Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2839: Sister

In the Demon City, Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon were not conspicuous.

After all, the Demon City was originally a holy city of the Demon Race in Southern Xinjiang, where the Demon Race can be seen almost everywhere, but there are not many monks of the Human Race.

Nowadays, a large number of demon cultivators have gathered in the demon city, and no one would have noticed two unremarkable little demon tribes like Li Ye.

"The Lord hasn't come yet, don't worry."

The entire southern Xinjiang, now because of the fact that he killed several demon clan juniors at the beginning, with the help of the caring people, the whole southern Xinjiang has become a storm.

As the person involved, he was so comfortable among a group of monsters that even Princess Saint Demon Gate couldn't stand it anymore.

Compared with Li Ye's leisurely content, Princess Saint Demon Gate wanted to return to Saint Demon Gate immediately.

"You Yao, why should you be so anxious, if the Saint Demon Gate can't stop even such a scene, it will not be possible to stand in southern Xinjiang for so long."

Demon? Princess Saint Demon Gate almost didn't turn black in front of her eyes, and her pretty face turned red.

Her boudoir is called Yaoji, but for so many years, except for her master Bingyi the Great, even the Demon Emperor and even Yu Yaozun would respect her as a princess.

It was Li Ye, who had a thick skin now, and such an intimate name made her feel strange for a while.

hate? Obviously not.

But she still said with a cold face, "Brother Dao, please respect yourself."

"Don't you like this name? Then I call you Ji Ji?"

Ji Ji? Princess Saint Demon Gate fainted, but before she could speak, she heard Li Ye say, "In fact, I think some of the secular world's titles are also good, such as..."

"Stop! Brother Dao, you should call me Yaoyao."

For fear that Li Ye would continue to be so shameless, and wondering what a blushing nickname he would call, Princess Saint Demon finally took a step back.

"You Yao, I know you are worried now. But for so many years, the Saint Demon Sect has been seen in larger battles than today. This little thing will not make the undead of the Saint Demon Sect restless."

Although Li Ye was not born in the Saint Demon Gate, but an ancient heritage that has stood for millions of years, has experienced glory and decline, and can still exist in the world today, and naturally has the ability to deal with such small scenes.

"Brother Dao don't worry about yourself?"

Princess Saint Demon Gate actually knew that the Saint Demon Gate could bear such a small scene. It was Li Ye's indifferent attitude that made her very curious.

After all, this time, the vast majority of the entire Southern Xinjiang Demon Race was directed at him.

No matter what the purpose of the people behind the scenes is, as long as Li Ye shows up, he will directly face the countless monster races in southern Xinjiang!

At that time, even if the Saint Demon Gate is willing to risk offending all the demon races in southern Xinjiang, they will not be able to protect him.

"Worry about me? Why?"

why? Why are you still asking?

Taking a deep breath, "Brother Dao is calm and composed, obviously he has a countermeasure."

"No, no, you are wrong. I am good at everything, but I am lazy. I haven't thought of the countermeasures yet."

No, I didn't expect it?

Princess Saint Demon Gate simply didn't expect that this would be the answer.

It took a long time to come back to God, "Brother Dao, are you not afraid that once you reveal your identity, you will have no place in Southern Xinjiang?"

Offending the entire Southern Xinjiang Demon Race, unless it is the Great Emperor, they will have no place in Southern Xinjiang!

Even the emperor did not dare to mess around.

Even the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor, who entered Southern Xinjiang several times, was extremely low-key. After all, even the Great Emperor, sometimes he was not truly fearless.

"Oh?" Li Ye smiled when he heard the words, and then looked at Princess Saint Demon Gate with a smile but a smile, "If my identity is revealed, you demon will you protect me?"

This question made Princess Saint Demon's face blush, but she quickly recovered her calm, "Brother Dao said and laughed."

"I just want to know, if I were an enemy of the entire Southern Border Demon Race, and even the Saint Demon Gate had to get rid of me, what would you do?"

Princess Saint Demon Gate wanted to avoid this question, but Li Ye didn't give her any chance!

He even approached her directly with oppressive means, causing the Saint Demon Gate Princess to back away in a panic.

Enemy with the entire Southern Xinjiang Demon Race? Even an enemy of the Saint Demon Gate?

The former, Li Ye has basically achieved, and now he has been deliberately fueled by the wind in southern Xinjiang, and has been pushed to the cusp of the storm. As for the latter, Li Ye is actually a temptation!

The Saint Demon Gate is indeed worthy of this kind of compulsion, even if someone is leading it behind the scenes, but they have far underestimated the ancient heritage of one that has stood for millions of years, and the ancient inheritance of the three emperors.

Not to mention this kind of forcing the palace, even if several emperor-level sects team up to make a direct shot, they may not be able to let the Saint Demon Sect!

Unless several great emperors showed up in person regardless of their identities, the world, even the Wushen Mountain and the Medicine King Hall, would not be scared by the Saint Demon Gate.

However, Li Ye didn't know what the old immortals at the Saint Demon Gate thought.

More importantly, the current emperor Bingyi at the Saint Demon Gate! He really wanted to know how he thought about it!

How to do it?

Princess Saint Demon Gate could no longer remain calm, her face flashed with hesitation and pain.

She couldn't answer, and Li Ye suddenly put away the compelling look just now, with a relaxed expression.

Because he had already got what he wanted, even if Princess Saint Demon Gate didn't answer, she looked hesitant. But just because of this hesitation, he felt enough!

On one side is the sect who cultivated her! One day as a teacher and life as a father! Although many people in the monastic world don't take it to heart, it is obvious that with the consistent tradition of the Saint Demon Gate, it is impossible to simply select the descendants.

Even so, the Saint Demon Gate Princess would hesitate, which meant that his position in her heart was faintly equal to that of the Saint Demon Gate and even the Great Bing Yi.

"Boy, the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate rarely marry outside. Looking at the appearance of this little Nizi, he should not be merciless to you. At that time, this emperor really wants to see that the elders of the Saint Demon Gate know their If the descendants end up favoring you, how will they look like! Hahahaha!"

The Heavenly Sword Great laughed, and there was even a taste of gloating, which made Li Ye secretly guess that the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor must have had an unpleasant experience with the Saint Demon Gate back then, and even formed a beam, otherwise it would be impossible to breathe like this. .

On this day, the Saint Demon Gate finally reacted.

A portal appeared directly above the Demon City! At the same time, like a fairy cloud, a ladder to the sky appeared from the portal.

Countless demon cultivators in the Demon City saw this, and they all felt the terrible pressure from that portal!

Some people with weaker cultivation bases can't even bear it directly, with a look of horror on their faces.

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