Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2855: Emperor Bingyi

The Great! The emperor of the Saint Demon Gate!

As everyone knows, there are a total of three Saint Demon Gate Great Emperors!

In addition to the earliest Demon Heaven Emperor, there was once a Human Race Emperor named Dongyue Emperor!

However, these two great emperors have long since asked about the world, and no one even knows whether they are still alive.

Today's Saint Demon Gate, if the emperor was just now, there is only one person!


The princess of the Saint Demon Gate was slightly agitated, and Li Ye also knew that the master who was able to speak with the voice just now turned out to be Emperor Bingyi of the Saint Demon Gate!

"It turned out to be Emperor Bingyi!"

The three Ling Xi Yao Zun also bowed slightly at this time.

They are the Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor, but they are far from the Great Emperor.

Although the world says that the Holy Emperor is a powerful existence alongside the Great Emperor, only they themselves know. The invincibility of the Saint Emperor is only aimed at the strong other than the Emperor. In front of the Emperor, unless it is the kind of extremely enchanting Saint Emperor, there is hope to save his life and escape.

"People, at my Saint Demon Gate, if you want to take people away, you can just step through the Saint Demon Gate."

The voice was not cold or cold, but almost made the three of Lingxi Yaozun's foreheads sweat.

Not to mention the other demons in the Demon City.

This is Emperor Bingyi!

And this dull tone, stepping through the door of the Saint Demon Gate?

What a joke!

Even if the Jiuyao Temple has the ambition to compete with the Saint Demon Gate, it is well known that there is still a gap between the current Jiuyao Temple and the Saint Demon Gate!

Not to mention Lushuiyuan and Qingcangmen, the two imperial gates are in the eyes of Saint Demon gate, but that's all.


Many demon races have heard the myth of the Saint Demon Gate since they were young, and only now have they really seen the domineering side of the Saint Demon Gate!

However, Jade Demon Sovereign had a little cold sweat, if this was not spoken from the mouth of Emperor Bingyi, even he would be taken aback!

"The emperor's words are serious. I am waiting to come, but it is for the demon races in southern Xinjiang to seek an explanation."

The Silver Snake Demon Sovereign was leaning on crutches, but the aura on his body was enough to make the upper demon emperor dare not approach.

Although the emperor is scary enough, this time, they are not only the three big emperors and Dao Tong teaming together, there are other people behind the scenes.

A Bingyi Great Emperor, indeed, restrained them, but could not restrain the people behind them.

"Answer? If you want to ask for an explanation, go to the Saint Demon Gate and come to this emperor to ask for it."

Even Li Ye felt a little cold sweat after hearing it. This kind of aura and self-confidence meant that the emperor had this confidence.

Facing the three demon kings, even the emperor's Taoism behind them.

Is Shang Bingyi begging for an explanation? Even the Silver Snake Demon Venerable couldn't help being speechless, she naturally didn't dare!

She really wants to go to the Saint Demon Gate, although she doesn't think the Saint Demon Gate dared to kill her, but facing a great emperor, she is really going to be smashed by the hand of the great emperor. Can't you directly let the Jiu Yao Temple and the Saint Demon Gate go to war?

Moreover, most people don't know, but when they reach their heights, they actually know some of the experience of the Bing Yi Great Emperor in his early years.

"This one……"

Lingxi Demon Venerable also looked away, and Tianqing Demon Venerable only pretended not to hear.

But in the Demon City, some of the older generation of strong people also know the mystery.

"It is rumored that when Emperor Bingyi was young, he was also a well-known peerless beauty in southern Xinjiang. He once had an emotional entanglement with a peerless genius in Jiuyao Temple. Although the details are not clear, Bingyi has not yet entered the emperor. Before Chu, he had returned to the Saint Demon Gate with wounds, no one knew what happened."

"The old man has also heard about this. It should have been 130,000 years ago? The Great Bingyi was only a fledgling back then, but there was an invincible evildoer who turned out to be born in the Jiuyao Hall back then! The name is Yunzang! The imperial prince is even more difficult to find a defeat in southern Xinjiang! Even many holy emperor ancestors are not willing to offend him! He is hailed as the most likely candidate to become the second emperor of the Jiuyao Palace."

"Yes, it's a pity, I didn't know what happened later. Yunzang went into a demon, killed the Quartet and fell into the magic way. For a time, many sects in southern Xinjiang joined forces to punish people, but Jiuyao Palace saved people. Come down. At that time, it happened to be the days when Emperor Bingyi was all over his body, and something must have happened in it."

I don't know how outsiders guess, but the Silver Snake Demon Lord naturally knows what happened.

Although she was not born back then, she knew the inside story!

Precisely because she knew that she would never step into the Saint Demon Gate, let alone appear in front of the Great Bingyi, that was looking for death!

Because of the presence of Emperor Bing Yi, even if she only spoke the law, her imperial will will be heard from a distance, but it was enough to calm everyone.

But at this moment, there was a voice.

"Senior Bingyi seems to be trying to protect the safety of the human race, but Senior Bingyi once thought that this person killed my compatriots from the demon race in southern Xinjiang, but now I am at large because of the hands of seniors, and it is not cold to the whole South. The heart of the Xinjiang Monster Race?"

The sound was not loud, but it almost spread throughout the entire Demon City.

This level of cultivation, this level of momentum!

No one arrives, the sound comes first!

More importantly, there was a hint of magic in that voice, and many strong monsters felt the same way.

"Yeah, this is true. Although the emperor keeps his promises, he can't shield a human murderer!"

"Yes! Killing my fellow demons, if you can't get a statement, I don't think the Saint Demon Gate needs to claim to be a holy land of the demon race in Southern Xinjiang, and leave Nanjiang directly into the Valkyrie Mountain. The Medicine King Palace will be embraced!"

The group of demons was in a commotion, but Li Ye looked in the direction of the sound.

I only saw a white-clothed young man walking slowly, but one step at a time, his mighty momentum was even comparable to those of the demon-exalted holy emperor.

Emperor Chu!

There was a sharp edge in Li Ye's eyes! This person is clearly an emperor who has been recognized by the will of the sky and has cultivated the way of the sky!

Moreover, it is definitely not the way Mo Zihan first stepped into the emperor reserve realm, the Heavenly Dao on him has been completely formed! It's definitely not as simple as just practicing!

As soon as the white-clothed young man appeared, countless people gave way.

As if he is the king of this world, the heroes bow down.

That level of aura, compared to the indestructible before, must be three-pointers!

If you say that it is indestructible, it is cold and domineering! Then this person is a natural king, but it is even more shocking and scary.


A person suddenly appeared in Li Ye's mind, a genius who claimed to be the only one who could compete with the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate in Southern Xinjiang, and was even known as a peerless genius who might surpass the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate!

Jiuyao Palace, Master Wuya! Rumored to have the blood of the ancient sacred beast!

"Did it finally show up?"

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