Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2801: Arakami Doson


When everyone saw that the murderous man of the Bone Swordsman generation was so easily smashed to pieces, they were instantly killed, and they all took a deep breath!

For those of the younger generation, maybe they have heard the terrible rumors of the poisonous hand, but the feeling is not so strong. ????

But for example, some older generations, especially the powerful ancestors in the emperor-level sects, have almost heard of the horror of the deadly bones!

Even the sect that some people once belonged to was destroyed in the hands of the poisonous hand!

"Damn! Who is that woman?"

"Bone poisoners, such murderers, actually kill them if they say they want to kill them?"

There are no lack of some powerful and powerful people today, as well as some elders and even ancestors of imperial sects.

But when they recognized the horrible ghost masters such as the Bone Venomous Hand, let alone stepping forward to provoke them, they didn't even dare to gasp.

After all, the ghost master in Death Valley, even the weakest, was the invincible holy emperor back then!

Once this kind of person makes a move, it is enough to destroy most of the people present, and there is no way to fight back!

What's more, their holy emperor ancestors either died in the Styx or drifted away along the floating corpse. The most powerful ones left were only a few half emperors!

Not even a holy emperor.

Yixiaoshusheng also saw the end of the poisonous hand and took a breath.

But he was even more grateful that he had retired decisively, otherwise it would not be the deadly man who died at this moment, but he was a scholar who laughed at him!

There have been few who could escape from the ascension to heaven under Wushen Mountain back then!

If it weren't for his character who didn't care about face, he would run away decisively once he saw that he was lost, he would have died a thousand times before.

His eyes shone with a terrifying edge. Although he is not the opponent of the Empress Jinghong, he will naturally not forget the shame of today!

Feeling the terrifying gaze, Empress Jinghong didn't care.

With such a peerless posture, the two terrifying ghost masters died and fled in an instant when they shot them. Who else would dare to compete with the Empress Jinghong at this moment?

In the end, the Empress Jinghong fell on the floating corpse selected by Li Ye.

When she turned her head and looked at each other, Li Ye seemed to be struck by her heartstrings, and there seemed to be a different kind of taste in the world, which made him unable to understand.

"Remember, what you owe me is impossible to pay off in this life!"

A ray of divine thought passed into Li Ye's mind, that was the last voice before the Empress Jinghong left.

It's just that Li Ye looked blank. He had never met with Empress Jinghong. If he accidentally broke into the tomb of Empress Jinghong, it would be impossible for the two to meet.

But judging from the reactions of the Empress Jinghong after seeing him, it seemed to have some kind of relationship with him.

"Old ghost, don't you know the Empress Jinghong? What's the matter?"

If anyone really knows the reason, there will be only one person for a long time!

Emperor Tianjian!

Unfortunately, in the face of Li Ye's questioning, Heavenly Sword Great Emperor didn't respond to the first time, even quietly, as if he had disappeared.

"Damn, old ghost! I must know something!"

Li Ye is not stupid, the reaction of Emperor Tianjian fully proves the tricky inside! But Heavenly Sword Great Emperor didn't want to say that he couldn't force it either.

Depressing the doubts in my heart, there are more and more floating corpses on the Styx at this moment, but the danger is getting thicker!

Several ghost masters jumped up, but most of them sank into the Styx in screams and died without seeing the corpse or the living.

There are also some powerful sects that came from afar, and they all hesitated slightly at this moment.

The old prince of King Mo's Mansion, even though he lost to Yixiao scholar and the bone poisoner, as an ancient sage emperor, his life has reached the stage of exhaustion, and he gritted his teeth at this moment!

Randomly picked a floating corpse and jumped directly on it.

Fortunately, the floating corpse did not sink, so the old prince of King Mo Mansion was secretly relieved.

On the other side, the ancestor Qingsong did not have such good luck. As an existence older than the old prince of Mo Wangfu, he also chose a huge monster floating corpse, but he didn't have time to show his smile when he went up, and sank instantly.


A few sorrows

When the ancestors of Baiyan Mountain saw this, they almost went black!

When everyone saw it, some shook their heads and some sneered.

"Baiyan Mountain this time, it can be said that it lost his wife and broke down. When the ancestor Qingsong died, Baiyan Mountain was equal to a toothless tiger. The title of the quasi-emperor-level sect was not true, and it seemed that it was exhausted!"

"Yes, no one in Baiyan Mountain has been able to prove the emperor's way in these years. Now that the ancestor Qingsong dies, there is a good show to watch!"

The world is cold, let alone the cruel and cold-blooded cultivation world.

Although Baiyan Mountain is known as an emperor-level sect, no emperor has ever been born! Many emperor-level sects did not recognize the status of Baiyan Mountain.

It's just that there were old ancestors of Qingsong before, and the general emperor-level sects gave them, or to the old ancestors of Qingsong who once resisted the success of the great emperor alone. Now, everyone can almost foresee the end of Baiyan Mountain from its prosperity.

Even the Zongmen powerhouse who has a sphere of influence close to Baiyan Mountain has an idea in his heart at this moment!


Naturally, there are also people who have not yet decided the winner!

I only saw the two figures entangled on the Styx River, and in a short period of time, it was difficult to distinguish the outcome!

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that one of them was already lost, but the other was scrupulous, and the winner has not yet been determined.

"It's a Taoist Huangxu who is boundless!"

Someone exclaimed that the one who was invincible was Daoist Huang Xu. Wuliangguan is also an emperor-level sect, and this Taoist Huangxu is a true holy emperor!

But his opponent is a ghost master in Death Valley!

"The ghost master, is it the Lord of the Wild Sea?"

There was an ancient strong man who recognized the origin of the ghost lord at once, and everyone inhaled after hearing it!

"Desolate Sea Dao Zun? The Wild Sea Dao Zun who escaped into the North Plains Barren Sea after being chased by the Great Emperor Hengtian and escaped?"

Emperor Hengtian!

That is a generation of invincible emperor!

Being able to escape in front of the ordinary emperor is enough to brag about hundreds of thousands of years of feats, but being able to escape in the hands of the Hengtian emperor, after everyone heard it, all their faces were pale!

This class of strong people is not even weaker than the one just now!

Many people who had seen Taoist Huangxue fall into a disadvantaged situation, they closed their mouths at this moment.

No matter how strong your Taoist Huangxue is, you are just an ordinary holy emperor. They are the ancient powerhouses who can escape to heaven in front of Emperor Hengtian!

Sure enough, just as everyone thought about it, they saw that Daoist Huangxu was invincible after all!

With a scream, he was directly smashed by the palm of the Lord of the Wild Sea to the Styx, and disappeared without a trace, being swallowed by the water of the Styx!

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