Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2776: Get a glimpse of the truth

If it is said that the feng shui treasure in Death Valley, it is buried in the invincible existence of the peak. Tian Lai Novels

Then, in this land of dragon's den, think about it with your **** to know what the origin of the owner inside will be.

"My luck is really..."

Even if he regrets it, now that he has come, he has no chance to leave.

Furthermore, although the Golden Sword Mad Lion and the others have left, there is no guarantee that if he steps out here, they will not continue to come to the door.

It is not a good idea to hide in Tibet with a group of ghost masters in Death Valley.

At least for now, they would be the Golden Sword Mad Lion and Bai Lining Tian, ​​they would rather guard outside than give up easily!

Although those people don't have much blood qi in their bodies, they can still afford it within a few days.

"It's a blessing or a curse, it's a curse that can't be avoided, the big deal will come when the time comes."

Now that he is here, Li Ye is also very curious about the owner buried in this dragon cave.

Such as Bai Lining Tian, ​​Golden Sword Mad Lion, are the most powerful people in an era unparalleled!

Even if they have not stepped into the heavenly way, they have achieved the supreme realm of the emperor's way. But it is also enough to be hailed as a superb figure next to the emperor, and some people can even sit on an equal footing with the emperor.

Even they can only choose to leave unwillingly in front of the master here. I didn't even see the owner's face here, so it can be seen that it came from.

"Old ghost, you said, no great emperor will be buried here, right?"

Li Ye couldn't help but joked.

However, Emperor Tianjian was silent for a while without any response. Let Li Ye's heart, he raised it all at once.

After all, Bai Liningtian, a peerless powerhouse, would not give up easily, but now he chose to leave so unwillingly, there was only one reason.

He and those ghost masters can't provoke the person buried here!

Is there anyone who can scare away a group of peak powers without showing up?

The key is that the geomantic treasure of Death Valley is so magical, and the land of the Dragon's Den is naturally the object that the once invincible peaks want to compete for. But they didn't. Why?

"Boy, ask for your blessings. I don't know who it is here, but you have really caused a big trouble!"

Unlike Li Ye, Emperor Tianjian once visited Death Valley during his peak period.

Naturally, they know more about Death Valley than outsiders.

He naturally knows that the place of the Dragon's Den is different from an ordinary geomantic treasure!

There are not many such places in Death Valley.

Those who can be buried here are none other than the kind of terrible person who didn't dare to easily provoke the alarm.

Now he only has the remnant soul left, everything can only depend on Li Ye himself.

Li Ye was also shocked for a while. He seldom saw Emperor Tianjian being so cautious that he was almost frightened.

It can only be said that he did pass a huge hole.

"The younger generation accidentally strayed into this place. Don't blame the senior."

With curiosity in his heart, Li Ye not only did not choose to leave, but went deep.

Because he already felt that the way he left was actually blocked!

This means that the owner of this dragon's den did not want him to leave.

"Damn, since that's the case, I want to see who is inside!"

With courage, Li Ye went deep all the way.

However, the deeper, the more frightened him.

He had seen the treasures of Fengshui before, but the dragon's cave in front of him had some mysterious power, which made him unable to see the lineup clearly.

After wandering for a long time, he returned to the distance.

"Magic Array?"

As the formation mage, Li Ye narrowed his eyes.

However, what surprised him was that he couldn't see through the clues!

You know, even if the people who set up the formation are better than him, it's one thing that he can't break the formation, but if you can't detect even the slightest clues and clues, then the only explanation...

"The person who deploys the formation is definitely not inferior to the person who puts the spirit gathering formation on Bailintian's side, or even stronger!"

The one who helped Bailining lay the formation was a holy formation master! So isn't the person who is here?

Thinking of that possibility, Li Ye couldn't help but shook his head.

"Don't let me leave, and don't let people come in for a glimpse of the truth, the owner here has a strange personality."

Perplexed, Li Ye simply sat cross-legged on the floor.

Since it is a formation, it is impossible to be completely natural without any flaws.

He is convinced of this, because any formation mage, even the supreme holy formation master, the formation must be in line with the world, the landscape, the yin and yang and the five elements!

As long as it is within this range, there must be a way to break the formation!

Even if it seems that there is no flaw at a glance, as long as he gives him time, Li Ye believes that he can definitely see the clues.

Even if we can't talk about breaking the array, at least some of the rules can be found.

one day.

Three days.

For three whole days, Li Ye finally opened his eyes.

On his face, there was a confusion.

For three days, he made little progress.

It seems that all of this in front of him is a natural existence, the so-called illusion is just his illusion.

But is this possible?

"Go in again and take a look."

Since it took three days, the owner of this dragon's den hadn't done anything to him, and he strengthened his courage.

Entering again, Li Ye would hesitate for a long time every step of the way.

Even faintly with strange footwork.

Ten days!

This time, he spent ten days in total and finally made some progress!

After groping for ten days in it, when he took a step again, he realized that his eyes were suddenly enlightened, no longer a cloud.

A piece of green mountains and green waters, birds and flowers.

If compared with the current one, the treasure land of Fengshui where Baili Ningtian is located, looks extremely shabby.

"What a rich aura!"

Can't help but sigh, this is clearly a treasure land with dragon veins hidden!

"The land of the Dragon's Den is really well-deserved!"

This kind of place, let alone being buried after death, even if the living is here, they can live longer! Even if you don't enter the path of cultivation, it is easy for an ordinary person to live here to live a hundred years, and it can even be done for dozens or hundreds of years.

"What a treasure!"

But the more so, the more Li Ye was curious about the origin of the owner.

To find such a treasure in Death Valley and enjoy it alone, what kind of strength is needed to do it?

Even the ghost masters around one by one who dare not enter and approach?


Li Ye's eyes narrowed, because he saw a palace located in it.

I don't know why, when he saw the palace, he seemed to have an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if he had known each other before, but it was like looking at flowers in the mist, extremely misty.

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