Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2682: The mystery of the disappearance of the golden spirit

"Basalt Stone!"

No one knew what the basalt stone looked like, even the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had never seen it.

But when he saw the Xuanwu statue in front of him, Li Ye didn't know why, so he subconsciously reached out and touched it.

The next moment, he was shocked all over and disappeared directly into place.

When he woke up, he found that he had appeared in a white void.

"You finally came."

Suddenly, an old gentle voice came out.


"In your body, you have the aura of an old acquaintance. Although it is not strong, you are its offspring."

Li Ye finally saw clearly the source of the sound!


An extremely huge head, like a mountain a hundred vast, but old behemoth!

According to legend, Xuanwu, the holy beast guarding one of the Quartet!

He didn't expect that he could actually see it.

"You are... Saint Beast Xuanwu?"

Is there an old acquaintance in him?

"You can think of me as Xuanwu, or you can say no."

With a pair of Xuanwu's shining eyes, it was as huge as a city, and Li Ye finally understood why in the legend, the sacred beast Xuanwu could guard a world! Just put it over there, it can indeed suppress everything!

"Senior, it's no wonder, the younger generation didn't expect that the senior..."

This is a product of the age of mythology, which is even older than the ancient times! Li Ye didn't know how to explain for a while.

After all, this thing is really alive, and it can kill thousands of great emperors with a single breath, let alone him?

"Little guy, don't be afraid, I already understand your intentions."

To understanding?

Li Ye had a strange expression, but he came towards the basalt stone.

"Foreigners to use this name to describe it, you came for the basalt stone in your mouth, right?"

Since he was seen through, Li Ye didn't conceal it, and nodded very directly, "Senior, juniors need basalt stones to cultivate a technique."

The body of the five elements! That is the greatest guarantee he can step into the Ye family with a strong posture!

So he must get it!

"You have the energy of the five elements, although it is not comprehensive. But you are not a golden spirit race."

Worthy of being a product of the age of mythology, Li Ye's secrets can be seen at a glance.

"The juniors are indeed... cultivating the Five Elements Body."

Nodded, the Golden Spirit Race, known as the most perfect race in the world, including the perfect innate condition that all gods will be jealous of. Although it has long since disappeared, it has left behind a legend that has left countless future generations guessing and curious.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, there are still people who want to challenge this taboo."

Suddenly, Xuanwu let out a long sigh.

There seems to be something in the words.

Li Ye didn't ask, because he knew that Xuanwu would tell him everything.

Sure enough, "Little guy, you have that aura in your body. Although it is very weak, it is enough to make you the top power in this world. Why do you have to go that way?"

"Senior refers to the body of the five elements?"

"The Innate Five Elements are the incarnation of God. It is not a taboo that all creatures can touch. If you take this path, you will still have to face that catastrophe after all."

However, Li Ye shook his head, "Although the younger generation does not know what the older generation is talking about, the younger generation must cultivate the body of the five elements!"

"Do you know why the Golden Spirit Race disappeared?"

Why disappear?

Li Ye's eyes narrowed!

"Golden Spirit Race, the most perfect race among the heavens and all realms in the record! Even the gods must be jealous! Known as the darling of the heavens! But there has never been any record of how they disappeared."

Li Ye has investigated this point. But obviously there is no clue.

"Because they violated the rules of heaven."

Offend the tenth rule?

Li Ye was taken aback, but then frowned, "Senior meant that the disappearance of the Golden Spirit Race is related to the gods?"

Since the gods are all jealous of the Golden Spirit Race, it is not impossible to kill their family.

As for whether the gods are really so selfish, Li Ye never doubted!

The gods also have seven emotions and six desires! It is impossible to pursue nothing!

Otherwise, how did the rumored Twilight of the Gods that led to the destruction of the Primordial Primordial Era be born?

"No, the gods, the gods in your mouth, don't have the strength to destroy the Golden Spirit Race."


Li Ye's eyes widened!

The gods, known as the lord of all things!

Really master the eternal existence of heaven!

Why can't the Golden Spirit Race be saved?

"Senior, even if the Golden Spirit Race is perfect, it is impossible to compete with the gods, right?"

"What do you think of the gods?"

Li Ye is silent, what are the gods in the world?

In the eyes of mortals in the secular world, Li Ye can now be called a god! Because he is omnipotent! Can live long!

In the eyes of monastic experts, the emperor is already the supreme existence!

Only a few people understand what is above the emperor.

What about the legendary gods?

Is it really a god?

"It seems that you already have the answer. The disappearance of the Golden Spirit Race is indeed related to the gods, but it is definitely not possible for the gods. That is related to another ancient agreement."

Xuanwu's words were unknown, but Li Ye heard a terrible wave in his heart!

"Senior, is it... related to this... the decline of heaven and earth?"

He suddenly thought of a terrible guess!

Why did the once glorious Shenshengzhou disappear in this world? Why is it a place of death?

Why is there no record in future generations?

Even a few words?

Xuanwu did not answer, but it was already a silence that Li Ye could understand.

"Junior, come to guess again, here, this world, and even this place where Senior is located, used to be the ancestral land of the Golden Spirit Race!"


The entire nihility space churns! Just because of Xuanwu's will!

Li Ye was slightly heart palpitations! He saw that this was not a real basalt, or it should be said!

"Senior, it should be the incarnation of basalt stone!"

Basalt incarnation!

Not a real Xuanwu, but it also has such terrifying power!

Even Li Ye can be sure that if this will appear to the outside world, any emperor, any great emperor, will all end in a slap in the face!

Even the arrogant and domineering Dongzhou Ye Family, one family of five emperors, right? If this existence were really led away and stepped on, the entire Ye Jiazu land would probably turn into fly ash.

That is a complete disappearance!

"You are very smart. This is indeed the ancestral land of the Golden Spirit Race."

Li Ye was shocked!

Although he had guessed it, the moment he really got the answer, there was still a dreamlike unreality!

The legendary perfect race, the Golden Spirit Race, who is so jealous of the gods, actually exists in this world!

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