Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2873: Another ancient stone emperor?

Looking closely, the golden palm of the suppression was actually being lifted bit by bit!

It is clear that someone lifted up the giant hand of suppression with supreme power.

What is that concept?

Within the Demon City, every demon clan took a deep breath.

Especially the monster race with a high level of cultivation knows better how to achieve this, what kind of supreme supernatural power is needed to dominate the world?

More importantly, it was a situation where even the half-demon emperor had to be killed or injured. There were people who were able to forcefully resist, and even lifted the giant hand that the suppression had transformed.

At this moment, including Young Master Wuya and Jue Wuxi, all their faces changed.

"Wuya, could you do this step?"

Jue Wuquan couldn't calm down, and looked towards Young Master Wuya.

After all, his biggest opponent in this life is Young Master Wu Ya, and with his pride, naturally he would not compete with Princess Saint Demon Gate with a woman, and distinguish a level.

As for Gu Ze, he never cared about it.

But now, he found that he was wrong.

Young Master Wuya didn't answer, but he could get the answer from his solemn expression.

he can not!

In other words, even he is not sure that he can do this step.

The indestructible expression sank, he had never seen such an expression of Young Master Wu Ya. Even compared to stepping here, he also accepted the inheritance of an ancient sage's will, and he was more solemn.

"Gu Ze! Did we all look down on you?"

The two most top-notch evildoers from the southern border monsters are surprisingly consistent at this moment!

Only the eyes of Princess Saint Demon Gate had ripples, because she had already guessed the result.

"Lift it up!"

A monster cried out in exclamation. As expected, everyone saw that the giant hand of suppression was lifted directly. At the same time, everyone saw that there was a person underneath. A piece of heaven.

"Is it Gu Ze?"

A series of terrifying eyes gathered in the past. If Gu Ze really did all of this, then countless forces in southern Xinjiang will change their views on this descendant of the Emperor!

No longer succumbing to Lord Wuya and Immortal, this will be the birth of another invincible evildoer in Southern Xinjiang.

Green Water Garden, Qing Cangmen, Jiuyao Hall.

Even the Saint Demon Gate was full of surprises.

Yubao Yaozun's eyes flickered even more, the more evil evildoers were born in Southern Xinjiang, although it was a grand event for the Yaozu. But for the Saint Demon Gate, it is not good news.

But then, someone found something wrong.

"and many more!"

An ancestor-level demon clan's gaze condensed, and his entire face changed in the next moment, pale in shock!

"Master, what's the matter?"

The demon clan powerhouses around him were all curious, but the ancestor opened his mouth, as if he had seen what an incredible picture, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

However, there was not only one person, but immediately after many monster races with extremely powerful cultivation bases, similar expression changes appeared, and the whole body was shaken and frozen in place.

This caused a lot of demons and some juniors to anxious.

What happened? Why did they all seem to have been petrified?

Jade Demon Sovereign cast a beam of gaze and directly penetrated layers of void, but then he took a deep breath!

"how is this possible?"

The Demon Sovereign Sovereign of the dignified Saint Demon Gate screamed in exclamation.

He also awakened many people with such a cry.

At this time, everyone finally knew why such a powerful ancestor would have that expression.

Because they finally saw the body with the giant hand up, who was it!


Do not!

It was not Gu Ze, but the nameless monster clan who had just confronted Gu Ze!

Li Ye!

It is Li Ye who holds up a piece of heaven and earth!

He only saw Li Ye at this moment, covered in blood, with blue veins bulging, his hands against the sky, as if he was going to push up the huge suppression giant hand of the sky.

"How could it be! How could it be this kid!"

In everyone's eyes, only Gu Ze is still alive! Naturally, Li Ye, an unknown man, could not survive.

But now, I almost shattered the eyes of many people.

"Where is Gu Ze?"

A Yaozu suddenly reacted and asked loudly.

And the powerhouses in Lushuiyuan were even more shocked, ah, what about their descendants?

The sharp-eyed monster clan suddenly shouted, "Over there!"

Following that line of sight, he really saw a figure lying on the ground with unknown life and death. After careful identification, it was Gu Ze, the descendant of Lushui Garden.

It's just that if the Guze aura at this time is there or not, if you don't investigate carefully, you can't find it at all.

This is obviously a serious injury and dying occasion!

At that moment, just now, who was still vigorously touting the forthcoming fourth peerless talent in southern Xinjiang, and even those who might be inherited from sages, all looked embarrassed and closed their mouths.

Originally, some sects wanted to get closer to Lvshuiyuan, even if they surrendered to it, they didn't matter. At this moment, they immediately dispelled their original thoughts.

"Damn, what the **** is that kid?"

"Gu Ze, a descendant of the Emperor Sect, has been suppressed and is about to die. Can he actually support it?"

"This kid, wouldn't it be the one that popped out of the rock?"

I don't know which demon clan is fantastic, but many of the older generation of strong people burst into light in their eyes.

Because they thought of a rumor!

"Is it another ancient stone emperor?"

An ancestor whispered to himself, and the ancient stone emperor in his mouth, although not from the demon clan of southern Xinjiang, there is a legendary emperor who has a strong pen in the history of southern Xinjiang.

Many ancestors were shocked when they heard this.

"Emperor Gushi! Is there a second divine stone in this world that falls into the mortal world?"

It turned out that the ancient stone emperor was transformed from a divine stone, although no one has confirmed it, even the ancient stone emperor himself has not admitted it. However, there are many rumors that a great emperor who was born in southern Xinjiang hundreds of thousands of years ago was transformed from a sacred stone left over from the ancient times.

"Emperor Gu Shi, that can almost exist side by side with Emperor Hengtian!"

Who is the Great Emperor Hengtian, whether it is a human race or a demon race, all know well.

In that era, even the other great emperors took a detour to the great Emperor Hengtian. That was a real enemyless thing! Even the Wushen Mountain and the Yaowang Palace have to give some face.

However, Emperor Gu Shi, although not as invincible as Emperor Hengtian, was the only opponent who could fight with Emperor Hengtian for three days and three nights before defeating him.

Also because of the confrontation between the great emperors, the ancient stone great also became one of the top great emperors of that era.

After all, since Emperor Hengtian stepped into the emperor realm, no one has been able to support a hundred moves in his hands! This is true even for opponents of the same great emperor realm.

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