Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2686: Purpose of Princess Saint Demon Gate

The fragments of basalt stone, although only a small piece the size of a nail, are actually enough for Li Ye!

Like a **** meteorite, directly integrated into one's own sea of ​​consciousness spirit platform!

With the five elements of the innate, now he has gathered gold, fire, and earth, and only the innate wood spirit and the innate water spirit are left, and he can completely accomplish the ambition that even the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor could not accomplish back then!

The body of the five elements!

"Since the Golden Spirit Race disappeared, the body of the five elements has never appeared in this world. ()|(eight) even the emperor is very curious, what a real experience of the five elements is!"

Although everything was based on Li Ye, Emperor Tianjian still couldn't restrain his inner excitement.

For him, this was the biggest wish of the year, but it was a pity that he could not accomplish it himself.

Therefore, he wants to accomplish this ambition on the junior Li Ye.

"Xiantian Wood Spirit and Xiantian Water Spirit, these two are hard to find."

Although the body of the five elements is more than half completed, Li Ye's worries have not diminished.

Now he couldn't turn his head back, and the Five Elements Body had cultivated to this point, even if he wanted to give up on the path of an ordinary ascetic who opened up the way to the sky, he couldn't do it.

Now he, once the way of heaven is drawn, it is bound to have a violent conflict with his innate five elements.

All the road foundations were destroyed by injuries to serious injuries! Importantly...

Li Ye didn't continue thinking about it.

Princess Saint Demon's injuries were not serious, and Li Ye didn't care about her either.

He couldn't see through this woman, so he tried to keep silent.

But what surprised him was that after he had been practicing on this unknown island for several days, the Saint Demon Gate Princess actually took care of his daily life like a gentle and virtuous wife.

Although they have reached their realm, they have been completely freed and don't need grains to eat their food, but some mortal habits cannot be reduced after all.

Especially Li Ye, he is full of calculations, he has only set foot in this monastic world from the mortal world for less than 20 years! At his age, even the geniuses of the emperor-level sects, many of them have not yet been taught!

Finally, on the seventh day.

"The princess wastes time on me like this, isn't she afraid that the opportunities and treasures of the Thousand Emperor Realm will be seized by others?"

Slightly opened his eyes, for him, the biggest purpose of coming to the Thousand Emperors Realm had been accomplished. As for the other so-called opportunities and treasures of the Thousand Emperors Realm, they are not urgently needed for him.

He can stay here at ease, waiting for the day to leave the Thousand Emperor Realm. But other people weren't like that, especially the descendants who came from a sect of Three Emperors Sacred Demon Sect. Such a waste of time made him feel that this unparalleled charming woman must have some special purpose for him.

Lead him to southern Xinjiang? He absolutely didn't believe it was that simple.

"Brother Dao thinks, what is the greatest opportunity and treasure of the Thousand Emperor Realm?"

Li Ye didn't say a word, for him it was naturally a basalt stone. But he can't take the real basalt stone, let alone him, even the emperor himself can't take it away!

Of course, he was faintly aware that in this Thousand Emperors Realm, or the once ancient Shensheng Prefecture, there should be a greater secret hidden. But he is definitely not the current one, he can touch.

It was an intuition. Once he showed up, it might not bring him luck, but disaster.

"What does the princess want to say."

"Brother Dao is a wise man. The purpose of the younger sister is actually clear in Brother Dao's heart."

Saint Demon Gate Princess smiled slightly, no man can resist her charm with such a peerless elegance.

But Li Ye was indifferent.

Peerless beauty, there is no shortage of him!

Whether it is Shui Linglong or Li Shishi, they are rare women in this world. Not to mention the Heavenly Dream Saint! That is even more with a natural charm!

This can be seen from the reincarnated Yulianxiang of the Heavenly Dream Saint.

"What the princess said, forgive me for being dull."

Li Ye naturally guessed a bit, but he pretended to be deaf.

However, it is clear that Princess Saint Demon Gate is not so good at playing, "Brother Dao is a peerless talent, living in this small place in the sixteen countries of Xizhou, it seems a little overkill."

"What the princess meant, isn't the Holy Demon Gate trying to recruit me?"

Li Ye sneered. Indeed, compared with the Saint Demon Gate, the entire Xizhou Sixteen Kingdoms combined may not be as powerful as the Saint Demon Gate. But as far as he is concerned, the Killing Temple is kind to him, and the Jubao Pavilion is not thin to him! Although he didn't join the two great emperor-level sects, but let him now switch to his sect?

Then others have the courage to pick it up!

In the future, he wants to kill the Ye family. He believes that as long as he knows this, no sect family will dare to recruit him!

"Brother Dao is a smart man, the meaning of the younger sister is exactly what the teacher meant."

Finally, it was straightforward. The so-called letting him go to Southern Xinjiang and following along the way, the fundamental reason lies in him!

But other doubts came to mind.

Slightly frowned, what was the reason the Saint Demon Gate fell in love with him?

"Brother Dao is surprised?"

"It's really strange that the Saint Demon Gate is one of the three emperors, and it is even more inherited in Southern Xinjiang. I am just a nameless pawn, why can I make the Saint Demon Gate so important? Even the princess who is the descendant of the Saint Demon Gate actually condescended to attract ."

You know, the identity of Saint Demon Gate Princess, even in the entire Shensheng Prefecture, is ranked top!

Compared with Princess Saint Demon Gate, Young Master Yulong, Mo Zihan and his ilk must stand aside!

Even Ye Qingyu would lower his head in front of Princess Saint Demon Gate!

This time, there are only two people who can truly be called the pride of heaven!

Feng Yang, the young master of Fenghuo City, and the princess of the Saint Demon Gate!

These two talents are the most domineering existence in this trip to the Thousand Emperors Realm.

It's just two people, the former is cynical, not so much to grab a treasure, as it is to play! As for the latter, Li Ye couldn't understand even more!

"If Brother Dao can be regarded as a nameless man, then there are so many geniuses in the world that few people are qualified."

Li Ye was shocked. If he had any doubts before, then he is sure now that Princess Saint Demon definitely knew his identity!

Just, how do you know?

"How did you know?"

"What does Dao brother mean?"

Princess Saint Demon Gate laughed, but Li Ye narrowed his eyes. Although there is no trace of killing intent, it can still be clearly felt.

He is not surprised that Mo Zihan can recognize him! But others!

You know, even people who are familiar with Yu Shang, etc., did not recognize him this time!

But this killing intent quickly disappeared.

Regardless of whether he can kill Princess Saint Demon Gate, even if he kills it, it will not do him much.

More importantly, he is also curious!

The purpose of the Saint Demon Gate!

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