Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2688: Golden Temple

The seemingly beautiful Saint Demon Gate is precisely because three great emperors were born. ?

Only then can we guard the entire southern Xinjiang and become a behemoth!

But now, among the three great emperors of the Saint Demon Gate, one of them is about to come, and the other one does not have much time. If this news comes out, the entire southern Xinjiang will be turbulent!

You know, the emperor-level sect in southern Xinjiang is not only the Saint Demon Sect family!

Many people want to replace it!

"No matter what the purpose of the Saint Demon Gate, as long as they don't provoke me, they can cooperate at that time! But if they have ulterior motives!"

Li Ye snorted slightly.

He is not a soft-hearted person, he dared to kill the Ye Family, and he was not afraid to kill the Saint Demon Clan.

"Boy, might as well cooperate with Saint Demon Gate."

"Oh? Old ghost, are you related to the Saint Demon Gate?"

"I can't talk about it, but I had a little friendship with Emperor Bingyi back then. Based on this emperor's understanding of the Saint Demon Gate and Emperor Bingyi, the Saint Demon Gate is indeed not the kind of sect that bullies others. And, hey! Boy, then. The Saint Demon Gate Princess is a good thing. If you can subdue her, it will not be difficult for the entire Saint Demon Gate to stand behind you in the future!"

Never stop! Li Ye cursed inwardly.

But indeed, the princess of the Saint Demon Gate is stunning in the world, even if it is better than the goddess in the sky.

This class of women is also the descendant of such a behemoth as the Saint Demon Gate. If they can be subdued, they will not only embrace the beauty, but also have a powerful backing like the Saint Demon Gate.

"Old ghost, do you want me to take advantage of a woman's position?"

"Wrong, this emperor didn't suggest you so! But hey, why not do it?"

Isn't that a meaning?

Rolling his eyes, he understood the thoughts of Emperor Tianjian. But he could not agree, at least, he would not choose that kind of thing as a last resort.

Now that he had figured out the purpose of the Saint Demon Gate, Li Ye was relieved temporarily.


The Saint Demon Gate gave him a hundred years.

It seems that he has plenty of time, but those who really understand the fight for the throne will shake their heads and sigh one by one.

Set foot in the imperial realm for a hundred years?

That is simply a fantasy!

Even the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor sighed, "The Saint Demon Gate's requirements for you are not low. Back then, it took this emperor nearly three hundred years to set foot in the Emperor Realm! If you can do it for a hundred years, it is indeed true for the Saint Demon Gate. It's a huge gain! Maybe the girl from the Saint Demon Gate will personally use her in exchange for you to join the Saint Demon Gate!"

Cruel remarks, but Li Ye did not refute.

Because in this world, anyone who changes will make that decision!

Sacrificing a disciple to let a great emperor join the family, this is a lucrative business!

"With the talent of the Saint Demon Gate Princess, it is only a matter of the world for her to set foot in the Emperor Realm."

"That's what I said, but this road is extremely difficult, and no one can guarantee that you will be able to reach the top. Even the girl of the Saint Demon Gate, in the eyes of this emperor, there is only about 70% possibility."

Seventy percent!

In fact, it is already very high!

Many sect geniuses will never give up even if they only have less than 10% chance!

Li Ye could almost guess the plan of the Saint Demon Gate.

To recruit him, it is even better to let him indulge in the charm of the princess of the Saint Demon Gate. The best result will be to add two great emperors to the Saint Demon Gate at once!

Ten thousand steps back, even if he fails, he can also become a powerful guardian on the road to the emperor for the Saint Demon Gate Princess!

No matter how you look at it, the Saint Demon Gate only needs to pay a promise that can't be fulfilled in a short time, and you can get a powerful boost! Even reduce the formidable opponents of the Saint Demon Gate Princess on the road to the throne in the future.

Good calculation!

In the next few days, in the realm of Thousand Emperors, almost all the strong geniuses of the big sects appeared.

The sea of ​​death is not really impossible to go out!

After all, someone saw through the obstacles and found a way out.

At the same time, some of the small islands that emerged in the Sea of ​​Death naturally have some relics.

Even some ancient cave houses that cannot be traced back to the times!

But what followed was blood!



On a small island, only a few strong men exploded with terrible power, but they retreated while fighting, and everyone was wounded.

Behind them, there are dozens of wandering souls chasing and killing them!

"Damn! There are too many wandering souls here! Go!"

More and more wandering souls appeared.

Even from the sea of ​​death, they all appeared one by one!

It's like a ghost, embarrassed on all sides!

Many people have died tragically, but there are also powerful people who have broken their way.

"I found the Emperor Soul Orb!"

Some people die, and naturally some people gain something.

Emperor Soul Orb!

A treasure unique to the Thousand Emperors Realm!

Since the wandering soul appeared, it would naturally be accompanied by the appearance of the Emperor Soul Orb.

As someone obtains the Emperor Soul Orb, even if they know the danger, someone still wants to **** it at all risks!

But those who guard this emperor soul orb are at least the emperor rank wandering soul.

The treasure boat of the Helan family seemed to disappear from everyone's eyes, and at the same time, no one saw the trace of the Baili Mo family.

"It really is here."

The treasure boat of Helan's family appeared outside an ancient palace at this time.

The palace seemed to have no idea what era it was left behind, but it showed a dark golden color as a whole! It reveals a quaint taste, even if it is deep in the sea of ​​death, it can't hide its light.

"Golden Temple! The legend is true!"

Looking at the palace in front of him, Helan Tianlang looked excited!

This time the Helan family came here, not for the Emperor Soul Orb! Because they, many years ago, had obtained a dilapidated ancient book, which recorded some words and phrases about the Thousand Emperor Realm.

Among them, the Golden Temple! Let the whole Helan family prepare for countless years.

"Young Master, now that you have found the Golden Temple, you may be able to find the treasure left by the Golden Spirit Race back then!"


The purpose of the Helan family is only one!

Once known as the first race among the ten thousand races, it even threatened the treasures left by the golden spirit race of the perfect race ruled by the gods!

That's what the Helan family wants!

As for the Emperor Soul Orb, although it is also precious, it is not that rare to the Helan family!

"Be careful! We don't know what is in the Golden Temple!"

It was hard to hide the excitement, but Helan Tianlang was more calm.

The Helan family wanted the Yue Ye family to become the true master of Dongzhou, and ordinary means would naturally not work. So since getting that old book, the Helan family has been preparing for today for several times.

Even, he did not hesitate to seal him in dust for several times!

Yes, Helan Tianlang is not from this era! He was the famous proud son of the Helan family several times ago!

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