Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2736: Deceive

"I hope everything you say is not a lie!"

In the end, the crystal dragon couldn't resist the desire to live, and agreed.

However, it mentioned a condition, "I can agree to the millennium agreement. But there is one condition! If you can't agree to it, the transaction will be cancelled."

"Oh? Come and listen."

"You must help me extend my life by five thousand, no! Ten thousand years!"

This request is simply a lion's mouth!

You know, Baili Jingtao only got thirty to fifty years of renewal at first, and it was so pleasantly surprised!

Live for thousands of years?

The average human Wuhuang has just so much life span!

But for the crystal dragon, it is not an exaggeration.

After all, it has lived for too long, ten thousand years are just a flick for it.

Li Ye was taken aback for a moment, but did not immediately agree.

The Crystal Dragon is a little anxious. It knows that its request is indeed difficult, but it wants to give it a try!

Because just give it ten thousand years, maybe it can break through that curse and truly jump out of the cycle of fate! As long as it can contribute to that point, it can be paid at any price.

"Ten thousand years, it is not easy."

"Then, eight thousand years?"

If it weren’t for the two parties in the conversation, one is a legendary crystal dragon that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and the other is a human genius who recently made a name for himself in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou. I really thought it was in the vegetable market and bargaining. of?

"Three thousand years!"

"No! At least seven thousand years!"

"Three thousand five hundred years, no more."

"Human! You have to know that I made a huge concession! Six thousand years! One year can't be less!"

"No, I think this deal will be cancelled. Your request is too high and I can't achieve it. Of course, if you work hard, there may be some hope for four thousand years."

If someone saw this scene at this moment, their eyes would definitely fall out!

"Human! You are challenging my dignity!"

"No, no, no, respectable Crystal Dragon, your request is too difficult for me, and I can't help it. Since I can't complete it, how about canceling it?"

Crystal Dragon's eyes were uncertain, but Li Ye showed some hesitation, as if he had already wanted to cancel this negotiation that was actually a win-win situation.

In the end, the crystal dragon sighed, "Human, you are not the most powerful human being I have ever seen, but the most shameless one I have ever seen."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Five thousand years! This is my bottom line!"

Li Ye shook his head, but the crystal dragon suddenly said, "Five thousand years, after all, I need to waste a thousand years to stay with the so-called master gate in your mouth!"

"Finally, five thousand years is five thousand years, but I explained in advance that I can only try, without guarantee!"

Just kidding, five thousand years! Really regard him as a god?

Although the pill is against the sky, it cannot be so exaggerated.

Longevity Pills can indeed extend life, but wanting to extend the life of the crystal dragon by five thousand years, Li Ye's mind turned crazy!

"Longevity Pill is not good, it seems that only that pill can be tried!"

As the emperor Danwu who has reached the level of no one in the realm of alchemy, in his life, there is not only the longevity pill, a kind of heaven-defying pill that will last forever.

There is another kind, maybe not many people know about it, but it just so happens that Li Ye knows it!

Gui Ming Dan!

A pill name that sounded a little harder to get on the stage, but even today's Li Ye could not necessarily refine the true life-defying pill!

Because this kind of pill, even the Great Emperor Dan Wu had never really finished it! It's just one of his ideas!

"Boy, the emperor has vaguely heard some rumors about the turtle life pill, but the emperor Danwu has never succeeded!"

Emperor Tianjian couldn't help saying.

"I know, but if you want the crystal dragon to live for five thousand years, the longevity pill can't be done. Maybe only the turtle life pill can do it!"

There is a legend in the world.

Thousand-year king and eighty-thousand year turtle!

It is enough to see the origin of the name of the Guiming Pill by Emperor Danwu!

Ordinary king and eight tortoises can live for that long, and they are almost recognized as the longest-lived species in the world!

Even further, even the beasts will die one day. But there is a kind of beast, there is always only one for millions of years, countless years!


"If it can be successful, let alone five thousand years, even ten thousand years will be nothing!"

This is a crazy gamble!

Li Ye hadn't imagined it before, but when he met the crystal dragon, he decided to give it a try!

Because according to Emperor Danwu's vision, once the Guiming Pill is successfully refined, it will be enough to extend the life of any human being at least thousands of years!

What is that concept?

Once this pill comes out, fools can guess that it will cause the entire Shenshengzhou, no! It is the violent turbulence of everyone in the Three Realms and Nine Realms!

Those who have sealed themselves in the depths of the earth, half-dead and immortal, will all emerge from the ground!

At that time, the world will be lively.

What's more, Li Ye thought that if he had a longevity pill or even a turtle life pill in his hand, his value would even be the point where the Dongzhou Ye family could not ignore it! That is also a way to increase his strength.

The transaction between the two parties was concluded, but it caused another wave.

Crystal Dragon, how to leave with Li Ye?

In its current state, it can only be in this half-sleepy, half-waking state to delay the arrival of death.

If you want to leave easily, it will speed up its blood flow.

Later, Li Ye thought of a way!

Inheritance space!

"A world of its own!"

When the crystal dragon entered the inheritance space, don't mention how shocked it was!

It is not so ignorant of the world!

This is clearly beyond the height of the small world of Emperor Wu! It's more like an independent space completely independent of the Three Realms and Nine Realms!

"What did you bring back?"

Seeing Li Ye bringing a crystal dragon back, Shui Linglong couldn't help rolling her eyes playfully.

On the other hand, Master Li on the other side showed a slight hostility!

"The dragon and lion clan?"

The crystal dragon is naturally the most sensitive to the breath of the demon dragon bloodline, and it was also very surprised after seeing Master Li.

If it meets Li Ye, it will definitely swallow Master Li!

But now, it is more interested in this space!

"Human, you make me more curious! This place is almost completely independent of the Three Realms!"

The crystal dragon is not stupid. Li Ye has such a big secret hidden in his body. If he can continue to live for thousands of years, let alone waste thousands of years at that time, even he will not want to leave!

"Crystal Dragon!"

A sweet voice came out, and the crystal dragon was like an enemy!

I only saw a beautiful woman walking out of the castle! Even Li Shishi and Shui Linglong are a bit inferior in this world.

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