Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2777: Damn! Jinghong Empress!

There is no doubt that in that palace, it must be the place where the owner of this dragon's den is located. Tianlai Novel

Sure enough, near the palace, an ancient breath came to his face.

Even if it was near the palace, no one came out to stop it.

There was no sound, as if there was no one here.

But Li Ye is not stupid, but he has no idea what the people inside are.

"Damn, since it's all here, if you don't go in and take a look, isn't it a pity?"

He hesitated in his heart, although he knew that a person who could occupy such a good place of dragon's den would be terrifying. Even if he can escape from Bai Liningtian, he may not have the ability to escape from here.

However, curiosity still prevailed.

Pushing open the palace gate, the whole palace does not appear luxurious, even a little empty.

There is only one crystal coffin inside.

When I saw the owner in the crystal coffin, even if it was Li Ye, the firm Dao Xin who didn't change his face even if Taishan collapsed before him, he couldn't help but twitch fiercely!

Inside the crystal coffin, a person lay.

Of course this is nonsense, but the person lying there completely exceeded Li Ye's expectations!

There was a woman lying inside, a beautiful young woman!

If he wanted to describe it, Li Ye couldn't find words that could describe the woman in the crystal coffin.

It's not that no one is incomparably beautiful, and Li Ye has seen many peerless women.

In terms of appearance, it is clear that the Heavenly Dream Saint is the best in the world!

In terms of temperament, Shui Linglong's ethereal spirit has always been Li Ye's most addicted and unable to extricate himself.

But the woman in the crystal coffin in front of him brought another kind of shock to him.

"No, she is it?"

Even the ghost masters did not dare to step into this place of the dragon's den, as if holding a huge respect for their master.

Li Ye was also curious at first as to who was inside.

But at this moment, he felt a little bit ridiculous.

Inside the crystal coffin lies a woman of peerless elegance. Although she certainly does not appear to be a person of this era, he cannot be connected with the owner of this dragon's den.

"Boy, you really are..."

Suddenly, the voice of Emperor Tianjian came out. And listening to the sound is more like some kind of shock!

Before Li Ye could speak, the scene that appeared suddenly almost scared Li Ye to death!

The woman in the crystal coffin opened her eyes!


If it weren't for Li Ye's heart to be strong, this scene would be enough to scare the living to death!

Of course, in Death Valley, corpse fraud is not uncommon.

Who can be buried here is not half alive?

It is impossible for the real dead to stay here.

So the woman in the crystal coffin is naturally the same.

Without wind, the crystal coffin was opened directly.

But the woman inside came out of it, with a pair of eyes looking directly at Li Ye, the rude intruder.

"Previous, senior?"

Li Ye swallowed his saliva, and even frantically guessed the identity of the woman in front of him.

Is it another woman who can deter Bailiningtian group of invincible powerhouses, and can occupy such a place in the dragon's cave?

A terrible guess appeared in his mind, even he felt that it was somewhat impossible.

"When you step in here, I can kill you."

The pleasant voice is accompanied by a terrible killing intent!

Step here?

Li Ye didn't know whether the other party meant that he stepped into this dragon's cave or stepped into this palace.

But feeling the killing intent on the opponent, Li Ye quickly said, "Don't blame the senior, the junior was also forced to be helpless and broke into the sleeping place of senior by mistake."

He was indeed desperate, but his thinking was even more extreme at the time.

Of course these cannot be known to the woman in front of him, otherwise, he will undoubtedly die.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

However, the woman in the crystal coffin showed no mercy at all, her gaze was terrifying, and even Li Ye couldn't bear it!

Compared with Bai Liningtian, the beautiful woman in front of him even a look in his eyes was enough to make him stiff!

Why not kill him?

There was a crazy flash in Li Ye's mind, but he couldn't find any excuses.

And the other party's killing intent is getting stronger!

"Jinghong, you can't kill him."

At this critical moment, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor himself appeared directly from the Seven-Star Sword. Although an illusory shadow was looming, it exuded a strong imperial might!

Even if only the remnant soul remains, but as the once great emperor! Do not change the majesty!

Emperor Tianjian! Actually popped up at this time!

More critical, Jinghong?

Li Ye opened his mouth, "Old ghost, what did you just say?"

Shocking? woman? The invincible powerhouse who occupies the Dragon's Den? Even the ghost masters in Bailiningtian dare not disturb?

Mamma Mia! Li Ye almost didn't vomit a mouthful of old blood!

He is not hitting the color!

He is hitting evil!

"Heaven Sword!"

The beautiful woman's eyes condensed, but after seeing the remnant soul of the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor, her killing intent was not only undiminished, but even improved a bit!

Empress Jinghong!

If Li Ye does not know the identity of the other party at this moment, then he is really an idiot!

He never expected that the master here would be the Empress Jinghong!

This beautiful and incomprehensible woman in front of her was the one who used to stay away from other great emperors and was known as invincible.

"He should kill more!"


Li Ye only felt his chest stuffy, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, but his whole person was suspended in the air, as if an invisible hand pinched him.

"Jinghong! You really shouldn't kill him!"

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was also anxious. Although he used to be the Great Emperor, now only the remnant soul remains, and he has no power to change. And even if he returns to the peak state of the year, whether he can beat the Empress Jinghong is still unknown.

After all, even if the Empress Jinghong is among the emperors, she is truly an invincible powerhouse.

It's a pity that the Empress Jinghong didn't listen at all, the phoenix eyes were full of strong killing intent!

Naturally, Li Ye can't just sit and wait for death!

At this time, he didn't care about retaining his strength, and a supreme aura bloomed from his eyes!

Blood pupil! unbelievable!

Even Heaven needs to surrender in front of that!

The entire palace is crumbling. After all, this mysterious existence that has already crossed all things in the world, released at this time, is enough to cause huge changes in the world.

I don't know if it was a surprise, Li Ye suddenly felt that his invisible hand disappeared, and his figure flashed!

The seven-star sword in his hand burst into star-like light!

Two of the seven stars, as if they were alive, turned into two stars!

"Whether you are the Empress Jinghong or someone else! It's not so easy to kill me!"

Although he was facing the Jinghong female emperor who was as famous as Emperor Hengtian and Emperor Danwu, Li Ye had no scruples at this time!

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