Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2645: People from Dongzhou

Where is Wushen Mountain?

That is one of the two holy places of mankind!

People who heard the news all showed weird expressions. After all, for so many years, the Wushen Mountain has rarely been close to other sects. "81 Chinese┡ Net

In other words, few sects are qualified to let Wushen Mountain put down its lofty posture.

But now, a Martial Emperor who came to Wushen Mountain actually stepped into the Jubao Pavilion.

Once this news came out, it shocked countless people watching!

"What does Wushenshan mean?"

Hearing this news, many terrible beings frowned deeply!

No matter who it is, even the invincible and terrifying powerhouse in today's world, when facing the Wushen Mountain, he has to weigh in.

It is an ancient sacred place that has been passed down for many generations and has always stood firm.

Even the emperor did not dare to offend Wushen Mountain!

"Does this move of Wushen Mountain mean to reveal something before the opening of the Thousand Emperor Realm this time?"

The Thousand Emperors Realm is enough to attract too many people.

Some, even the Jubao Pavilion, who is a local snake, can't afford to offend them!

After all, the emperor-level sects are powerful, but the emperor-level sects are also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

One door and one emperor naturally cannot be compared with one door and two emperors!

Not to mention this time, even Fenghuo City, the inheritance of the Four Emperors, sent people to come!

For a while, the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou was surging, although on the surface it seemed calm. But everyone knows that this is the brief calm before the storm, once the Thousand Emperors Realm opens, what a devastating battle will burst out, no one is sure now.

The outside wind and rain were misty, but Li Ye was at ease in the small world of the master rudder of the Temple of Killing.

"Boy, it's almost an uproar outside, and you are sleeping peacefully here."

Seeing Li Ye's leisurely look, Emperor Yinyue was speechless for a while.

This time, the Thousand Emperors Realm, although they had prepared for the killing of the temple a long time ago, those who should come will still come. Even if it is an emperor-level force like the Killing Temple, they dare not say how much advantage can be taken in the opening of the thousand emperor realm this time.

"Haha, Uncle Yinyue, isn't this yet to start."

Li Ye smiled. Everyone now thinks he is dead. Even the Jubao Pavilion sent someone to inquire, but Li Ye never showed up.

Because he knows that once he appears, someone will think of the bluestone of Wudao Ya!

So he is waiting, waiting for the real opening of the Thousand Emperor Realm!

Only at that time, everyone's attention will be transferred to the Thousand Emperors Realm, and he will also take advantage of the situation to enter the Thousand Emperors Realm!

He was also very curious about the ultimate fate of the emperor in that rumor!

"You kid, you must be careful when you enter the Thousand Emperor Realm this time. The Killing Temple has always been uninterested in this, but this time a team will be sent in. If you are in danger, you can join them."

The business of Killing Temple is different from the general sect, but the eternal secret realm of Thousand Emperors Realm will naturally not be given up in vain.

It's just that the Killing Temple has always been active in the dark, even Li Ye doesn't know how many powerhouses there are.

On the bright side, there is only Emperor Yinyue!

"Uncle Yinyue, you are underestimating me. Don't say anything else, unless the emperor personally enters the Thousand Emperors Realm, it is really not easy to find someone who can threaten me."

What is self-confidence?

Excessive self-confidence is arrogance and arrogance, and Li Ye's self-confidence comes from his changes in just a few days!

Although the body of the five elements has not yet been refined, but the brief blending with the will of the sky, although he refused in the end, it brought him one step closer to the understanding of the great way!

He is now at least 70% sure that the ordinary high-ranking emperor is absolutely impossible to take advantage of him!

Emperor Yinyue was helpless, but also nodded, "It is impossible for the emperor to enter the thousand emperor realm, but you have to be careful of some people! In this world, you never know how many monsters are hidden! Those people, under the emperor, It's invincible! Even if it is your Uncle Yinyue, I dare not face them directly!"

Emperor Yinyue is indeed the pinnacle powerhouse among the upper emperors, but he also knows better that there are too many powerhouses in this world! Don't talk about him, even if he is as powerful as a half-emperor, he hasn't fallen for years!

"Uncle Yinyue, why didn't the Great Emperor enter the Thousand Emperors Realm?"

Li Ye was very curious, since the Thousand Emperors Realm is countless times, the final destination of each great emperor before his death, there must be countless secret treasures and inheritance hidden in it, even the great emperor can't not be moved!

"Enter the Thousand Emperor Realm? Unless it is the end of life, no emperor will step into it!"

Emperor Yinyue shook his head and explained, "The Thousand Emperors Realm is a mysterious place, no one knows what it is. There are ancient legends, it is another piece of heaven and earth apart from the Three Realms and Nine Realms, and there are also rumors about it. It was once an alien space opened up by a certain god. There are many legends, but one thing is confirmed by later generations."

"Not one of the emperors who stepped into the Thousand Emperors Realm came back alive?"

Li Ye had naturally heard the legend, but he didn't believe it!

Death Valley is also known as a place of death with no entrance but no exit, but for so many years, some people have come out alive!

For example, the Qilian Sword Emperor back then, or Duobaohuang.

No matter how they escaped, but at least, Death Valley is not really in or out.

"No, the Thousand Emperors Realm is different. Although I don't know the reason, any great emperor will not step into it without a last resort!"

No one knows what the reason is.

Emperor Yin Yue couldn't explain it himself.

In fact, he had asked the Lord of the Killing Temple on this matter, but he obviously didn't get the answer.

"Forget it, no matter what the reason is, as long as the emperor can't get in, then there is a chance!"

Yes, there is a chance!

Li Ye still had no resistance to the emperor. At the beginning, it was possible to escape from the hand of the emperor because of the action of the Heavenly Dream Saint. But now, the Heavenly Dream Saint's strength has been greatly weakened due to the skill of life, and it is impossible to free his hands to save him again.

Excluding the emperor, even if the others had the pinnacle powerhouse, Li Ye wasn't too afraid.

Under the emperor, respect the emperor's reserve! Half the emperor is the top!

His current strength is indeed not as good as the Emperor Chu and the Half Emperor, but in terms of methods, he has many ways to deal with the Emperor Chu and the Half Emperor!

"By the way, the hall master asked me to tell you that there are people coming from Dongzhou this time."

Before leaving, Emperor Yinyue said slightly. In fact, he didn't even know why the chief of the Temple of Killing had specifically asked him to pass the news to Li Ye.

People from Dongzhou!

Li Ye was shocked after hearing this!


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