Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2689: Make wedding dresses for others

Before the Golden Temple, the treasure boat of the Helan family wanted to approach, but it seemed to have an invisible power. ??

Not only the surrounding sea of ​​death, but even Baozhou was turned away.

"Young Master, how do we get in?"

In Helan's family, even those ancestors today must be respectful to Helan Tianlang!

His identity is too special. In terms of seniority, even the few ancient existences in the Helan family buried in the ground are considered his juniors. Even the current Patriarch of the Helan family can be regarded as a great-great-grandson he doesn't know how many generations.

Therefore, in the entire Helan family, unless the three supreme emperors were born, no one is more noble than Helan Tianlang.

His word can even affect the decision-making of the entire Helan family!

"The Golden Temple, the ancient legend is the most noble and sacred temple of the Golden Spirit Race. If it were so simple and easy to enter, the tribes would not have returned without success."

About this piece of heaven and earth, the origins and secrets of the Thousand Emperors Realm.

People in this era don't know, but Helan Tianlang knows a little bit.

After all, he was a character from countless times before, but for some reason, he chose to dust himself to be born again in this era.

Even some of Helan's elders don't necessarily know more than him.

"If we can't get in, then we are not here for nothing?"

The several geniuses of the Helan family looked at each other. Before Helan Tianlang was born, they were a highly valued hope in the Helan family, and secretly it was also an open fight. But the appearance of Helan Tianlang made everyone almost lose their early days.

Nowadays, they don't even have a fight, because what is pressing on them is a terrifying figure who is not known how many times older than their ancestors.

"Come here for nothing? I have never failed what Helan Tianlang wants!"

A touch of domineering appeared on his face.

In his time, he was the real star in the sky, the invincible arrogant of the Three Realms and Nine Realms! People even thought that in that era, the Helan family would dominate the entire Dongzhou and even the entire Shenshengzhou because of his appearance.

It's just that something happened later that made him have to seal himself up in advance.

Thinking of the past scenes, Helan Tianlang's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

If he hadn't met that person back then, he would definitely become the most brilliant emperor of the Helan family! It is the **** who leads the entire Helan family to dominate the world!

"Hengtian! Although you defeated me back then, I had to bear the dust. But what about it! What you couldn't get back then is right in front of me! I will take it all away! If you return it Are you alive, will you regret for life?"

It turns out that Helan Tianlang is a genius of the same era as Emperor Hengtian.

It's just that no matter how evil he is, he has encountered a hit nemesis!

No, it should be said that as long as it is a genius of that era, in front of Emperor Hengtian, he can't raise his head! No one, even if he is a talented evildoer, a peerless peerless person, after all, he still can't stop Hengtian the Great Emperor from asking the way.

Compared to others, Helan Tianlang is definitely an ambition!

So I chose to cover myself in dust and avoided the frontal conflict with Emperor Hengtian.

Now that he is born, in his eyes, no one can compete with him for the so-called genius of this era!

Whether it is Princess Saint Demon Gate or Mo Zihan of the Immortal King Palace, in his eyes it is just the cornerstone for him to step on the throne of God. As for the descendants of other emperor-level sects, he didn't even take it seriously.

"Princess Saint Demon Gate, if I can get this woman, it will be of great help to my future great cause. What a pity, what a pity."

The thought that his first move was not completed, made him very upset.

The hatred for Li Ye in his heart has deepened a bit.

"Well, as long as you open the Golden Temple, any price can be paid!"

The reason why he fell in love with Princess Saint Demon Gate was that the Princess of Saint Demon Gate was the imperial prince and was an obstacle to his future way of asking questions. If it can be subdued, it will not only reduce one opponent, but also pull the entire Saint Demon Gate onto his chariot! Become a boost to his aspiration to the highest peak.

However, compared to the Golden Temple in front of him, the ten Saint Demon Gates added up were completely incomparable.

In his hand, there was a Godbreaking Cone!

In the whole world, the number of God Breakers is quite limited!

No one knows where the God Breaking Cone came from, only that this thing can break all the restrictions, the formation! Even if it was some ancient big formations, in front of God Breaking Cone, it was still like paper.

"God-breaking cone, Young Master wants to break the seal of the Golden Temple with this?"

A genius from the Helan family's eyes lit up.

Helan Tianlang smiled slightly, "It's not easy to enter the Golden Temple. Although this God Breaker can't be used several times, if you can enter the Golden Temple, even if it is destroyed, it is worth it!"

Yes, God Breaking Cone is not an ordinary magic weapon! It is a strange treasure! However, as the number of uses increases, it will slowly be destroyed and eventually become scrap iron.


The extremely powerful God Breaking Cone, just like its name, slammed directly on the Golden Temple.

Suddenly, outside the entire temple, there seemed to be a twisted time and space!

In an instant, I saw the broken **** cone and disappeared in an instant.

In this scene, everyone in the Helan family on Baozhou was stunned!

They know that the Golden Temple is the highest treasure of the legendary Golden Spirit Race, and it must have a powerful guardian seal. But I didn't expect it to be so terrible.

"Twisting time and space? It is worthy of being the temple of the Golden Spirit Race, known as the perfect race. With this method, even if the emperor himself comes, he will fall into it and never come out!"

Although Helan Tianlang was surprised, he was not flustered, and slightly admired.

"Young Master, are we?"

The god-breaking cones disappeared, and the Helan family had no other means.

But Helan Tianlang shook his head, "Don't worry, although the distortion of time and space is indeed a big deal, it still can't stop the entrance of the Godbreaking Cone."

Before the words fell, the next moment I saw that the God Breaking Cone that had just disappeared suddenly appeared out of thin air, as if it had just disappeared out of nowhere. But after appearing, it was obvious that the twisted time and space seemed to be torn apart.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the Helan family was overjoyed!

Even Helan Tianlang was secretly relieved.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he broke through that gap!

Helan Tianlang didn't even react during the whole process.

"Mo Zihan!"


The terrible roar almost shattered every inch of the void!

The person who rushed in was not someone else, but Mo Zihan who disappeared after entering the Thousand Emperor Realm!

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