Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2830: Peach blossom powder

"Boy! What are you doing?!"

Emperor Tianjian was shocked! Because at that instant, Li Ye actually condensed all the cultivation base, and the whole person fell directly from the void.

That way, it's like giving up the **** and instinct to survive.

You know, although the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor approached Li Ye at first, it was because he saw the hope of regaining his life from Li Ye. However, after so many years, Li Ye has already been a teacher and friend. At this moment, Li Ye suddenly gave up to survive, making the Emperor Tianjian shocked and angry.

The degree of descent that could not be stopped suddenly became extremely exaggerated.

Even if it falls down like this, it is just a few breaths.

Not to mention that Li Ye's cultivation base is almost dispensable now, even if his cultivation base is still there, if he falls down without doing anything like this, he will definitely be broken!

However, Li Ye turned a deaf ear and even closed his eyes.

In the ear, you can hear the whirring sound of the sudden fall.

The strong sense of falling directly produced an illusion similar to weightlessness.

"Boy! You are crazy!"

Emperor Tianjian's scolding was still there, but it seemed a bit misty.

But he didn't dispel his decision, he just fell all the way down the cliff.

I don't know how long it took before Li Ye finally opened his eyes.

In front of him, there is no cliff at all, nor is it a misty valley where clouds and fog can be seen.

At this moment, he was standing on the ground.

Turning around, behind him, it was the cave where he came out just now.

Everything was never born.

"Boy, what happened just now, the emperor called you for a long time, why didn't you react at all?"

The voice of Emperor Tianjian came at this time, with a trace of doubt.

"Old ghost, you just walked out of the cave directly?"

"Naturally, you kid, after walking out of the cave, you seem to be stupid. The emperor called you many times, but he didn't respond at all."

Upon hearing this, the corner of Li Ye's mouth rose slightly.

Perhaps only he can understand what happened just now.


And it was extremely powerful, a terrifying illusion that he hadn't even noticed for a while!

There is no space where clouds and mist can be seen, and there is no cliff!

From the beginning, he unknowingly walked into the illusion and was dominated by the illusion.

"If I hadn't noticed just now, maybe what is waiting for me is the real crushed bones."

The illusion is not without danger. Especially the circumstance illusion laid by the strong, once tragically dying in it, it will also die in the same way in reality.

As an illusionist, he naturally knew this.

If he had fallen off a cliff just now, perhaps he had become a pile of **** corpses lying here.

Even if his physical body is comparable to an imperial weapon or even close to an imperial weapon, there is no such thing in that illusion. Once he dies, even his soul will be annihilated in an instant.

Emperor Tianjian was also an old Jianghu. Maybe he didn't understand it just now, but he also reacted at this moment.

"Boy, fortunately you are clever, otherwise maybe the emperor will collect the corpse for you."

Slightly converging his mind, the princess was taken away from the Saint Demon Gate, and someone left the jade pendant.

To the secret of his jade pendant, come here.

Then there is the terrible illusion of this nine dead life, almost enough to make any strong man dead without a place to bury his body.

He became more and more curious about the purpose of the people who brought him here.

Li Kainian? Or is there someone else?

Only the descendants of the celestial master can engrave such a heaven-defying teleportation formation in the jade pendant. But the illusion just now made his brows slightly raised.

"If it weren't for the paragraph in You Yuemeng's Heart Sutra, I would have died!"

Someone set such a test, if it weren't for the person who got the Yuemeng Heart Sutra, even if it was the Holy Emperor just now, it would definitely be a dead end! That kind of illusion can no longer be broken by brute force.

From the cave, there is a small valley in front of you.

"What test awaits me?"

The so-called test, a drop of blood on the jade pendant, is the first level. Then there is the illusion of Wanzhang Cliff just now, which is the second level.

In the valley, no people can be seen, except for a small wooden house.

Obviously, there is his final destination.

The expected trials and dangers did not occur.

After pushing open the door of the cabin, he did not encounter any danger when he entered. The unexpected surprise to Li Ye did not let him let go of his guard.

Here, there is a strangeness everywhere. Although he thinks that the person who left the jade pendant did not want him to die, the illusion of the cliff before it has left him a little more distracted.

Entering the wooden house, Li Ye's pupils shrank slightly!

Because he saw Princess Saint Demon Gate.

Only at this time the Saint Demon Gate Princess was lying on a bed of white jade, without any movement.

When he stepped forward, he let out a sigh of relief.

Although there was no movement, there was clearly a breath.

"Strange, did that person let me come here and simply let me take people away?"

In the wooden house, there is no other second person, even looking at the arrangement of the wooden house, there should have been people living here, and some daily necessities are there.

Without doubting him, Li Ye stepped forward to explore the aura of Princess Saint Demon Gate. It was obvious that someone had used some means to fall into a coma.

Just about to take the person away, Li Ye saw a letter lying beside the stone bed.

"The person on the stone bed was hit by peach blossoms."

A short sentence changed Li Ye's expression drastically!

Peach Blossoms!

It's actually a peach blossom scattered!

The intense mood swings instantly shattered the blank paper in his hand.

"Boy, it seems that the person behind this scene can take good care of you."

At this moment, Emperor Tianjian couldn't help but laughed, slightly with a hint of ridicule and gloat.

"Old ghost, don't you know what this peach blossom powder is?!"

"Yes, this emperor naturally knows. Back then, the emperor took down many women with this thing, but kid, what are you going to do? Although this peach blossom powder will not cause serious consequences for the person taking it temporarily, if it takes a long time , Even the emperor can't bear it."

After speaking, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor chuckled and said nothing.

He knew that Li Ye understood how to relieve this peach blossom powder.

The so-called Peach Blossom Powder is not very poisonous, but a kind of remedy. It was created by an alchemist without knowing it, but it was spread in the Three Realms in a short time. The kind of mixed praise and criticism is not The elixir of elixir.

It was even cast aside by countless strong people!

To use the simplest description, in the words of mortals in the secular world, this peach blossom powder, to put it bluntly, is actually a net medicine, a special medicine specially refined for cultivators!

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