Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2856: Unlimited son

Jiuyao Palace, Master Wuya!

In the Demon City, many powerful demon races in southern Xinjiang gathered.

There are disciples from the emperor sect, as well as other sect geniuses, and there are countless casual cultivators.

But with the appearance of Young Master Wu Ya, everyone seemed to be affected by his aura, and naturally merged into it, becoming a terrifying power of Young Master Wu Ya himself.

In this scene, even Yu Bao Yao Zun was shocked when he saw it!

"This kid in Jiuyao Hall has actually cultivated to this level?"

Most people can't see it, but the Jade Demon Sovereign, who is the Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor, can see at a glance that this is clearly a sign of the great success of the Heavenly Dao!

Heavenly Way! Only the Emperor Chu can practice!

Once completed, it is an opportunity to hit the imperial realm!

Li Ye squinted his eyes at the same time, "Interesting, the descendant of Jiuyao Temple is even better than imagined."

From the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, to Death Valley, and then to Southern Xinjiang.

Li Ye has seen many peerless geniuses.

For example, Mo Zihan, in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou at that time, was a dragon and a phoenix among the people, no one could match.

However, even if Mo Zihan stepped into the Imperial Reserve and cultivated the Heavenly Dao, he was just getting started!

The Prince Wuya in front of him was already in the great realm of the Heavenly Dao!

What is that concept?

Li Ye had only seen it in one person before!

Dongzhou Helan family, Helan Tianlang!

Even Feng Yang, the young master of Fenghuo City, or Princess Saint Demon Gate, has not reached such a height!

"Boy, it looks like you have met an opponent."

The Emperor Tianjian laughed, but his tone was not so relaxed.

Heavenly Dao Dacheng! Although it doesn't mean that you can really become a great emperor, but at such a young age, even a character like the Heavenly Sword Emperor is shocked by the great achievements of the heavens.

"The kid from the Helan family is a feudal genius, this emperor is not surprised. But this kid is strange!"

It's really strange!

Cangtian Dao is the only choice to step into the emperor realm.

But for millions of years, many emperors have been born, but not many have truly become emperors.

If you want to cultivate the Cangtian Dao to great accomplishment or even Consummation, the difficulties are definitely not simpler than that of a mortal who cultivates to the emperor reserve. It is even more difficult and requires countless calamities!

"Cang Tian Dao, any small realm improvement needs to attract a heavenly calamity. For the heavenly Dao to become a great achievement, you must experience at least three heavenly tribulations, and each time it is more powerful."

Li Ye frowned slightly, he was also the Emperor Chu, but a strong man who had just stepped into the Emperor Chu to cultivate the Cangtian Dao, and a Cangtian Dao great Emperor Chu man, the former could not even resist even the latter's three or five moves!

"The emperor is also very surprised that such a talented person can appear in Southern Xinjiang."

Li Ye naturally understood the meaning of Emperor Tianjian.

However, seeing the descendant of Jiuyao Temple evoked Li Ye's blood that had been silent for a while.

Compared with the awe of ordinary people, he is a little more war-conscious!

Such an opponent is hard to find in the world!

In the previous Helan Tianlang, Li Ye was still weak at the time. Although he killed the opponent's clone, he knew very well that if Helan Tianlang had come from the real body, he would only have a 10% chance of winning!

The only option is to avoid without fighting.

But now it's different!

The body of the five elements is close to Dacheng! More importantly, after absorbing the primordial yin of the two daughters of Evian Lan and Saint Demon Gate Princess, his current cultivation base is not even clear to him.

Obviously, even the Emperor Wu is not counted, but he really wants to fight, whether he is the holy emperor, or the emperor of the heavenly Dao, he has the power to fight.

"Senior, I don't know what the younger generation said, does the senior agree?"

In the entire southern Xinjiang, among the younger generation, perhaps only one person dared to speak in this tone in front of the emperor.

Jiuyao Palace, Master Wuya!

"Little Lord."

Even if the Silver Snake Demon Sovereign had such an identity, when he saw Young Master Wu Ya appeared, he still bowed slightly.

It is enough to see the status of the Jiuyao Palace, the son of Wuya!


But this Prince Wuya didn't look like an arrogant person, and he even smiled without any airs.

Emperor Bingyi did not answer. Although Young Master Wuya is now the top prince in southern Xinjiang, he is naturally ignored as Emperor Bingyi.

But Young Master Wuya didn't care, he just smiled and continued, "Of course, the Saint Demon Gate has guarded southern Xinjiang for many years, and the Demon Race is naturally grateful. Now, for a human junior, the hurt and anger are too small. Do. How about this, the junior has a proposal."

Everyone thought that the appearance of Lord Wuya meant that Jiuyao Palace was officially starting to challenge the status of the first emperor in the southern border of the Saint Demon Gate, but they didn't expect this Lord Wuya to change his words.

"I don't know what proposal Wuya Young Master has?"

Jade Demon Sovereign asked in a deep voice, what kind of identity is the Great Emperor Bing Yi, she will appear to protect Li Yedu that everyone can't believe it, and now naturally she wouldn't care about it with a junior.

"Jade Demon Lord, the younger generation's proposal is actually very simple."


"This matter was caused by a human monk who killed several monks and daoists of my demon race. Now that the Saint Demon Sect is willing to protect this person, the younger generation has nothing to say. However, the daoist demon cultivator was killed. A member of the monster race, naturally can’t sit idly by. Why don’t you ask the fellow human being to come out in person. I can fight with him alone. If he can resist a hundred moves in my hands, I’ll be the Jiuyao Hall. How about exiting here?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Silver Snake Demon Venerable was shocked!

Obviously this matter was not the decision of Jiuyao Temple, but the decision of Young Master Wu Ya himself.

But what is surprising is that as one of the ancestors of the Jiuyao Temple, the Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor, there was no sound.

This made many people look at it, and they all raised their brows.

"This Young Master Wuya seems to be the next Sect Master of the Nine Lights Palace!"

"Not only that, looking at the attitude of the Silver Snake Demon Venerable, the descendant of Jiu Yao Temple, it seems that he is not far from that realm."

Regardless of everyone, there was a smile on his face.

Jade Demon Sovereign looked embarrassed, Master Wu Ya's proposal definitely put the Saint Demon Gate in a rather awkward position.

"I don't know the Saint Demon Gate, what do you think of my proposal?"

The smile on Young Master Wuya's face remained unchanged, and it was even more extraordinary.

Some Monster Clan cultivators have even admired, "Young Master Wu Ya is worthy of being a descendant of the Emperor Sect, and his talent is too popular.

"Yeah, compared to the Saint Demon Gate, in the last tens of thousands of years, the Jiuyao Temple has been more representative of our Southern Border Demon Race, especially this Young Master Wuya. If he becomes the next great emperor, he can naturally lead our Demon Race to prosperity. !"

Some monsters talked about it, but some of them shone in their expressions, which was obviously intentional.

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