Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2802: The origin of the floating corpse

A holy emperor is so ancient and invincible outside. ?

Even in the emperor-level sect, the great emperor can't see the end in the upper dragon. On the contrary, the Holy Emperor became the most powerful existence of some sects, and would not easily appear without a last resort.

But at this moment, in less than half a day, at least seven or eight holy emperors have fallen!

I have to sigh!

Forces such as Baiyan Mountain, but also possess such a holy emperor ancestor!

Now that he died, the strength of the entire sect fell instantly!

Even Fenghuo City, Saint Demon Gate and other ancient emperor-level inheritance, seeing the fall of a Saint Emperor, his face was pale.

"Princess, I hope Lord Saint Beast can return safely."

An old woman at the Saint Demon Gate whispered, she still didn't believe Li Ye, a junior who didn't know where to emerge, after all, the Saint Demon Gate Guardian Saint Beast was very important to the Saint Demon Gate!

However, Princess Saint Demon Gate sighed in a low voice, "Grandma, how do you think Fenghuo City compares to our Saint Demon Gate?"

This question caused the old woman of the Saint Demon Gate to be stunned, "What is the princess?"

Then she hesitated for a while, but said, "Four Emperors of Fenghuo City are one of the four emperors in Zhongsheng Prefecture. But my Saint Demon Gate is in Southern Xinjiang, and I have the same promise!"

These words are actually pretty, but the subtext also admits that Fenghuo City still wants to suppress their Saint Demon Gate.

But the Saint Demon Gate is indeed the Earth Snake in Southern Xinjiang. The so-called strong dragon does not crush the Earth Snake, in Southern Xinjiang their Saint Demon Gate is the absolute master! Unless it is the existence of Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace, no one dares to go to Southern Xinjiang to provoke them to the Saint Demon Gate.

"Grandma said exactly, but Fenghuocheng can believe his decision, why can't we?"


Even the existence of the four emperors in Fenghuo City chose to believe in Li Ye in this matter.

Although the Saint Demon Gate is also the overlord of one party, it is reasonable to have scruples. But now that it's done, no matter whether you regret it later, the only thing they can do is to believe that Li Ye didn't lie to them!

Fenghuo City and Saint Demon Gate finally chose to believe in Li Ye, but Liu Daoting and other schools would not.

Someone had trouble looking for Li Ye, but the Jinghong Empress made several shots before, which has already shocked everyone.

Although the Empress Jinghong has drifted away with the floating corpse, she still has her prestige.

Li Ye glanced at the crowd, and it happened that on the Styx, an unremarkable floating corpse floated over.

This floating corpse didn't seem to be anything special, the only special thing was that all the floating corpses that appeared before were more or less, with a strong breath of death.

But this floating corpse did not.

This kind of subtle difference, even the Holy Emperor, may not be able to detect it.

After all, the death of Styx is too heavy, even if there is a difference, it is difficult to see the difference in these thousands of floating corpses!

The reason why Li Ye could feel it was that he had already been prepared and knew what he was waiting for. Secondly, his body has already experienced the baptism of the raw water in the past, leaning toward the side of death, and being more sensitive to such subtle differences.

"This is it!"

Perceiving the appearance of his goal, Li Ye moved instantly!

However, someone had been paying attention to him for a long time. When Li Ye acted, he heard several cold snorts!

At least three terrible auras suddenly appeared, but the target was not Li Ye!

It's the floating corpse!

It turns out that a few times before, smart people have noticed Li Ye's every move, although no one can confirm it, but the choice of Fenghuo City, Saint Demon Gate, and Empress Jinghong all makes people suspicious!

At this moment, someone really decided to take a gamble!

On closer inspection, none of these three had appeared before!

As soon as it appeared, everyone exclaimed!

"Three holy emperors!"

I don't know who exclaimed!

Three holy emperors appeared all of a sudden, and they all seemed to be exhausted! No wonder why they fought so hard! Come out at this time!

Li Ye's expression became cold, and the goal of the three holy emperors was the floating corpse he had been waiting for for a long time!

Coming out at this moment, it is tantamount to wanting to win love with a sword!

"court death!"

If it was normal, let alone three holy emperors, even if it was one holy emperor, Li Ye would definitely not go forward. That is not wise, and there is not much chance of winning at all.

But now!

If he doesn't make a move, he has waited so long for the opportunity to give it away!

After gritting his teeth, Li Ye did not retreat!


Without any warning, a terrifying divine eye appeared above the sky!

Just like the gaze of the gods! When the gods opened the moment, even the holy emperor felt a suppression from heaven and earth!

You know, at the realm of the holy emperor, it is not easy for the emperor to suppress them! After all, the reincarnation Dao is not as good as the heavenly Dao, but being able to cultivate to this level has long been considered free from the shackles of a certain heavenly path!

If you want to suppress, it is not the Jinghong Empress, the extremely heaven-defying existence of Emperor Hengtian can succeed.

The three holy emperors were shocked at the same time, but only for a moment, they broke free of that restraint.

But what Li Ye wanted was that moment!

When the three holy emperors recovered, they saw that Li Ye had fallen on the special floating corpse and drifted along the Styx.

In desperation, these three holy emperors can only find the nearest floating corpse, otherwise they are already above the Styx at the moment, it is too late to turn back!

And even if they can go back, they won't live long with their current birthdays, so it's better to just gamble!

Two of them were instantly buried in the Styx, and one was lucky and did not sink into the Styx.

"Is that kid crazy?"

Seeing that Li Ye would jump into the floating corpse in the Styx, Feng Yang almost didn't lose his voice and swear!

On the other side, Princess Saint Demon Gate is also pale!

No one would have imagined that a young man who was just as vigorous as he could live for thousands of years would be so crazy!

"Damn, is that kid's brain damaged? What did he do in Styx?"

There are also some powerful older generations who have their eyes widened.

You know, even they, who have lived for thousands of years, are not willing to take this risk until the last moment.

As long as they are alive, the glory and wealth of this world will be there! Once dead, there is nothing left!

No one can understand Li Ye's pursuit, because they have no idea what the floating corpse selected by Li Ye represents.

At this time, Li Ye was already sitting cross-legged on the floating corpse. Finally had the opportunity to look at the appearance of the floating corpse under him.

Strangely, the floating corpse didn't seem to have anything special, but Li Ye observed it for a long time, but he showed a weird smile.

"Sure enough, not all the floating corpses in the Styx are real corpses! Only some of them are specious, like dreams, true and false, really mysterious!"

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