Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2668: Descendant of Saint Demon Gate

The sound was like a fairy sound of heaven, and like a charming fairy. ??

Such two opposite extremes are perfectly integrated, even if they have not seen her, they are the first to be attracted by her voice, and even those with a weaker concentration, even the spirits are ups and downs, directly intoxicated and lost. In that voice.

Li Ye's hand had grabbed the so-called young master of the Cheng family by the neck. At this time, the young master of the Cheng family was pale and full of horror.

A pair of eyes are full of fear and unwillingness to death!

He is the young master of the Cheng family in Lingcheng and the heir of a wealthy family!

He must not die here!

"Princess save me!"

The voice appeared, let him see the dawn and shout desperately! It's like finding a straw!

Because he knows that he doesn't need to die!

No one can kill him in front of that person! Even the descendants of the emperor-level sect must weigh one or two! Is it worth it!

Li Ye was unmoved. In fact, he had already noticed a looming aura approaching, but it never appeared.

"Finally, are you willing to show your figure? Unfortunately, it's too late!"

He is not a bloodthirsty person, but he is not even a benevolent person!

Since the young master of the Cheng family angered him, the key is that if he hadn't had the strength to protect himself at the beginning, and replaced any ordinary casual cultivator, the end would be predictable!

"Brother Dao calms down his anger. The Cheng family is a well-known family, and is quite famous in southern Xinjiang. Brother Dao might as well let him go today. Naturally, he will be thankful for his schedule family."

From the void, a graceful figure stepped out.

Li Ye was not surprised to see the opponent appear, but he was a little surprised to see that the opponent was alone.

Holy Demon Gate! Demon Princess! The contemporary heirs of the Three Emperors!

No matter which status it is, it is enough to make anyone dare not look down upon it!

The key is that this is still a peerless beauty, all over the country, and a smile is enough to make any man fascinated by it.

This is a peerless fairy! It is a terrifying evildoer in martial arts!

"Is this a threat to me?"

Li Ye was unmoved, but the strength in his hands increased, and the young master Cheng's face suddenly turned into pig liver color.

Seeing that Li Ye hadn't let go, Princess Demon was also quite surprised.

In her opinion, even if it weren't for her appearance, with the reputation of the Cheng family in Lingcheng, ordinary people would not dare to kill the heirs of the Cheng family. But this shameless man is so decisive!

She had no choice but to appear, but she didn't mention any words about the Saint Demon Gate.

However, as long as she appears, it actually represents the Saint Demon Gate!

"Brother Dao misunderstood, the younger sister didn't mean that."

"If this is the case, don't interfere! I will deal with the grievances between me and the Cheng family!"

After speaking, Li Ye was about to break the Young Master Cheng’s neck directly.

"Princess! Save me!"

Young Master Cheng family struggled desperately, his eyes full of pleading! He doesn't want to die here! As the next heir to the Cheng family, he has countless wealth and status, and he absolutely does not want to die here forever and become a wandering soul without thinking!

A terrible palm print was instantly punched out, but Li Ye was already prepared and stepped on it lightly!

In an instant, the surrounding sky and earth turned into a mountain of ten thousand feet, and at the same time, with a stroke, the power of the five elements sinks into the earth!


The terrible suppression appeared instantly, but for the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate, these did not threaten her.

However, what Li Ye wanted was to delay for a while. When he held the Demon Princess, he had already broken the Young Master Cheng’s neck!

The young master of the Cheng family didn't understand why he died until he died!

Obviously he has a great future!

You can even sit on the entire tomb city!

But it provokes someone who shouldn't be offended! If there are regret medicines in the world, he will never take the initiative to provoke such a terrible existence as Li Ye!

An Emperor Soul Orb is absolutely inferior to his life!

"Brother Dao, why is this?"

Looking at the body of the young master of the Cheng family, Princess Yao Ji sighed softly.

"Those who take the initiative to provoke me, this is the end!"

Li Ye snorted coldly. Over the years, he understood a truth. People are good to be deceived, and horses are good to be rided. Strength, means, cruel! Only in this way can you protect yourself and the people you care about!

In the Three Realms and Nine Realms, good people can never live the longest.

These words made Demon Ji Princess unable to refute.

As a contemporary descendant of the Three Emperors Sacred Demon Gate, she didn't know this.

It's just that generally speaking, in her identity, she is the only one who crushes others, and no one is qualified to provoke her!

"Doesn't Dao brother tell the matter, Lingcheng Cheng family ask Dao brother trouble for this?"

"Trouble? What you want to say is that the Cheng Family in Lingcheng came to me for revenge? As long as they dare to come, I dare to kill! Come and kill one by one!"

Cheng Family in Lingcheng! That's so famous! Although not an imperial family, it is also one of the ancient families!

There are countless masters of the Cheng family, especially in southern Xinjiang that is also a famous family!

A casual cultivator, not only was he not afraid, but he also killed the heir of the Cheng family by himself, uttering wild words to face the anger of the entire Cheng family alone?

"Brother Dao is powerful, and the younger sister is not as good. But to face a Cheng family alone, she is still a little impulsive."

Li Ye didn't say a word, in fact, a Cheng family in Lingcheng was nothing to him.

But he knew that the woman in front of him who looked extremely beautiful and all-inclusive was not a simple thing!

"Well, there is no one else here. The descendants of the Saint Demon Gate shouldn't have so much idle time and waste time with me, a big boss like me, just say, follow me all the way, what is the purpose?"

As soon as this remark came out, Princess Yaoji's eyes flashed slightly, obviously a little surprised.

But she didn't deny it, and smiled gently, "Brother Dao seems to have seen something a long time ago."

"Since that valley, you have been following me. I'm curious. You, who is a descendant of the Saint Demon Gate and the first beauty in southern Xinjiang, do you have a hobby of following an unknown person?"

Upon hearing this, Princess Demon Ji smiled and glanced at the body of the young master of the Cheng family.

Although the Cheng family in Lingcheng did have something to do with the Saint Demon Gate, one of the ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate was indeed from the Cheng family in Lingcheng. But what status is she, if she is only a junior of the Cheng family's generation, it is not enough for her to appear!

Li Ye understands this!

In other words, he knew that the other party must have other purposes.

"You kill him, it seems you just want to force me to appear."

Princess Demon Ji is not stupid, she also understands now. Although she was stalking seamlessly, she was still perceived by others, and she was forced out unconsciously.

A pair of beautiful eyes is even more colorful.

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