Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2669: Tangled up by a demon

Li Ye didn't deny it, but there was a bit of ingenuity.

He didn't know who was following him, but he didn't expect that the person who appeared in the end would be Saint Demon Gate, the famous demon princess in southern Xinjiang.

In other words, he only guessed after seeing the young masters of the Cheng family.

Why did the young master of the Cheng family and others meet him so by chance? You know, he is alone, and he is going to be like a chance encounter in this world, the probability is really too low!

"Let's talk about it, the Saint Demon Gate is a three-emperor inheritance, would you be interested in me as an unknown person?"

Li Ye showed a sarcastic smile. The Cheng family were just small, but the princess Demon Ji in front of them was a huge monster!

The Saint Demon Gate behind it is even more famous throughout Shensheng Prefecture.

"Brother Dao is so sure, the younger sister is here for Brother Dao?"

The enchanting princess gave a chuckle, ecstatically.

It's a pity that Li Ye was unmoved, "Oh? That's weird. If it wasn't for me, then he would always follow me on the road. Why?"

After speaking, the corner of Li Ye's mouth rose slightly, "Could it be that the world-famous descendant of the Saint Demon Gate, the number one beauty in southern Xinjiang, unexpectedly springs up, wanting to find a man to solve the loneliness and emptiness?"

In this case, there is a hint of molesting and obsceneness.

The key is to face the descendants of Saint Demon Gate!

Sure enough, Princess Demon Ji had a pretty face, who is she? Has anyone ever dared to molest her so boldly in front of her?

Even the geniuses of the emperor-level sects were polite and polite when they saw her, and they didn't dare to go beyond anything, let alone say such bantering words so bluntly.

However, to Li Ye's surprise, although Princess Demon Ji had a cold face, she quickly recovered her smile. He didn't even get angry, but chuckled in a low voice, "Brother Dao is really different. In this world, I haven't seen anyone who dares to speak so bluntly in front of my little sister."



Li Ye narrowed his eyes, and to be honest, he didn't want to provoke the Saint Demon Gate.

One family and three emperors, it's not that he can provoke him now, or that he can't make extravagances and make enemies everywhere before he solves his parents' problems and goes to Ye's house.

However, he would not be afraid of those who came to him on the initiative!

It's just that he was very curious about what purpose the Saint Demon Gate found him and came with.

"Princess Demon Princess is famous all over the world, but it's a pity that I am a big boss and I can't enjoy it. If there is nothing else, then I will leave!"

Saint Demon Gate, he doesn't want to get involved for the time being.

So his figure flashed and he was ready to leave.

It's just obvious that Princess Enchantress won't be so easy to fight.

"Brother Dao, please stay."

Li Ye frowned slightly when his way was blocked.

"Brother Dao is walking alone in this world, don't you think it is too dangerous?"

Seeing Li Ye's silence, Princess Demon Ji didn't sell her, she directly suggested, "It's better to let the younger sister and Dao brother form a team, or take care of each other, how about?"

That Wei Wei looked pitiful, no man would refuse. Not to mention, the dignified descendant of the three emperors actually took the initiative to team up with a casual repair team regardless of their status?

This is simply a big joke!

However, Li Ye did not refuse, nor agreed.

He is considering the meaning of the move of the Saint Demon Gate?

Did you see through his identity?

No, his disguise should be very successful. Although Mo Zihan saw through, other people were not familiar with him.

"Since Brother Dao didn't refuse, did the younger sister agree to be a brother Dao?"

Promise your sister!

Li Ye's face was calm, he didn't want anyone to follow him. At least, the identity of the descendant of the Saint Demon Gate is too sensitive! In addition, he has too many secrets, and if someone walks with him, no matter whether he has a certain purpose or not, it will get in the way for him.

At the very least, he would have a lot of obstacles to find the people from Dongzhou Ye Family, especially Ye Qingyu.

"Interesting, I just killed the young master of the Cheng family in Lingcheng, and the descendants of the Saint Demon Sect walked with me. Isn't it afraid that this incident will have an impact on the reputation of the Saint Demon Sect?"

You know, everyone in the world knows that the Cheng Family in Lingcheng is covered by the Saint Demon Gate, and now the Young Master of the Cheng Family is dead in his hands. However, the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate not only did not take revenge for the Cheng family, but also walked with him!

"If Brother Dao doesn't tell me about this, if the younger sister doesn't tell me, who will know?"

Princess Demon Ji blinked her eyes playfully, but Li Ye was speechless for a while.

It's just that he is even more puzzled, Saint Demon Gate, what is this going to do?

Regardless of the purpose of the enchanting princess, he left immediately in a flash!

But then I felt someone coming from behind.

Walking along the way, Li Ye hardly spoke. Even several times, I wanted to get rid of the opponent, but found that no matter what method he used, the opponent could always find him in a short period of time.

Finally, Li Ye also stopped.

"Brother Dao seems to have given up?"

Seeing Li Ye stopped, the princess Demon Ji smiled charmingly, but she didn't seem so slutty, but with a hint of freshness and refinement.

"This is the first time I know that the Saint Demon Gate actually has the ability to track people!"

If Li Ye didn't care before, then now, he is also slightly drumming in his heart.

Even the Heavenly Sword Emperor couldn't help but say, "This little girl is not easy! Boy, you have met an opponent!"

Yes, he met an opponent!

And it's not an ordinary opponent!

"Brother Dao joked, if it wasn't for Brother Dao to hide his strength and not want to expose it to the younger sister, how could the younger sister keep up with the help of Brother Tao?"

As soon as he said this, Li Ye's eyes narrowed!

He did hide part of his strength, but the opponent could see through it so easily!

The more he felt that this extremely beautiful woman in front of him was a little scary.

"What do you want to do?"

"Why did Brother Dao say this?"

"Following me all the way is not good for the Saint Demon Gate! If you are for the emperor soul orb in my hand, give it to you!"

Although the Emperor Soul Orb is precious, as far as Li Ye is concerned, he does not need the Emperor Soul Orb to comprehend the Heavenly Dao, as long as he wants!

So as long as he can hit the stalker next to him, he doesn't mind throwing the Emperor Soul Orb out.

"Brother Dao thinks that the younger sister came for the Emperor Soul Orb in Brother Dao's hand?"

"Is not it?"

Li Ye frowned, but soon saw the scene that made him depressed!

"Brother Dao's words made the younger sister sad. Isn't the younger sister the kind of person in the eyes of Brother Dao?"

What the hell? Li Ye almost spit out old blood! You think it's a golden eight o'clock love soap opera! Still sad! He is a fool to believe it! The contemporary descendant of the dignified Three Emperors Sacred Demon Gate, who has never had any intersection with him before, will suddenly fall in love with him!

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