Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2786: It's for this kid again

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However, who is Bai Lining Tian?

Holy Emperor?

When he smashed the world back then, he was also the Holy Emperor, and he was also the peak of the Holy Emperor!

With just one look, everyone took a deep breath!

I only saw a muffled hum from the bronze coffin, and the entire ancient bronze coffin weighing tens of thousands of catties was swept out!

"Damn! What the **** does this ghost master come from? Isn't it terrible?"

When everyone saw this scene, they almost didn't scare some junior disciples to death!

That is a holy emperor! It is a holy emperor ancestor of the Imperial Villa!

Was it swept out by a glance?

Who is this?

"Is it the emperor?"

"Impossible! This person does not have the mark of Heaven! It is absolutely impossible to be a great emperor! He is also a holy emperor! And he is the most powerful holy emperor!"

Some strong older generation whispered.

The ancestor of his own holy emperor was swept away by a glance, as if pouring a basin of ice water on the head of the proud Emperor Court Villa.

All of their arrogance and pride in an instant, all of a sudden, it will be dumb.

Even though the ancient bronze coffin was swept out, it quickly stopped.

At this time, there was also an angry grunt inside the ancient bronze coffin. It was just that just now, undoubtedly let the holy emperor ancestor of the Imperial Palace know how powerful it is.

Although furious, but at this time, he did not dare to mess around.

In this world, there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky.

The holy emperor is not absolutely invincible. Among the holy emperors, there is also an existence that can torture him.

It's just that I haven't encountered it before, but now I finally met.


The old Wei Hua who was rescued did not dare to gasp at this moment. His ancestor was already the pinnacle in his mind. Now I didn't expect such a terrifying ghost master to pop up. It seemed that his ancestor was beaten and he didn't dare to say anything.

"Don't act rashly."

Sure enough, the old voice in the ancient bronze coffin was a little helpless. If it weren't for his lack of vitality, he might even dare to step forward. But now, it is not because of such a little face problem that he will ruin the lifespan and vitality that he has finally retained.

The imperial court suddenly went silent, and other sect forces would naturally not step forward to provoke it.

"You didn't run away, which surprised me."

Without the interruption, Bai Liningtian had no interest in taking action against other people. His gaze was terrifying, and he pointed directly at Li Ye who was sitting there with An Ran.

As for the beautiful figure behind Li Ye, it didn't attract too many people's attention.

Although it is so beautiful, it seems like a misty disappearance, and even makes people feel a trance, so they ignore the past.

Everyone looked weird.

When they saw the appearance of Bai Liningtian, and suppressed their own holy emperor ancestor's Imperial Villa, everyone suddenly sneered.

"This kid seems to be really not favored by God, this terrible ghost master actually came at him!"

The ghost masters in Death Valley would not take the initiative to get involved with the various forces that stepped into Death Valley.

As long as they are not provoked, the ghost master will generally ignore them.

As if yin and yang are separated, the well water does not violate the river water.

But there are exceptions!

After all, there are always people in the world who are not afraid of death. Some people are greedy for ghost masters' magic weapons and treasures, and some accidentally break into those ghost masters' geomantic treasures.

Anyway, for various reasons, those ghost masters didn't stingy with their killing intentions!

"That kid seems to be sure to die!"

"Haha, I have offended the Imperial Palace for not enough, and actually provoke such a terrible ghost master? If he is still alive, I will drink the water from the Styx!"

Some people laughed, a ghost master who can sweep even the holy emperor ancestor, even if no one knows the origin, it is amazing enough!

It can be said that in the hearts of everyone, if the emperor does not come forward, it is estimated that no one can stop Bailiningtian.

In fact, it is!

"Oh? Why should I run?"

Li Ye didn't care about other people's eyes and smiled slightly.

His answer made Bailiningtian's eyes bloom with a terrifying edge!

Even far away, many people feel a sense of oppression!

Even some half emperors couldn't help but back again and again.

Feng Yang and others changed their expressions even more.

"This guy, why did he provoke such a terrible existence again?"

Feng Yang has a sense of speechlessness, after all, even if he is free and unrestrained, he is not without any scruples. At least in Death Valley, he would not provoke those ghost masters.

You must know that any ghost master here has the means to reach the sky, unless it is the ancestor in the Fenghuo City sarcophagus he escorted here this time, otherwise it will be really troublesome if it is provoked.

At the Saint Demon Gate, the Princess of the Saint Demon Gate also bit her lip. This time the Saint Demon Gate also escorted a sarcophagus, but unlike Fenghuo City Imperial Villa, the Saint Demon Gate sent was not a certain ancestor of the Saint Demon Gate, but a monster beast!

But as far as Southern Xinjiang and Saint Demon Gate are concerned, the monsters inside are extremely important. They are also in the position of Saint Demon Gate, and can even be on par with the three great emperors of Saint Demon Gate!

In terms of strength, the ancestors escorted by the major sects are at least half-emperors or even holy emperors.

But as a last resort, none of these old immortals will show up, let alone take action.

Moreover, he is facing an ancient figure in Death Valley who does not know how many times tens of thousands of years ago.

"Huo Ancestor, if you are against this person, what chance is there to win?"

Feng Yang asked in a low voice, whether he wanted to help Li Ye or not, but such a perverted ghost master suddenly appeared, Fenghuocheng had to plan early.

Inside the sarcophagus, there was a voice, "At most 40%."

Four percent!

Feng Yang's expression was startled. You must know that although Huo Ancestor was not the most powerful of the many ancestors that Fenghuocheng had sealed up, he was also a person of great strength back then.

Now they say, only 40% chance of winning?

On the other side, the Saint Demon Sect and Liu Daoting and other schools actually had a similar exchange.

"Princess, Master Saint Beast said that if you let go, it should be five to five, but with the current state of Master Saint Beast, the consequences are unpredictable once you shoot. So princess, you..."

An old lady at the Saint Demon Gate had a hint of doubt on her expression. After all, the Saint Demon Gate rarely communicated with other sects in southern Xinjiang. Why does the princess of their family show that they want to help that brash boy?

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