Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2632: Conditions of Bluestone

"Little Friends. 8" 1 Zhong ┡ "Wen Net"

Old Qiu appeared first, with a complex look on his face.

In his opinion, Cangtian rejected the young man in front of him, and almost cut off all the opportunities for the young man in front of him who he believed could be a strong man in the future!

That kind of blow, let alone the younger generation, even he couldn't bear it!

The other strong men all went from the initial horror to the incredible later, and then to the final indifference.

If Li Ye becomes the imperial prince in front of them, perhaps many of them will come forward to make friends.

Even if it's just a nodding acquaintance, few people will choose to offend!

Offending an emperor prince means that it is possible to offend a great emperor in the future! This is a mistake that anyone who is a little sane will never make.

Even Wei Kexu felt Li Ye's threat to him from the beginning to the crazy jealousy when he finally saw the will of heaven.

At this time, it was full of sarcasm and sneer!

"The Man of Heaven!"

Obviously, Wei Kexu knows the origin of the man of heaven!

Because of this, his intention to kill the young man Li Ye suddenly disappeared a lot. It's just that although it has disappeared a lot, as long as he has the opportunity, he doesn't mind killing Li Ye!

Threats are often obliterated in the cradle!

He was able to climb all the way from the obscurity to this height, and his cruelty was what he was most proud of.

"Tian Jue! What a pity."

I don't know who sighed softly.

But at this time, on the cliff of Enlightenment, the rest of the people continued to converge their spiritual thoughts. For them, although the heavenly will that Li Ye had just attracted had disappeared, the previous perception, even if only a little bit, was enough for them to absorb.

"Old Qiu."

There was no regret on Li Ye's face, because it was not the heaven who rejected him, but the fact that he rejected him!

It's just this secret, no one can know it!

No one will believe it!

Who would reject the sky?

That is a real opportunity to climb the sky!

But according to Qingshi, not only Li Ye, but also the Great Emperor Hengtian made the same decision!

Li Ye is cultivating the Five Elements Body, what about Emperor Hengtian?

No one knows, perhaps only Emperor Hengtian himself knows the truth.

"Little friend, with your talent...Ah, but even if you can't step into the emperor realm, with the accomplishments of the little friend's alchemy, you will definitely become a generation of alchemy in the future!"

Old Qiu couldn't help but sigh in his heart, God is jealous of talent!

Such a genius who was even comparable to Emperor Dan Wu back then was rejected by Heaven.

Since there can be no great achievements in the martial arts, naturally, he thought of the news from the Jubao Pavilion, the young man in front of him, but also has incomparable accomplishments in the alchemy!


Li Ye smiled, but did not deny it.

In some respects, Emperor Dan could indeed be comparable to the Great Emperor, and even compared to the ordinary Emperor, Emperor Dan was even more popular.

But in this world, the strong will always be respected!

At this moment, Li Ye's heart moved.

The purpose of his coming here is not to comprehend the avenue, just now it was just a coincidence of fate.

His purpose is for that piece of bluestone! That is, the **** meteorite!

However, it is not easy for him to take away the **** meteorite.

Bluestone has its own spirituality!

It's no longer as simple as a single **** meteorite!

If the action is strong, Li Ye shook his head.

Just kidding, Qingshi has been here for so many years, and I don’t know how many strong people have been suppressed, some of them are even the peerless murderers second only to the emperor.

No one can take advantage of it.

Even if he is arrogant, he doesn't think he can succeed.

However, when he hesitated, the sound of bluestone suddenly came.

"You need a **** meteorite."

Li Ye was taken aback, but he didn't conceal, "Yes, I need a meteorite, or in other words, my purpose is different from them."

God meteorite is bluestone! At the same time, he is the so-called guardian, Lord Mo Yan.

Wanting a **** meteorite is tantamount to Li Ye's ambitions clearly revealed.

Li Ye was ready to turn his face with Qingshi, but what he didn't expect was that Qingshi actually gave such an answer.

"God meteorite, I can give it to you."


He could hardly believe his ears!

"I have been here for countless thousands of years, even the Hengtian boy back then, never thought of taking me away."

"Master Mo Yan mean?"

Such an obvious hint, if he still doesn't understand, it would be really stupid!

"It's very simple, I can give you a small piece of **** meteorite, but you must promise me a condition!"

Actually learn to bargain?

If it hadn’t been for the knowledge that someone would be boring behind the scenes to pretend to be a ghost, he would really doubt whether the **** meteorite in front of him had become refined!

"What conditions?"

As long as it is a **** meteorite, no matter the size, it is enough for him to make up for the golden spirit in the five elements!

"Destroy this Cliff of Enlightenment!"


Li Ye was stunned!

I thought about any conditions, but I didn't expect it to be this!

Ruined Wudao Cliff?

Actually let him ruin Wudaoya?

"Impossible! Wudaoya has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, not to mention whether the juniors have the ability or not, even if they have, the entire Xizhou Sixteen Kingdoms people will not allow it!"

This was almost a matter of public outrage, and he didn't dare to mess around so casually.

At that time, even if Killing Temple and Jubao Pavilion have a good relationship with him, the Baili Mo Family has the favor of Baili Jingtao, but it will be enough to make him a mouse crossing the street!

Everyone shouts!

"This is the only condition. As long as you can do it, I can give you a fist-sized piece of **** meteorite."

promise? Still not agree?

If you agree, Li Ye's purpose is complete! Let him practice further into the body of the five elements!

But after agreeing, the consequences!

"I need to think about it!"


There is no free lunch in the world, and you need to pay to get it.

But now that he has this condition, Li Ye will naturally weigh the pros and cons.

And just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a terrible breath on the cliff of Enlightenment!

And there is more than a terrible breath!

Almost in the most overbearing way, appeared on the Cliff of Enlightenment!

One after another divine light appeared, turning into a stalwart body!



The people who cultivate in the Cliff of Enlightenment are all well-known! Suddenly someone broke in and naturally shouted.

But soon, they were the people who came, a bit terribly overdone!

"Who was it just now that caused the will of heaven to come?!"

Before the visitor showed up, he had already heard a domineering and terrifying voice, almost with supreme suppression, pressing towards the people on the cliff of Enlightenment.

Li Ye raised his brows and came at him?

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