one is more terrible.

At this time, will you always choose one?

Even Princess Saint Demon's door was slightly uncomfortable with Li Ye.

A pair of beautiful eyes were firmly locked on Li Ye's body, and even the Prince Wuya and Jue Wuxi were aware of it!

That undisguised concern almost broke the heart, jealousy, and even madness of all Yao Race young people!

Most people don't have the qualification to be jealous, but Jue Wu Xiao and Wu Ya do have that qualification!

"Brother Wu Mie, it seems that you and I are not lonely in this southern Xinjiang in the future."

Young Master Wuya smiled slightly, but this smile didn't make any smile, it looked extremely cold.

Jue Wuliu didn't say anything, but Young Master Wuya didn't take it seriously, because he knew the character of Wuya very well. Especially, the hostile gaze looked at the figure that suffocated both of them from a distance. He smiled, smiling very coldly, smiling very evil.

Everyone was waiting for what choice Li Ye would make.

Only no one would think that he would refuse again as before.

Yes, no one!

Including a peerless pinnacle emperor like Sun Yao, he didn't think that Li Ye would once again refuse this easy way to the sky.

But they were wrong, so wrong.

Li Ye once again took a step under the eyes of countless people!


This time, there was no suppression, but it exploded in everyone's hearts.

"Brother, you slap me and see if I haven't woken up yet."

A young demon clan couldn't help but yelled at the other person beside him, but it was a pity that his brother had the same thoughts as him at the moment.

"Junior brother, are we dreaming? This dream is really real."

One step at a time, Li Ye didn't care about everyone's gaze. In the blink of an eye, it was above dozens of layers.

At the same time, huge and stalwart bodies appeared in the void.

From the beginning, countless people fell into petrification, and now everyone has found that they are numb.

One, two, seventeen stalwart incarnations appeared!

"This, hundreds of thousands of years, no, there has never been such a magnificent age in millions of years."

"Invincible evildoer, there won't be one in a million years! Unexpectedly, today, I was fortunate to see it."

"This son can no longer be measured by ordinary people's thinking. Even if someone tells the old man that this son is the reincarnation of a certain sage, the old man firmly believes."

Several Yaozu ancestors sighed like this, but no one questioned or ridiculed them.

Because compared to the ancestors of the monster race, more people have fallen into numbness.

The reincarnation of saints?

Perhaps only this explanation can make them accept the scenes they see today.

"Yes, it must be an ancient sage reincarnated with supreme magical powers! Otherwise, how could it be so against the sky?"

"Yes, I don't know which sage reincarnated. We have no sages in southern Xinjiang for nearly 100,000 years. Now if a certain sage is reincarnated and rebuilt, I really don't know how those emperors will feel."

Although the reincarnation of a sage is unbelievable, if it is true, then it will be an impact for the entire Southern Xinjiang emperor inheritance.

After all, regardless of whether it is Princess Saint Demon Gate or Young Master Wuya, although they have been passed on, they still need hundreds of thousands of years or more to become a sage.

If a sage appears directly, then you can definitely give orders to the entire Southern Xinjiang Demon Race!

Reincarnation of saints?

Emperor Ri Yao coldly snorted in his heart, but even him began to waver.

After all, ordinary people, even enchanting geniuses, can't be so calm and comfortable in front of him or even not put his generation of Demon Emperor in their eyes.

Only the sage of the past would be indifferent to his demon emperor's face!

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