Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2631: What about the heavens!

Emperor and Emperor Chu! It looks like a step difference, but now you can see the difference!

Just a piece of will left by the emperor, after hundreds of thousands of years, can actually stop an emperor prince!

However, everyone can feel it, in order to block the entry of Emperor Duanmu, the wisp of will in Wudao Cliff is also greatly injured. "81" Chinese Network

It can be blocked once, and it is absolutely impossible to block the second time!

After all, this is just a wisp of will and consumes a little less.

But Emperor Duanmu himself is different, he is the living Emperor Chu!

"The Great Emperor Hengtian is worthy of the lunatic who rebelled against the chaos of the sky! If he personally came to the scene, it is hard to imagine how terrifying it would be."

Hundreds of thousands of years!

Among the emperors of Shenshengzhou, Hengtian is one of the most famous people!

It can even be said that among countless emperors, Hengtian emperor can at least rank in the top ten!

While a group of people outside wanted to enter the Cliff of Enlightenment, they were in the deepest part of Cliff of Enlightenment.

Above the bluestone, Li Ye opened his eyes.

He is the one who attracted the will of heaven!

Only he can do it!

But everyone's guess was wrong, it was not that he actively caused the will of Cangtian, but the will of Cangtian sensed his existence!

"Boy! Fortunately, you brake in time! Otherwise, you will regret it!"

The Great Emperor Tianjian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At that moment, he was really afraid that Li Ye would not be able to withstand the temptation, follow the will of God, and accept the baptism of the heaven's will!

From the moment the heaven and earth vision appeared, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had a heart hanging in the air.

He has personally experienced that temptation, and he naturally knows how difficult it is to keep the spirit platform clear and clear if you want to maintain your nature!

In other words, no one will refuse! That is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will not necessarily appear in the world!

With the recognition of heaven, the road is boundless!

Once accepted, it is the shelter of heaven! Become a generation emperor!

He was really afraid that Li Ye was young and energetic, could not bear the temptation and would follow God's will.

"Old ghost, my willpower is not that weak! But it really feels a pity. The Heavenly Dao has already admitted me, as long as I nod my head, I can create my own road!"

Although it is now a foregone conclusion, Li Ye couldn't help but sighed.


Just now, as long as he gave up cultivating the Five Elements Body and directly conformed to the sky, he would soon become a generation of Emperor Chu!

Emperor Chu! Nothing about the realm of cultivation!

Even a mortal, as long as he is recognized by the heavens, he can become an emperor!

Of course, that is just theory!

After all, those who can sense the will of the Great Dao of Heaven, at least are the top evildoers of the world, and the realm cannot be too low!

It can even be said that Li Ye has not yet stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu, and he can actually cause the will of the heavens to descend, which in itself has been rare for hundreds of thousands of years.

Once he becomes the emperor, he can create his own road!

At that time, even if his cultivation level is not high, there are few rivals under the emperor!

The entire sixteen countries of Xizhou can be rampant!

One step to the sky!

One step to the sky!

Countless people look forward to and pray, but they may not be able to come to their own great opportunity!

Then he refused!

The sky is angry!

Because a mortal actually rejected the heavens!

"Hey, if the emperor had your kid like concentration back then maybe..."

The Great Emperor Tianjian couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't resist this temptation back then. Although in the end he did become a generation of emperor, rampant all over the world. But deep in my heart, I always carry a regret.

The body of the five elements!

In the legend, even the gods are jealous of the perfect physique!

Between thoughts, the old and the young exchanged.

at the same time.

"Why refuse?"

A majestic voice came out, and Li Ye smiled.

"Master Mo Yan, why did you agree?"

Lord Mo Yan! No one knew the identity of Lord Mo Yan, the true guardian of Wudaoya, and no one even saw what Lord Mo Yan looked like.

But one thing is universally acknowledged, no one dares to easily break the rules on Wudao Cliff!

Because once anyone makes a move, they will be easily suppressed by the guardian!


Li Ye smiled. If no one knew the identity of Lord Mo Yan before, but at this time he was more than 90% sure that he had guessed who the so-called Lord Mo Yan was.

"You already know who I am?"

"Master Mo Yan, or rather, Master Qingshi?"


The so-called guardian is actually Bluestone himself!

Do not! In other words, this bluestone actually has its own soul!

"How did you guess?"

Obviously, Mo Yan or Qingshi did not deny it.

"I think that for hundreds of thousands of years, I am not the only person who knows your identity."

It's not just him!

This answer is actually sufficient. Because Qingshi's silence proved Li Ye's last doubt.

"Anyone who can comprehend the Great Avenue on this bluestone can sense your existence."

He was the fourth in hundreds of thousands of years. Naturally, the previous three also knew the truth.

"For so many years, since Hengtian, you are the only one who refuses the sky."

Bluestone was silent for a long time, and suddenly there was a slight human tone.

The **** meteorite itself is a **** stone that is hard to find in the world, and it is not surprising to have his own soul for hundreds of thousands of years.

It's just the meaning behind these words, but Li Ye was slightly taken aback!

"Could it be that the Great Emperor Hengtian rejected Cangtian as well?"

He couldn't help shaking fiercely!

The legendary Emperor Hengtian who rebelled against the sky! Think about it, it's really possible!

"You are not Hengtian. Although you have good talents and savvy, the appearance of a Hengtian is just an accident."

Qingshi seemed to feel a pity for Li Ye, after all, he just gave up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity against the sky.

For hundreds of thousands of years, countless powerful people have come to Wu Daoya, don't they want this opportunity?

However, Li Ye got it, but he actively refused it!

If this spreads out, I don’t know how many people will be dumbfounded, or even swear! Occupy the pit without shit! A waste of opportunity!

"Yes, I am not Emperor Hengtian, but I will be farther than the road that Emperor Hengtian took in the past!"

No one knows where Emperor Hengtian finally went, but Li Ye was in the dark, as if there was a feeling that Emperor Hengtian was still alive!

Anyone who changed to a cultivator would sneer at these words. But Qingshi answered with silence. Perhaps, even after so many years, as a **** meteorite naturally gave birth to a ray of spirituality, but it still can't compare with real life.

Leaving from the bluestone, looking around.

At this time, you can feel a few terrible eyes falling on him!

In those eyes, there was an extremely complicated look!

The vision of heaven and earth just now! They feel deeper than the people beyond the cliff of Enlightenment!

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