Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2874: Against the sky

Every monster clan was shaking in his mind and it was difficult to calm down.

But at the moment, the most tense person is no more than the few powerhouses in Lushuiyuan.

They can't save people, they can only stare.

Above the ladder, Lord Wuya and Jue Wuxi both had their eyes brightened.

Gu Ze, not Gu Ze! Both of them guessed wrong.

However, this result made them unable to calm even more than the two of them originally guessed.

"Wuya, do you know this person?"

Jue Wuxi's voice was cold, and such a perverted evildoer suddenly appeared, which was naturally a threat to them.

"I don't know this person, he looks like he was born in a casual cultivation."

Casual repair!

It's a casual repair!

Many demon races in Demon City have also noticed this at this moment.

"Oh my god, isn't it really from a casual cultivator?"

There are some strong monsters in the casual practice world who can't believe it.

"In our casual cultivator world, can such enchanting appear unexpectedly?"

Since ancient times, even though strong men have often appeared in casual cultivators, there is no one who has truly achieved the kind of reputation that has been admired by the world.

After all, this world, countless resources, peerless techniques and treasures, are all occupied by ancient heritages. Those emperor gates, and the forces that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years, have backgrounds that ordinary people can't imagine, and they can cultivate a peerless evildoer that is invincible.

In contrast, casual cultivators are fighting on their own, and even fighting all the year round. In the eyes of many emperors, casual cultivators simply cannot make it onto the stage.

Some casual cultivators are excited and excited, with a trace of hesitation and doubt.

However, some of the sects of southern Xinjiang have changed their expressions extremely complex at this moment.

Zongmen had noticed the sudden emergence of Li Ye before, but at that time Li Ye hadn't shown such terrifying potential and talent.

But at this moment, he looked at him, this enchanting evildoer is comparable to the level of Tianjiao of Prince Wuya!

If it was cultivated by a certain emperor's inheritance, everyone would not be surprised at this level, but it is just a small casual cultivator!

Among them, the most wonderful faces were those who had been suspicious of Li Ye's identity before.

"My lord, that kid, wouldn't it be the same as the ancient stone emperor back then, but a divine stone?"

Sacred stone?

No one can give an answer. At least one ancient stone emperor was born in southern Xinjiang for millions of years.

"No matter who he is, after today, there will be one more peerless talent in Nanjiang!"

Even if you don't admit it, everyone in Demon City today has witnessed this.

Turns out a dark horse was born, showing such a terrifying talent potential, even if this kind of genius wants to keep a low profile, it is absolutely impossible to be forgotten by the world.


With a terrible roar, that huge suppression giant instantly fell apart and turned into a little golden light.

At the next moment, everyone was horrified to see that the little golden light did not dissipate, but turned into countless golden trickles into Li Ye's body.

Numerous golden lights, continuous and continuous, seem to be attracted.

"how is this possible!"

"That is!"

A strong monster of the monster clan was stunned, they didn't believe what they saw.


"No! That's not the sage's inheritance, but the sage's power gathered by the suppression of the palm just now."

The old voice made everyone tremble. I don't know when, in the void of Demon City, a series of invincible and terrifying bodies appeared.

It is not the incarnation of a demon god, nor is it an ancient sage, but a living masterpiece!

These people, from the moment they appeared, were accompanied by a great momentum.

Holy Emperor! These people are clearly strong in the holy emperor realm.

In Southern Xinjiang, that is the Yaozun of the Yaozu!

In an instant, at least more than a dozen demon-sovereign-sage-emperor-level powerhouses appeared. From their faces, it could also be seen that the turbulence in their hearts at this moment would definitely not be much lower than the others.

"Oh my god, so many demon-exalted holy emperor-level powerhouses have come."

"It seems that today's Demon City is destined to not be peaceful!"

"First, three peerless Tianjiao received the gift of sage inheritance, and now a super dark horse was born! Look at him, even if he is not as good as those three Tianjiao, it is not far behind!"


Li Ye's whole body was almost exploded by the golden light, but at that moment, a black hole was formed in his body, directly swallowing those forces that he could not bear and absorb, so as to prevent him from exploding. The end of death.

When everything disappeared, Li Ye finally opened his eyes.

A touch of gold slid through the depths of his eyes, and at the same time, on his body, one could see ancient lines appearing, each of which seemed to contain some superior will and profound meaning.

"Although it is not a true sage inheritance, it has gathered the incarnation of the will of countless generations of sages, and it really benefits people a lot."

I felt it slightly, although it didn't help his cultivation realm at all, it allowed him to touch the gate of another piece of heaven and earth.

The cultivation of the Monster Race is different from that of the Human Race. Unlike the human race, the demon race's cultivation is more about inspiring the inheritance of the blood in the body, and even one day, can completely awaken the imprint of the extremely powerful sky demon in the ancient blood.

Once awakened, not to mention that he can become a true sky demon, but at least enough to make his cultivation reach a height that ordinary people can't imagine.

"If the blood of the dragon in my body can be awakened in this way, will one day be transformed into a dragon?"

Once the Yaozu completely awakens its blood, it can transform into an ancient sky demon in a short time. And he also has the blood of a magic dragon in his body. If he can fully awaken, theoretically he can also transform into a real dragon in a short time!

Depressing the surprise in his heart, it can be said that this time he embarked on the pilgrimage ladder, it did not help his cultivation, but it allowed him to obtain a new cultivation path in which he became a dragon.

Not far away, Gu Ze was lying on the ground. Although he was not dead, he was still seriously injured and dying.

He stared at Li Ye with a pair of eyes!

Unwilling, remorse, and upset can be clearly seen in his eyes.

"Today's hatred, my Guze will surely return it a hundred times and a thousand times in the future!"

After all, he is a descendant of the Emperor Sect, and he still has something to save his life!

From Gu Ze's body, a ray of light directly wrapped his whole person in it, and at the same time a terrible breath instantly made him disappear in place.


Li Ye's eyes narrowed, it was obvious that the emperor had intervened and took Gu Ze directly away with supreme magical powers.

Only the emperor had such a means to take away one person directly from the pilgrimage ladder.

For a moment, countless monsters, their eyes all fell on Li Ye.

Where did such a silent cultivator come from?

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