Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2672: On Seniority Ranking

The huge change has shocked almost everyone!

Such a terrifying breath of death can even make Emperor Wu lose his life instantly! At this time, everyone's reaction was immediately caused.

"What gave birth?"

The complexion of some sect geniuses changed drastically, especially when they were horrified. With the appearance of the death breath, the wandering souls of this world seemed to be taking drugs, and their strengths skyrocketed!

Even some wandering souls show a multiple increase in strength! Many people, caught off guard, drank hatred in the hands of those wandering souls, staring unwillingly in their eyes before they died, as if they were questioning the heavens!

"The world has changed! A treasure must be born!"

Some experts in the emperor-level sects, although they were shocked, quickly showed ecstasy!

Such changes have always been accompanied by the birth of some kind of treasure or mighty creature!

However, it is impossible for creatures to survive for so long in this world. The only explanation is that there is some terrifying treasure that is about to be born!


Several powerful men and geniuses from the emperor-level sects hurriedly moved towards the place where the breath of death was released.

It was just that very quickly, many people showed a change that surprised them.

"These wandering spirits! They seem to be heading over there!"

Wandering soul!

Countless wandering souls!

It was overwhelming, and at a glance, it was even enough to make people tremble!

Those semi-physical and incorporeal, there are simply too many to count! Even a genius who has killed a wandering soul several times before, now he sees it with a hint of terror!

"Look! Are those imperial ghosts?!"

I don't know who yelled, everyone looked at it, indeed, among those wandering souls, there are some completely materialized, and even look like powerful wandering souls that are indistinguishable from living people except for their pale faces!

Here, only the emperor-level wandering soul can have an entity! And the more powerful, the smaller the difference from the living person!

Originally, there were not many emperor-level wandering souls that everyone had encountered, but when they saw it at this time, they realized that they were shocked.

"Oh my god, so many emperor-class wandering souls! What the **** have been born?"

"These wandering souls are all heading towards that place. Something must have been born! It seems that it is not just us, but also full of great temptations to the wandering souls of this world!"

A voice came out, and everyone looked at it, and they all showed slightly jealous eyes.

"He Lanmin!"

People from the Helan family in Dongzhou!

Three people came from Helan's house this time! But there is only one that can truly make everyone afraid!

He Lanmin! The Helan family deserves to be the proud son of heaven!

"Damn, He Lanmin from the Helan family, this is a terrible guy!"

"It is rumored that Helanmin is one of the three emperors of the Helan family! The legendary diamond body! Even the Wushen Mountain was shocked. A Wudi from the Wushen Mountain wanted to accept his followers himself."

Emperor! That's a terrible talent!

It can even be said that in the Three Realms and Nine Regions, the innate body is just a genius physique in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of those ancient sects, the innate body is too ordinary! At least innate pure body is qualified to enter their eyes!

But above the innate pure body is the rumored emperor!

"Emperor body! God's darling, it is rumored that people who possess the imperial body, unless they die, it will not take twenty years to enter the realm of Emperor Wu!"

Emperor Wu! The pursuit of countless cultivators, but for some people, even if they never practice, they can easily step into this realm!

At this time, He Lanmin's aura converged, but faintly made many Wuhuang experts present feel a suffocation!

It was a natural reaction suppressed by the huge gap in the cultivation realm!

In particular, several high-ranking emperors all felt a trace of oppression faintly! Make their complexion slightly change.

The appearance of He Lanmin made many people gloomy.

After all, the Dongzhou Helan Family is extremely powerful in itself!

One family and three emperors, in Dongzhou, is also an ancient family of hegemony!

The appearance of their descendants, and the body of the innate emperor, their strength and status are enough to make many people worry.

"Everyone, since there is a treasure born, naturally those with strength will get it! Under Helanmin, I don't want to embarrass you, there are those who are willing to surrender to my Helan family, I Helanmin naturally welcomes it! But!"

He Lanmin's eyes condensed, bursting out a cold light!

"Having blocked the footsteps of my Helan family, no one has ever been able to survive!"

As soon as these words came out, many people around him looked hard to look at.

Immediately one person snorted, "Helanmin, your Helan family is indeed powerful, one family and three emperors, but we are not all muddle-headed! Let's not say whether there is a treasure. The birth of a treasure is always known to those who are destined! Everyone! Each has its own ability, and if you want to be here, scare us away! The Helan family doesn't have that ability!"

This person is also amazing!

When everyone looked around, they immediately understood.

"People from Qilian Mountain!"

He Lanmin glanced at the man, a terrifying sharp burst in his eyes!

At that time, the Qilian Mountain powerhouse was sneered, unmoved!

The Helan family and Qilian Mountain are all based in Dongzhou! Moreover, they are all emperor-level forces, so there will naturally be frictions in normal days!

It's just that many people have slightly weird expressions. You must know that although Qilian Mountain is also an emperor-level force, Qilian Mountain is only tens of thousands of years old, because a Qilian Sword Emperor was born!

There is no way to compare with the ancient Helan family of the Three Emperors!

"Qi Wulie! It seems that Qilian Mountain is going to be an enemy of my Helan family?"

He Lanmin squinted. Qilian Mountain, an emperor-level sect with a history of less than tens of thousands of years, is actually the last thing many old-brand emperor-level forces want to provoke.

For nothing else, many emperor-level forces, although they have existed for countless years, especially the Helan family, a family of three emperors, have been glorious, but have never been lost.

Even if some great emperors still survive in this world, no one knows!

But Qilian Mountain, Qilian Sword Emperor, is just a prime man!

This is also the biggest reason why Qilian Mountain can rise in the wind and water of Dongzhou!

A living emperor is definitely more deterrent than those dusty emperors!

"Haha, He Lanmin, I always don't actively conflict with people in Qilian Mountain, but I am not afraid of things! If I want to scare me Qilian Mountain with the name of Helan's family, it is still a little bit worse."

There are strong people in Qilian Mountains who are in their heads, and the others are naturally happy to fish in troubled waters!

But at this moment, another voice came!

"Helan's family, not enough, then is my Dongzhou Ye's qualified enough?"


A few terrifying auras came directly from far and near, and the overbearing voice came first before people arrived.

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