Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2683: Avoid water drops

The disappearance of the Golden Spirit Race involves countless mysteries in the Primordial Primordial Era and even the Mythical Era. ?

Even if it is the incarnation of a basalt stone, it is impossible to tell those things exactly.

After all, it is not a real basalt sacred beast, but an incarnation of basalt stone.

But even so, it was enough to bring a huge impact to Li Ye!

"Little guy, although the road is not easy to walk, the Golden Spirit Race back then is a lesson for the past. But since you can come here, it's a chance, I can give you part of the basalt stone essence."

For Li Ye, the basalt stone is the most important thing compared to the secrets and secrets of the ages.

With the basalt stone, he is one step closer to becoming a five-element body!

"Thank you senior!"

Basalt stone! One of the gods stone!

It is said that even the heavens can make up for the **** stone! To be honest, he didn't have much hope for this journey to find basalt stones.

"You can come here, it also proves that you are qualified to have basalt stones. For countless years, you are not the first person to come here, but you are the first person to find basalt stones."

He is not the first!

Li Ye was taken aback, you know, this place, even the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had appeared.

Even if it appears, the terrible sea of ​​death, who is here?

Perhaps the Great! But the Thousand Emperors Realm is a place where the Great Emperor would never come! Here, the emperor is likely to fall, as powerful as that kind of existence, unless there is something that can attract their interests, otherwise it is impossible to easily take risks.

"I don't know who has been here before the juniors?"

"A young man like you."

A young man like him?

But it's right to think about it carefully. Only the cultivators under the thousand years old can enter the realm of the thousand emperors. For Shenshengzhou, under one thousand years old, it is indeed only a young man.

Since there was not much to ask, Li Ye naturally left.

The basalt stone, although only a little bit of basalt stone fragments, is enough for him!

As for the incarnation of the basalt stone, even the emperor did not dare to be rampant in front of such existence, he naturally couldn't conquer it now.

When he woke up again, he was now back in the backyard.

And that dry well has disappeared, as if it had never appeared!

"It seems that this Xuanwu Temple does not always exist!"

Someone else had been here before him, why didn't they show up?

The only explanation is the particularity of the Xuanwu Temple!

As for why he was able to show up, his guess is that he was in Wuzhou City, and the sad and ancient cemetery in Wuzhou City outside the city is related!

"Is there a connection between the two?"

This piece of world was once brilliant! The ancestral land of the Golden Spirit Race, the first race of all ages!

Even the basalt stones are guarded here!

But now, it has become a sea of ​​death.

Buried in the deepest part of the sea of ​​death.

"Old ghost, the basalt stone has been obtained, and there are only two steps left to your dream back then!"

Innate five elements, wood, water, fire and earth. Now he has all three types: gold, fire and earth, all he needs is wood and water!

Once the five elements are complete, it is the day when his body of the five elements becomes complete!

"Boy, the emperor is looking forward to the day when you succeed in your cultivation! That is something that even the emperor could not do back then. The emperor is looking forward to the day when your body of the five elements becomes complete. What kind of change is coming!"

Now that he got the basalt stone, Li Ye didn't dare to stay here.

Although he can bear the endless death power, it will also cause a lot of harm to him over time.

Finally, he glanced at this ancient city of Wuzhou, this big six, Li Ye chose to leave!

But in his heart, there was an idea hidden.

"When I have the strength, I must come back again!"

He got shards of basalt stone, but it was not a real basalt stone!

Guard the world! It's not just on paper! The so-called guarding one world is hiding another important secret! Of course, for the time being, these are still a bit too early for him.

Just when Li Ye was looking for the basalt stone in the deepest part of the sea of ​​death, the treasure boat of the Helan family had already moved on it.

"Young Master, this sea of ​​death can be extremely dangerous, even if the Young Master is superb, is it easy to risk it?"

On Helan's side, Helan Tianlang decided to enter the sea of ​​death!

The people were afraid of the Jedi that they couldn't avoid, but he didn't have any fear at all.

Someone from the Helan family quickly persuaded that, after all, Helan Tianlang has a special status. If he had a baby, the entire Helan family would have a severe earthquake! When they go back, absolutely no one can survive.

"The sea of ​​death can't threaten me!"

Helan Tianlang sneered, even the sea of ​​death that the upper emperor would undoubtedly die is not so dangerous in his eyes.

"Brother Tianlang, the younger brother thinks it is better to be careful. Although I don't know whether the thing is really underneath, but with the daughter of Brother Tianlang, I really shouldn't take care of it himself. Why, let the younger brother do it for you."

On Baili Mo's side, Baili Yunyan smiled slightly.


"Brother Tianlang, although this sea of ​​death is terrible, my Baili Mo family is not unprepared for anything."

With that, something appeared in Baili Yunyan's hand.

Seeing that, the Helan family squinted their eyes slightly!

Even characters like Helan Tianlang couldn't help but move slightly!

"Avoid water drops!"

"It is the water drop! With this thing, the danger of the sea of ​​death can be ignored."

Baili Yunyan’s face was not stunned, but Baili Hongtao and the others were very proud, especially Baili Hongtao said, “This is an ancestor who personally asked the young master to bring it this time. Just in case!"

The ancestor in his mouth is actually Baili Jingtao! As one of the oldest ancestors of the Baili Mo family, he naturally has many good things.

"Since it is to avoid water drops, you can indeed go on safely!"

Helan Tianlang didn't stop him, and nodded slightly.

However, his gaze glanced over the water bead, even he, in fact, could not turn a blind eye to such treasures!

Avoid water drops! It can be said to be the kind of treasure closest to the innate treasure! There have not been a few in millions of years! Unexpectedly, one of them would fall into the hands of the Baili Mo Family.

With a puff, Baili Yunyan jumped directly into the sea of ​​death.

Sure enough, he held the water-repelling bead in his hand, and the dead black water around him couldn't get close to him at all, as if a powerful blister had formed all over his body, which wrapped his whole person in it.

"Sure enough, it's extremely cold, if it weren't for this water drop, I wouldn't be able to spend half the time!"

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