Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2735: Millennial promise


In the Three Realms and Nine Regions, only humans can refine the pill!

This is definitely something that any powerful race among the Three Realms and Nine Regions is jealous and envious of. ??

Even the most famous demon dragon in the world, once known as the most powerful race in the world, is also salivating for the human pill!

"Do you have that kind of life-sustaining pill?"

The crystal dragon's voice was slightly hurried!

After living for countless years, it naturally knows that human beings, whether innate or otherwise, are far from being compared with some terrifying species in the Three Realms. It can even be said that in their eyes, there is no difference between the original humans and the ants!

But why for millions of years, the powerful races are not hidden and isolated from the world. Just disappear into the world completely, no one has ever seen it since then?

As powerful as a demon dragon, have to create an independent dragon island to jump out of the Three Realms with supreme magical powers?

Today's Three Realms, at least Shenshengzhou, has long since become the world of mankind!


Li Ye smiled slightly, but then his eyes condensed, "Of course, the pill is not on me now. But my pill, even those who run out of oil, run out of blood and die, can continue to continue. Go on!

The pill is naturally a longevity pill. Even a person who is dead like Baili Jingtao can get a life span of thirty to fifty years. It is not difficult to help the crystal dragon continue its life.

As for the duration of life, it depends on personal luck!

"How many years will it last?"

The crystal dragon instantly suppressed the killing intent in its heart. Just now, it almost wanted to kill the human in front of it and **** the pill.

Regarding the changes in the crystal dragon, Li Yexin is like a mirror, but it does not show the slightest on the surface. Hearing that, he just smiled and shook his head, "This kind of medicine has not been tried on species other than humans. I can't guarantee how many years it will last."

But when the conversation turned around, Li Ye smiled, "Naturally, judging from the only remaining blood in your body..."

"How many years?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

Li Ye raised the crystal dragon's appetite, but just didn't give it a clear answer.

Because even he couldn't judge himself. After all, the crystal dragon is different from human beings. Whether the Longevity Pill is effective or not, how effective it is, really can't tell.

"Child, how do you make me believe you?"

"You can choose not to believe it, or even take action. But once that happens, there is bound to be no possibility of any relaxation between you and me! You should be aware of this. If you want to keep me, your chances are not great!"

These words almost spread everything out!

At this moment, the crystal dragon could not pretend to be kind, and his eyes were uncertain.

"By the way, I can tell you one more thing. My kind of pill is a life-saving pill created by the former Emperor Danwu!"

Suddenly, Li Ye threw out a temptation that the crystal dragon could not refuse!

"Emperor Danwu!"

After living for so long, the Crystal Dragon naturally knew who Emperor Danwu was!

You know, mankind has gone through millions of years, even the emperor could not live so long! But it can! Even it itself has forgotten how long it has been alive, but it has heard the name of Emperor Danwu.

"Emperor Danwu, that was once a very great powerhouse among your humans."

"Since you have heard of Emperor Danwu's name and taboo, you naturally know his ability. My life-renewing pill was created by him."

If it is said that the crystal dragon was still doubtful before, then hearing the name of Emperor Danwu at this moment made it a little excited.

Just don't look at it now, it's about to die, there is not much time, but after so many years of living, it has long been an old cunning!

Even before Li Ye and Helan Tianlang's clone had a fierce battle, they didn't show it, and it was obvious that the crystal dragon was not that simple.

This is a game.

Li Ye and Crystal Dragon are actually testing each other.

In the end, it was clear that the survivalist had the upper hand.

"Well, what kind of conditions do you want?"

"Sheng Jing, I am not lacking!"

The biggest advantage of the crystal dragon in many legends is that it is equivalent to a moving dragon vein! Can also produce countless holy crystals! For any inheritance, there is great temptation.

However, for Li Ye, that kind of attractiveness is greatly compromised.

"what do you want?"

"It's very simple, just promise me one condition!"

"What conditions?"

"I once had a sect! I need one day, you can help my sect and stay there for a thousand years!"

As soon as this request was made, the entire cavern suddenly seemed to crumble!

The endless anger is completely vented!

The crystal dragon is angry!

In his opinion, this is Li Ye wanting to enslave it! This is proud it cannot tolerate!

"Human! I can't agree to your condition!"

Li Ye smiled and remained unmoved, "You can think about it. I don't want to imprison and enslave you. It only takes a thousand years. You don't need to do anything. You just need to wait for my teacher to rebuild somewhere in Shensheng Prefecture. After the sect, you have a thousand years of time. Once the thousand years have passed, where do you like to go, where do you go! No one will stop you."

No one is a fool, Li Ye can't help the Crystal Dragon continue his life for no reason.

Even if he does have longevity pills, he also needs to get corresponding benefits.

He was not in a hurry, because he believed that the crystal dragon would choose the pros and cons.

Sure enough, the crystal dragon fell into silence.

Thousand years of time, in fact, is not very long for it. Even many times it takes hundreds of thousands of years to fall asleep.

But the feeling of being controlled by others is unacceptable.

On the contrary, Li Ye's plan is also very clear.

Ever since Tian Waitian was destroyed, Ye Wuming had always wanted to rebuild the sect.

Although I don't know where they are now, Li Ye knows that one day they will meet! Li Ye is not optimistic about starting a sect in Shenshengzhou, where the strong are like clouds! Even if Tianwaitian is successfully rebuilt, it is still difficult!

But if there is a crystal dragon sleeping under the sect for a thousand years! That is equivalent to getting a dragon vein for a thousand years! He believes that with the accumulation of these thousand years, even if it cannot be compared with those ancient inheritances, at least it can have a foothold in Shenshengzhou.

"Really, as long as I stay for a thousand years, there is nothing to do?"

"That is your choice, my request, as long as you stay there for a thousand years! Of course, if you want to pay more at that time, I don't mind."

Pay more? The crystal dragon sneered in his heart. Its existence, even those millions of years of ancient heritage, would pay all the price and treat it as an ancestor! It just doesn't want to be controlled by people, let alone be controlled by a group of humans.

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