Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2831: Kiya overnight

No wonder, Heavenly Sword Great Emperor would laugh so thief.

After all, this peach blossom powder is not a precious pill, even some ordinary alchemists can refine it.

However, once this thing is misunderstood, the consequences are not simple.

It can even be said that it is very serious!

A cultivator is also a human being, and naturally also has seven emotions and six desires. As long as the person who has **** has caught this peach blossom powder, it will be deeply involved.

"Old ghost, don't gloat, this matter is not easy to solve."

"Is there anything that can't be solved? If you don't grasp the Yanfu falling from the sky, it will be too wasteful."

After speaking, Emperor Tianjian smiled quite happily.

However, Li Ye was not happy at all. After all, there was only one way to save the Taohuasan.

And this method is definitely not easy for him to make a decision.

"Old ghost, I'm serious!"

"Hey, kid, don't be so twitchy, you won't be able to ask for Yanfu. And don't you want to get into the Saint Demon's door? Help you deal with Dongzhou Ye Family? There is such a good opportunity, don't waste it in vain Up."

Li Ye naturally understood what the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor wanted to imply. Once he got the Princess of the Saint Demon Gate, the Saint Demon Gate would naturally stand behind him when he dealt with Dongzhou Ye Family in the future.

That was a deterrent to the Ye Family of Dongzhou! Even if the Saint Demon Gate wouldn't really make a move, at least the Dongzhou Ye Family didn't dare to take him!

However, if he really did this today, his conscience would not pass.

"If I really wanted the support of the Saint Demon Gate by that means, I agreed to their terms at the beginning."

He is not a twitchy person, but he is somewhat hesitant about this kind of thing.

He still doesn't know how to solve the previous Evian Blue incident.

Now there is another princess of Saint Demon Gate?

Indeed, the Saint Demon Gate Princess is outstanding on earth, and he is not at a loss for this matter.

"If you don't save her, her fate may be worse than it was for you, boy, you have to think carefully."

The Great Emperor of Heaven Sword said with a smile, "The people behind this incident seem to want to contribute to this beautiful event for you. It can be said that it took great pains."

What he said made Li Ye react.

Take away Princess Saint Demon Gate, lead him to come!

And this peach blossom scattered!

Everything is pointed out!

The person behind the scenes clearly wanted him to possess Princess Saint Demon Gate!

Friend or foe? He really couldn't tell at this moment.

"Li Kai-nian? Didn't she cheat her son like this?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head. If the person behind the scenes was really Li Kainian, he would really be a little dumbfounded. Although this matter is definitely more pros than cons for him, such a design with him really made him have an urge to go crazy.

"Boy, don't hesitate. Although this peach blossom powder is not a panacea for the heavens, it has been a long time. For those who have been hit by the peach blossom powder, there is a risk of damaging the soul!"

At this time, Emperor Tianjian urged again and again. Rather than saying that he was worried about the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, he was more happy to see Li Ye taking this opportunity to pull the Saint Demon Gate onto their thief ship.

At this point, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had the same idea as the person who started behind the scenes.

Sure enough, the princess of the Saint Demon Gate lying on the stone bed had already begun to poison her skin, and her skin was slowly turning red. At the same time, there was a fascinating chant in Cherry's mouth from time to time.

Even if it is a sage gentleman, it is difficult to control at this time. Not to mention that Li Ye himself is not a sage gentleman, and in this atmosphere, there is finally a slight looseness.

Inside the wooden house, spring is all over.

This is a fusion of souls, and the Great Emperor of Heaven Sword consciously returned to the Seven Star Sword, closing his five senses.

No one will bother at this time, as if this valley itself was carefully prepared and appeared.

I don't know how long it took.

"If you want to kill me, you can do it now."

Since the matter was born, Li Ye would not explain it for himself.

Peach Blossom Powder is not a poison that cannot be solved. The method of detoxification is also very common. But this consequence is not comparable to that of the house full of spring before.

Just like now, facing the awakened Princess of the Saint Demon Gate, Li Ye was slightly embarrassed no matter how thick-skinned it was.

The terrible killing intent or anger that was originally waiting has not been born.

Princess Saint Demon's face was calm, calm to the point that Li Ye was a little guilty.

"I know what happened, Brother Dao don't have to be so embarrassed."

And what was waiting was that Princess Saint Demon Gate answered indifferently, like a stranger.

Brother Dao!

Although Princess Saint Demon Gate was called that way before, this time, Li Ye heard a different taste from it.

A bit more indifferent, a bit less tender.

"I can explain this to the princess."

"Explain? Brother Dao thought, what price would it cost to explain what happened today?"

Compared to Li Ye, Princess Saint Demon's reaction was unpredictable.

The bright red flower on the stone bed explains everything! And this time Li Ye felt that his cultivation base had a faint omen of a breakthrough! You know, his cultivation level has been stagnant for too long!

Since that time when he was cast aside by heaven on the Cliff of Enlightenment, his cultivation has never improved!

Yuan Yin of an Emperor Chu! That is the great tonic that any cultivator dreams of!

"This one."

Li Ye Yusai, yes, this kind of thing happened, how can I give an explanation?

"But with the princess speaking, as long as Li can do it, naturally he will not refuse."

However, Princess Saint Demon Gate shook her head slightly, "You can't do it."


Why? Princess Saint Demon Gate did not give an answer, but Li Ye had a vague guess in his heart.

No woman would completely disregard the matter of today's life, let alone the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, such a peerless and alluring girl! The indifference on the outside does not mean that she really doesn't care about it in her heart.

It's just that she knows Li Ye very well and knows what she really wants, Li Ye can't give it.

"Since Brother Dao is here, should I know how to leave?"

Both of them avoided this topic intentionally, and it was not difficult to leave this valley.

There is no way out here, including the cave where Li Ye came, which is a dead end.

But in his hand, there is a teleportation jade pendant that leaves here.

But when he wanted to turn on the teleportation jade pendant, an embarrassing problem appeared.

"Brother Dao, is this?"

"It looks like something went wrong."

With a slightly embarrassing smile, Li Yexian's teleportation array on the jade pendant that brought him here unexpectedly disappeared!

No, it is not disappearing, but the teleportation array, originally a one-way teleportation!

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