Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2838: Demon City

Demon City, in southern Xinjiang, almost has the reputation of a holy city.

Not only is the Demon City the largest city in southern Xinjiang, but also because the Demon City is the only city directly controlled by the Saint Demon Gate.

At the same time, according to legend, the Demon City was once the place where an invincible and terrifying strong man in the Demon World fell.

After the death of the strong man in the demon world, his body turned into the earth, giving birth to this city.

No one knows who the strong demon clan is, but there are countless demon clan manifestations. Although it can’t be compared with some spiritual veins and even the land of dragon veins in the demon city, cultivating in this demon city is for the demon clan But it has great benefits!

One of the most important points is that in Demon City, the strength of the Demon Race can be increased by about 20% compared to normal!

On the contrary, in the Demon City, powerhouses outside the demon clan came, but they had to be suppressed by two to thirty percent of their skills.

For this reason, the Demon City is a holy city in the eyes of the Demon Race!

But in the eyes of others, it is a demon city!

"Strange, why am I not suppressed?"

When he came to the Demon City, Li Ye's heart flashed a question.

He is not a monster. It is reasonable to say that after entering the Demon City, his cultivation level will be suppressed by about 20%, but since he stepped into the Demon City, he has not felt any suppression at all, and there is even a faint surging desire to come out. feel.

Not only did it not suppress, but also improved?

If it weren't for him to know his origin, he would even doubt whether he was a real monster or not! Or the Li clan in Wuzhou City was once descendants with the blood of the Yao clan.

"You are not suppressed?"

Princess Saint Demon Gate was also surprised.

"No, but there is indeed a strange power in this Demon City."

No one knows why the Demon City has such a mysterious power to strengthen the demon clan and suppress other clan powerhouses.

Even if the Saint Demon Gate controlled this place for thousands of years, no reason was found.

"This is a mystery of the ages, maybe it is some ancient existence in the Demon Realm and Shen Shengzhou that year, I will know it."

Because he was not suppressed, Li Ye's biggest worry disappeared at this moment.

He could feel that there were many times along the way, always having a pair of eyes, observing him in the dark.


"Is the investigation clear?"

"There is no news yet, but these two people should not be humans."

It turned out that from the beginning, the identities of Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate were suspected.

In particular, the origins of the two cannot be found at all.

Of course, this is not the point. The southern Xinjiang is so big, and there are countless demons who have scattered and cultivated.

What they suspect is the identity of Li Ye.

"Yu Demon City, only the Demon Race can enter and leave freely. Once other people approach the Demon City, they will inevitably be suppressed by the breath of the Demon City. Since these two are not human races, there should be no problem."

The demon emperor who appeared in front of Li Ye at that time, now looks respectful and respectful in front of a kind-looking old man.

There was even a trace of awe between those expressions.

"What the envoy said is that many people who wanted to fish in troubled waters have been caught recently, and many of them have been dealt with by human spies."

"It's a good job. This time, it is a great opportunity to change the situation in southern Xinjiang. Don't lose everything just because of a little thing."

"Your envoy, don't worry, this time is foolproof!"

The identity of the old man is a mystery.

Even from beginning to end, it is looming.

Because it was not the real body coming, but just a divine mind clone.

A mere avatar of Divine Mind made a Demon Emperor stand in front of him, breathing difficulty almost suppressed. One can imagine how terrible it would be if the real deity came!

When the old man's clone disappeared, the Demon Emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, someone came in from outside.

"Elder, the matter has been settled."

The Demon Emperor, who was still trembling in front of the old man just now, changed his expression and became extremely majestic.

"Go on, the casual cultivators here are not enough! Such a small number of people can't bring too much pressure to the Saint Demon Gate."

"But the elder, many casual cultivators are hesitant, after all, it is not a small risk to let them offend the Saint Demon Gate."

"There is no return for what you have paid! Tell them that as long as this is done, they can agree to what they want."

It turned out that this Demon Emperor was an elder of the Jiuyao Hall.

This time the concealment of identity was mixed into the casual cultivator, naturally there was a plan.

At the same time, in the Demon City, more and more casual repairs gathered.

Even the Saint Demon Gate was alarmed.

The demon race changed, and several human forces in southern Xinjiang were watching.

"This time, the Saint Demon Gate seems to be going through a catastrophe."

"Haha, the Nanjiang Demon Race has always regarded the Saint Demon Gate as a holy place to worship, but now they have to deal with the Saint Demon Gate in reverse, which is really ridiculous! These remnants of the demon world have long been seen by them in Nanjiang for so many years! It's really pleasant for them to turn their backs on their own."

Southern Xinjiang is not without powerful human forces, such as Wuyue Mountain, it is also known as the strongest sect of Southern Xinjiang Human.

Especially the Wuyue old man of Wuyue Mountain, known as the number one master of the human race in southern Xinjiang, the top of the holy emperor!

"You said, will the Saint Demon Gate surrender that kid?"

For the fuse this time, many human experts in southern Xinjiang are quite curious.

"Regardless of whether the Saint Demon Clan is handed over or not, this time the Jiuyaodian and other cliques will not give up. They finally found this opportunity. If they don't use it, it will not be wasted?"

"That said, they bit the dog anyway, no matter what the result is, this time the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang will definitely be badly injured!"

Different from the optimistic mentality of some sects and strong people of the human race, some ancient monsters in southern Xinjiang were also alarmed by this incident.

The ancient beings awakened from their long sleep, silently paying attention to the deranged exhibition.

"Holy Demon Gate, this time it's too shameful!"

There are ancient demon sages, grunting angrily.

"You can't say that. The Saint Demon Gate has guarded Southern Xinjiang for so many years, and there may be other secrets behind this matter."

Even some ancient existences have different opinions.

Some of the demon sages who had received the blessing of the Saint Demon Gate, and some of the demon sages who had a good relationship with the Saint Demon Gate, naturally stood on the side of the Saint Demon Gate.

But there are also some demon sages who direct their spears at the Saint Demon Gate.

Li Ye, who was the person involved, is now safely under everyone's eyes, in Demon City.

"Brother Dao is leisurely."

Li Ye was so careless and careless, finally making the Princess Saint Demon Can't help it.

But since leaving the valley, she has always maintained a nonchalant attitude towards Li Ye.

In this regard, Li Ye could only smile bitterly. Those few months in the valley were undoubtedly the truest aspect of Princess Saint Demon Gate, but he couldn't stay there forever.

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