Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2671: World mutation

The incomparably powerful emperor-level wandering soul is an undead monster that is enough to make any genius evildoer a headache.

In a short time, he was killed!

Although it is not a real killing, it will be reorganized and resurrected again after a while, but this scene is still moving enough!

"The descendant of the Saint Demon Gate really deserves its reputation!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Emperor Chu!

At the beginning he caused a sensation on Wudao Cliff, and later Mo Zihan broke through in public to become the emperor's prince, which moved the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou!

It can be said that the Emperor Chu is the first threshold to the Great Emperor! If even this threshold cannot be crossed, becoming the emperor is just a joke!

The reason why the Palace of the Immortal King is so strong and high-profile is that there are two emperor princes in the generation of the Palace of the Immortal King!

Although the master and apprentice are both emperor princes, it is not that they have never been born before, but at least for the moment, the strength and limelight of the Immortal King Palace, even the ordinary emperor-level sects, will give a bit of face!

"Hehe, the little girl is not ashamed. In front of Brother Dao, the little girl's strength is not enough."

Hearing Li Ye's admiration, Princess Yaoji didn't have the arrogance of those emperor-level sect geniuses at all. Instead, she smiled modestly, charming and moving, as if there was a certain deep meaning in her words.

Li Ye just didn't understand. He knew that the woman in front of him should have doubts about his strength. Along the way, he was more or less in faint temptation.

Of the two emperor-level wandering souls that appeared, one of them was killed instantly, but it did not hinder the killing of the other emperor-level wandering soul!

As wandering souls trapped in this world, their sanity has long since disappeared, and what is left is an uncontrollable desire to kill!

To the blood! The hatred of life!


Li Ye is also welcome, stepping out in one step, the magical wonder! The light of the law directly turned into the most gorgeous way of killing, even the undead undead wandering souls facing them could not resist the terrifying power that burst out at this moment.

"Do not!"

The emperor-level wandering soul screamed, and there was no chance to resist it, and the entity that had been condensed was instantly shattered! It turned into green smoke and disappeared.

However, Li Ye's eyes were still sharp, the dissipated green smoke did not completely disappear, but was quickly swallowed by this land!

"That's it, it seems that the reason why people who have died in this world can't be reincarnated is under this land!"

Along the way, this is not the first time this problem has been encountered.

But he probed several times, and although he faintly felt what should be under this land, every time his divine sense wanted to enter, he was fiercely bounced away by a force!

"Below, what kind of secret exists?"

Both of them easily solved the emperor-level wandering souls, and at the same time, it was discovered that where the two emperor-level wandering souls appeared, there was indeed a mountain gate that had been ruined for countless years!

"This should have been the site of a certain sect."

Li Ye sighed as he looked at the ruins that were almost indistinguishable.

No one can tell how many years the Three Realms and Nine Regions have existed.

Millions of years? Or tens of millions of years?

Even in the last era, ancient times, there are not many records.

"Brother Dao, judging from the traces here, at least it has existed for millions of years."

As a descendant of the Saint Demon Gate, Princess Yao Ji obviously needs to be more knowledgeable, and she can probably judge some clues from the places where there are no traces.

"Millions of years?!"

Li Ye moved slightly!

You know, the ancient Baili Mohist school has only such a long history, and it has existed here for at least a million years!

"Brother Dao, how much do you know about the Thousand Emperor Realm?"

Princess Demon Ji smiled and asked, as if insinuated.

"Not much, I just know that the rumor here is the burial place of countless great emperors, and the place where the most emperor soul orbs appear."

These are the most widely rumored statements from the outside world, and they are also the limits that ordinary casual practitioners can know. Since Li Ye pretended to be a casual repairer, it was naturally impossible to reveal the flaws.

However, Princess Demon Ji pursed her lips and chuckled, and did not touch Li Ye. Instead, she looked at this dead mountain and river with a complicated look for a long time.

"Here used to be the most glorious fairy garden."

Fairy Garden?

It is difficult to connect with the dead world in front of him, but Li Ye knows that just by looking at the countless wandering souls, those ruins and secret realms, he can imagine the grand events before the decay or even perish.

Even compared to the sixteen countries in Xizhou, they are countless times prosperous.

From this site, the two indeed discovered an Emperor Soul Orb. Although it was close to the edge of being completely broken, it could not be compared with the one that Li Ye had obtained before, but it was still a big gain.

It's just a question of who should get an Emperor Soul Orb.

"Brother Dao, it's better to pick up this Emperor Soul Orb by Brother Dao."

If you change ordinary geniuses from the sect, even if it is an emperor soul orb that is about to be broken, you will fight, no matter who you are, this kind of treasure is the most beneficial if you get it yourself!

But Princess Yao Ji seemed to care about the Emperor Soul Orb.

"Oh? You don't need it?"

If it were a casual cultivator, Li Ye would naturally not be blind to the Emperor Soul Orb! Even if you don't need it, you can auction a sky-high price when you leave the Thousand Emperor Realm! Even take this opportunity to enter some emperor-level sects and worship the entrance!

"Brother Dao needs more than younger sister, doesn't he?"

Facing Princess Demon Ji's gaze with a smile, Li Ye was not welcome.

No matter if he needs it or not, no one will have too many such good things! Even if he doesn't need it, it can be used by people around him!

Seeing that Li Ye Dangren refused to put the Emperor Soul Orb directly away, it obviously made Princess Demon Ji's eyes flicker, which may have been a bit unexpected.

Such a greedy side is indeed indistinguishable from normal casual cultivation.

Just as the two were about to leave, suddenly the entire mountain range was shaken tremendously.

It seems like the world is breaking apart!


Far away, the end of this mountain range seemed to have undergone tremendous changes. It was originally like a mountain range that was split by terrifying people, it was collapsing!

At the same time, the terrible breath of death soared from that direction!

This kind of mutation surprised both Li Ye and Princess Demon Ji!

Because of the death breath that rose to the sky, it was so powerful that it could make them feel that they were surrounded by a strong icy cold!

With the cultivation of the two of them, this is incredible!

The only explanation, the place where the breath of death appeared, must have had some kind of change enough to affect this world!

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