Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2644: The Great Gate!


Li Ye sighed slightly in his heart. ┡81 Chinese "Wen Δ Net

At that time, he felt that there was a terrifying aura hidden around Wudao Cliff.

It was terrible to the extent that it was far from the surging waves of Baili, and the peerless power like Tian Yan Bandi!

Who will it be?

Now he finally knows.

"Senior was at Enlightenment Cliff at the time."

"It's not that the emperor is over there, do you think you can steal the day and take away the stone?"

There was a slight cold snort in the darkness, which also made Li Ye a little embarrassed.

This kind of little action was peeped all the way, and it was somewhat drunk.

"Hengtian left the stone, not only you know what it is! But you are the only one who has the courage to take it away in front of so many people!"

Obviously, the person who knew the truth about the God's Meteorite was not only the Great Emperor of Heaven.

In fact, it is normal. For hundreds of thousands of years, even if there are few people who know about God Meteorite, it is not difficult for many Henggu experts to figure out the origin.

"Senior mean?"

Li Ye's goal has actually been achieved. Although the **** meteorite is precious, it can make people better understand the great road. This is not too demanding for him.

But now God Meteorite has chosen Shui Linglong as his successor. If he kills the Temple of God and surrenders God Meteorite, this will undoubtedly make him very difficult.

"The emperor doesn't need a meteorite, just like Hengtian back then. But this matter cannot be known to others! Otherwise, the emperor can't keep you! You should understand why this is!"


Li Ye breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't ask him for a meteorite, he wouldn't worry about other things.

"The younger generation understands that this matter, God knows and earth knows, you know I know!"

Divine meteorites can cultivate strong people like the Great Emperor. Although it is not absolute, even if there is only 10% hope, it is enough for many ancient invincible existences!

Even such a sacred stone is enough to attract all kinds of greed and plunder, which will cause a lot of trouble for Li Ye who has not yet fully grown strong.

"The Thousand Emperors Realm is about to open. This is a rare opportunity for you!"

Thousand Emperors Realm!

Li Ye nodded. He has long been longing for the rumored emperor's final destination!

The key is that it has been rumored since ancient times that there are secrets hidden in the realm of thousands of emperors that make people become emperors!

After leaving the wooden building, Li Ye didn't know that things were not that simple on the Cliff of Enlightenment.

In the wooden building, there was a long sigh in the darkness.

"Whether it's that person... This time, although I concealed it, they wouldn't just give up so easily."


The Thousand Emperors Realm is about to open!

As soon as the news came out, countless sects and geniuses of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou suddenly couldn't sit still.

Thousand Emperors Realm! Hidden the secret of becoming the emperor!

For countless years, once it appeared, it was the focus of various martial arts.

This time, it is no exception.

Even some ancient inheritances outside of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, aristocratic families, also moved upon hearing the news.

"Someone is coming from the northern wasteland!"

"There are also actions on the southern side! It seems that they are coming for the Thousand Emperors Realm!"

Someone broke the news, because in just a few days, a terrifying aura entered the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, and huge teams appeared openly!

Those are at least one hundred thousand years of history and inheritance!

There is no shortage of heirs and geniuses from the emperor-level sects!

"Someone from Dongzhou is here too!"


Among the five places in Shenshengzhou, Dongzhou has always been known as the oldest!

Although the other four places sneered at this, there are still some ancient existences in Dongzhou that can be traced back to the ancient times. Some ancient families, even if they have faded out of the sight of the world, have firmly controlled the entire Dongzhou behind the scenes. Countless martial arts.

Of course, compared with Dongzhou, what makes the countless sects of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou tremble the most is the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou!

"There should be some action on the sanctuary side."

"I wonder if Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace will appear?"

As the two giant mountains in the world of human monasticism, the Wushen Mountain and the Palace of Medicine King have always been regarded as the two holy places of human beings. Even the reason why the Central Continent Sanctuary can overpower the East Continent is because of the existence of these two sacred places.

Very ancient, and also inherited from the ancient times!

"The Palace of Medicine King has always taken care of world affairs, but Wushen Mountain is possible!"

Compared to the Palace of Medicine Kings, Wushen Mountain is the true sacred place of martial arts. The appearance of the Thousand Emperors realm will naturally attract the attention of Wushen Mountain.

And soon, someone saw the people from Wushen Mountain and appeared in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou!

"Wu Shenshan, someone really came!"

The ancestors of the Great Teachers, invincible exist, and they all show nervousness! Even if he is the emperor, he will pay special attention to the three words Wushenshan.

No one knows how many heaven-defying monsters have been hidden in this martial arts holy land that has existed for unknown years.

Apart from other things, the emperor-level sect is extremely powerful, but in Wushen Mountain, there is not only one Wudi with the realm of the emperor!

Just at this point! Enough awe of the world!

"Wushenshan, if they intervene, things will be difficult to handle!"

"Yes, when something happens in Shenshengzhou, I'm afraid of Wushenshan's intervention! After all, no matter how powerful the sect, like Fenghuocheng, it is also very ancient, even a four emperor! What a prestige, it is a pity to face Wushen Mountain. Be polite to three points."

"Indeed, there is also Ice Wind Valley, which was once a double emperor and almost became a three emperor."

In Shensheng Prefecture, the emperor-level sect is naturally the most powerful force. But the emperor-level sects actually have strengths and weaknesses.

The emperor-level sect with only one great emperor is naturally incomparable with the birth of several great emperors!

For example, Fenghuo City, four emperors of one door! Megatron world!

Ice Wind Valley, a double emperor, dominates the Northern Wilderness!

There is also the Dongzhou Helan family, one family and three emperors! Who is fighting!

At this time, some ancient and incomparable emperor-level forces have emerged one by one. After all, in the territory of the thousand emperors, if there is really a secret to becoming a great emperor, it is a must for any sect family!

One more emperor can be said to be a guarantee for many inheritances to be based in Shensheng for tens of thousands or even 100,000 years!

Countless powerful beings have entered the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou, even a sect like the Heavenly Dao Sect, they are still trembling now, fearing offending some people cannot afford to offend.

Even as the Jubao Pavilion of the three giants of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, the Temple of Killing, it is now low-key.


Jubao Pavilion Killing the Temple are all emperor-level forces, but only one emperor! In the face of many ancient people, it is better to keep a low profile.

Only the Baili Mohist school can truly reflect the foundation at this time!

The Helan family, the first time they came to the Sixteen Countries in Xizhou, went to the Bailimo family. No one knew what kind of agreement the two sides reached.

But soon, an even more shocking news came out.

"A Wudi from Wushen Mountain! Go to Jubao Pavilion!"

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