Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2785: Holy Emperor Patriarch

Such terrible power made many people in the audience discolored. www.

"Unexpectedly, there are people in this world who still remember the old man."

Inside the bronze coffin, an old voice sounded.

The person did not appear, but at this moment it was enough to make many people present a horrified expression.

"The Four Elders of the Imperial Court! It should be the third ranked mountain Wuya!"

As an ancient emperor-level force, the Imperial Villa has given birth to many peak powers, even invincible powers.

Let's not talk about the emperor, but the four elders of the emperor, who are invincible in an era.

"Unexpectedly, the old ghost Shan Wuya is still alive!"

"It's actually him, no wonder the Emperor Ting Villa pays so much attention to it! This old ghost is the strongest among the four elders of the Emperor Ting, and he almost touched the threshold of the Heavenly Emperor Dao back then. It's a pity that the chance is a little bit worse. If not, Today's Imperial Villa is a double emperor!"

Someone exclaimed in a low voice, obviously being extremely jealous of the owner in the ancient bronze coffin.

On the side of the Imperial Villa, as the ancestor Shan Wuya said, all of them straightened their chests.

As an emperor-level sect, the comparison is the foundation!

Everyone has an ancestor, but obviously at this moment, Shan Wuya, the former ancestor of the Imperial Villa, is enough to shock.

Except for Li Ye.

"An old immortal who has entered the loess with half of his body will be a majestic man."

At that moment, Li Ye retreated violently.

After all, he can ignore the elderly Wei Hua, but facing an old monster who doesn't know how many years he has lived, he will suffer a lot from underestimating the enemy.

This point is clear in his mind.

Who can be sealed by the dust of an emperor-level sect like Emperor Ting Villa, who still values ​​his life in Death Valley at any cost is naturally an extremely powerful ancestor.

The scene just now confirmed one point.

"Brother Li, be careful of the people in the bronze coffin."

Feng Yang reminded slightly with divine thoughts, although Emperor Court Villa could not be compared with Fenghuo City. But the emperor-level sect is, after all, the emperor-level sect, and Shan Wuya was indeed the best in the past, not to mention the absolute invincibility, but it is also a rare opponent, truly standing at the top.

This time, Fenghuo City naturally has a powerful ancestor.

But naturally it is impossible to help an outsider like Li Ye. Although Feng Yang admires Li Ye very much, he also has the heart to make friends. But he didn't have the qualifications yet, and asked his ancestor to take action to suppress the ancestor of another emperor sect.

After all, when they reached the realm of their ancestors, once they shot, the sky and the earth would definitely change color.

Moreover, with their ancestors' blood and lifespan, no one would rush to speed up their death if they were not a last resort.

Reluctantly, he could only remind him, "This person is the pinnacle powerhouse who has no end to the mountain and turns into the Tao, and even a holy emperor!"

Holy Emperor, this is the world's honorific name for those who have cultivated to the peak of Taoism!

Since he cannot be called the emperor, he is countless times stronger than the ordinary Wuhuang!

The world calls it the holy emperor!

Li Ye's eyes narrowed when he heard this, he naturally understood what the Holy Emperor meant!

Any holy emperor is known as the invincible strong under the great emperor. Even if you meet the emperor, you have the strength to fight!

If we say that the emperor represents the most powerful representative of the current era, but the dragon is not seen. Then the holy emperor is the true peak existence in the world!

A holy emperor is even more deterrent than a great emperor sometimes!

After all, the emperor would not appear easily, and he did not care about world affairs at all. But the Holy Emperor is different! The appearance of any holy emperor is enough to cause turbulence in the situation!

"Holy Emperor, that's the case, no wonder you have such confidence."

Knowing the origin of the people in the ancient bronze coffin, Li Ye nodded slightly.

It is understandable that Emperor Court Villa attaches such importance. After all, this is not an ordinary ancestor, but a holy emperor ancestor! Such an ancestor died one less!

As long as there is such an ancestor, any sect can sit back and relax!

"It is rumored that if the holy emperor is desperate, even the emperor will retreat for three times! The Imperial Villa is willing to go down to the death valley to find the Styx. It seems that in the Imperial Villa, this is the only ancestor of the holy emperor."

Even if it is an emperor-level sect, there are ups and downs.

Those emperor-level sects that have disappeared or been annihilated in history are nothing more than declining after becoming stronger.

Powerful ancestors passed away one by one, but disciples of later generations are hard to come out with stunning enchanting evildoers.

However, when the people in the Imperial Palace were full of spirits, a terrifying atmosphere suddenly appeared.

When this breath appeared, it even suppressed the ancient bronze coffin.


Everyone here at Imperial Villa was shocked!

You must know that inside the ancient bronze coffin is their most powerful ancestor today, but a holy emperor!

Although it will not easily come out of the ancient coffin now, who can easily suppress a holy emperor?

Is it the emperor?

Not only the people in the Imperial Villa changed their faces, but the rest of the people were suddenly shocked!

"What a powerful Yin Qi!"

On the Fenghuo City side, a voice came from the sarcophagus, and it was the fire ancestor that Fenghuo City wanted to live for this time.

Such a powerful Yin Qi is naturally impossible to be a living person!

But as the owner of the breath appeared, his icy eyes swept across the crowd.

"Ghost Lord!"

Seeing someone coming, someone frowned slightly.

In Death Valley, the number is naturally the most lonely and wild ghosts, but they are undoubtedly the invincible powerhouses who once stood on the top of the world! Those ghost masters who are now sleeping in Death Valley!

The previous ghost masters were not bad, as if they had no interest in them at all. Although powerful, it is safe to do so, as long as you don't provoke it.

But the ghost master who suddenly appeared was different. As soon as he appeared, his horrible eyes swept toward everyone.

Those eyes, even some strong men with a half-emperor cultivation base, were all covered in hair.

Especially, as soon as he appeared, he directly suppressed the ancestors of the holy emperor of the Imperial Court. This ability was enough to shock the world!

"Who is this person?"

Some people can't help but ask questions.

No one can study the time of Death Valley's existence, and even the era that some ghost masters lived in back then has a lot of sect history.

So not everyone can recognize it.

Few people even in Fenghuo City recognized the identity of the ghost master who appeared at this time.

Let alone other people.

Even if someone has speculation, they are half-believing.

But seeing the people who appeared, Li Ye's face appeared strange.

Because this ghost master is not someone else, but his old acquaintance.

Bailing days!

When Li Ye saw each other, Bai Liningtian naturally found Li Ye's position.

Suddenly a suffocating majestic momentum burst instantly!

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