Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2685: Create a world!

Baili Yunyan smiled slightly, and said, "If this is the case, I will say goodbye to Brother Tianlang. I wish Brother Tianlang every success."

After speaking, he took the Baili Mo family and left the treasure boat of the Helan family.

Although there are many dangers in this sea of ​​death, the Baili Mo family also has a way to protect themselves.

Watching the members of the Baili Mo family leave, one of the Helan family whispered, "That's how the young master let them go?"

"Yes, although the Baili Mo Family is not as good as before, they are more familiar with this world than anyone else! If they cooperate with other people..."

However, Helan Tianlang hummed slightly, "They dare not! Baili Yunyan is far more arrogant than what you see on the surface. Although he hides well, his ambition still shows through his eyes. come out."

Obviously, Helan Tianlang is not an empty and powerful prince of heaven, he has a pair of wise eyes.

"Send someone to follow the people of the Baili Mo family, and any disturbances will be transmitted back immediately!"

"Yes! Young Master!"

On the other side, Baili Yunyan left with someone.

Finally, Baili Hongyan and other geniuses from the Baili Mo family couldn't help it.

"Young Master, did we just give up like this?"

Regarding the purpose of entering the Thousand Emperor Realm this time, only two people actually knew.

One is Baili Yunyan and the other is Baili Hongyan!

The former is the true descendant of the Baili Mo family today, while the latter learned about it from his ancestor Baili Jingtao.

"If the thing is really below, no one can get it."

Before he jumped into the sea of ​​death, he had already dived deep.

But even with the protection from the water droplets, in the end, he couldn't resist the death erosion, and had to give up halfway.

With his strength even unable to go down, he firmly believes that even if Helan Tianlang is half stronger than him, he has no chance!

It's a pity that he didn't know about Li Ye's appearance before and the fight with Helan Tianlang.

Otherwise it is absolutely impossible to be so conceited.

"But the ancestors..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the thing is not obtained, our Baili Mohist school will eventually have a chance! If this time is not possible, we can wait for the next time! As long as we get that thing, our Baili Mohist school will be able to jump out of this world!


Baili Hongyan was also slightly excited, "If it is really possible, then our Baili Mo Family can really live forever! Just like the legendary Dragon Island!"

Dragon Island!

Beyond the Three Realms and Nine Realms, there are many mysterious places!

One of them is Dragon Island!

No one knows where the true dragons who galloped the Three Realms in the past have gone now. There is only one answer.

That is Dragon Island!

"Young Master, it is rumored that the Dragon Island was created by the Dragon God in the line of the monster dragon himself. It is independent of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, and forms a realm on its own! Even the will of the heavens can't affect that side, in that world they are Master, is this really the case?"


Baili Yunyan couldn't answer, but he said, "No matter whether the legend is true or not, the Baili Mohist school will not hesitate to try it once! As long as it succeeds, the great cause for all ages is just around the corner! At that time, no matter what the three emperors or the five emperors, there will be only one You look up to my Baili Mo family!"

Baili Mojia! The biggest purpose this time is the basalt stone!

The basalt stone that is known to guard one world actually has another legend!

"Create a world?"

Li Ye was taken aback, at this time he had already arrived at an island on the Sea of ​​Death. It is said that it is an island, but it is actually a peak among the original mountains. It looks like a small island from a distance when it is out of the sea of ​​Death.

"Otherwise, do you think that ordinary sacred stones can give birth to that kind of existence?"

Emperor Tianjian sneered.

Indeed, although it is not a real basalt sacred beast, such terrible existence, just the thought that a divine stone was born by itself, can be so powerful that it can be imagined.

"But isn't Emperor Wu himself able to open up a world?"

You must know that by practicing to Emperor Wu, you will be able to create a world on your own. This is exactly what the so-called Emperor Wu Kingdom is.

Although it can't be compared with a big world like the Three Realms and Nine Regions, it still has a hint of embryonic form.

"Different! Regardless of Emperor Wu, or the Great, the self-born kingdom cannot be regarded as a true pioneering world, and it will still be controlled by this world. Unless it evolves for countless years, it is possible to truly become a world. But that This possibility is too small. Once Emperor Wu and the Great fall, the small world will slowly fall into decline and eventually usher in destruction."

According to Heavenly Sword Great Emperor's statement, it is obvious that the small world cannot be called a true self-contained world.


For some reason, Li Ye thought of the mysterious inheritance space in his body.

According to the Heavenly Sword Emperor, after Emperor Wu and Emperor fell, the small world in their bodies would be broken and re-classified into nothingness within a few years.

But the inheritance space in his body does not know how many years it has existed.

"Is that the real world?"

From a very early time, he has discovered that the laws of heaven and earth in the inheritance space are different from those of the outside world, but he has never explored in depth.

"Boy, don't think about the basalt stone now. There are basalt stone fragments that are enough for you to cultivate the power of the five elements of the earth spirit. That kind of thing, even if it is the Wushen Mountain and the Medicine King Palace, once you know it, you will do your best to **** it! One world! Hey, no one has succeeded in millions of years!"


"The emperor said no, of course not. Of course, a million years ago, he said otherwise! The demon dragon line has already left this world! Otherwise, how do you think the legend of Dragon Island appeared?"

Li Ye was silent.

"Hey, it's not just Dragon Island! The emperor guessed that even the current Three Realms and Nine Realms were actually created by someone! The real Shensheng Prefecture, you have seen it, has already been sealed there! Then the current Three Realms Where did the nine domains come from? Have you ever thought about it?"

In the end, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor finally became serious, "There are some things, when you reach that state, you will naturally know. Now is not the time for you to consider those problems, your kid will first cultivate the Five Elements Body successfully. Then, naturally Can snoop into the truth of this world."

Princess Saint Demon Gate has woken up, or rather, has woken up before.

"Brother Dao has so many secrets that make the little sister very curious."

Leaving the sea of ​​death, with the strength of Princess Saint Demon Gate, it has quickly recovered to the original state. Only now, she seemed to be more curious about Li Ye than before.

"Some secrets, not knowing, are often better than knowing."

Li Ye's face was cold, he knew that Princess Saint Demon Gate knew the secret of inheritance space in his body. But he is not afraid, because he has never revealed his true strength. You must know that Emperor Wu has his own small world.

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