Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2573: Dare to **** it in Tiandibaozhai?

Emperor Duobao was hesitating!

Huolongzi's heart suddenly hung in the air. ★

"Could it be that the pill in that pill bottle is more advanced than the Tianshui Ice Phoenix Pill just now?"

Some strong people couldn't help but speak out, after all, the Tianshui Ice Phoenix Pill was equivalent to the middle emperor grade pill, and it was even more precious than the upper emperor grade pill in the hands of certain people.

Even the emperor Duobao didn't even look at that kind of pill, even if he refused it with a glance, it was conceivable that at least the pill on top of the Ice Phoenix Pill out of the sky was what made him startle.

"Huolongzi brought it out, but it is the remaining fire of Jiuqu Tianyan! The value of that thing is difficult to measure."

"Indeed, although it is the Yuhuo of Jiuqu Tianyan, it is not the real Jiuqu Tianyan after all, but its value is also immeasurable. If it is me, I must choose the Yuhuo of Jiuqu Tianyan!"

An old alchemist made a vow, while the others rolled their eyes.

That's just nonsense. As an alchemist, no treasure is as important as a ray of flames on the flame list!

After all, with Yu Huo's alchemist, he can definitely take his alchemy to the next level! For any alchemist, it is a huge opportunity that is more important than life.

Duobaohuang's hesitation not only affected the hearts of Huolongzi and Li Ye, but also the appetites of everyone present.

"This auction is a rare one in thousands of years. This is the second auction item, and it is so intense!"

Naturally, there were also people from Jubao Pavilion. Among them, Emperor Peacock and Emperor Tianyan have actually arrived, but they have not come forward.

At least, they weren't ready to fight for it before the innate treasure appeared.

"That kid, I don't know why, he actually attaches so much importance to that white jade bowl."

They naturally prefer Li Ye, but the rules of Tiandi Baozhai auction have not been broken for tens of thousands of years. They also understand the character of Emperor Duobao. Even if they are willing to help Li Ye, they are also powerless.

"The thing was brought back by Emperor Duobao from Death Valley, and it was something that even he couldn't judge the specific origin. It is quite special."

Emperor Peacock shook his head and smiled bitterly, but Emperor Tian Yan's eyes lit up, "Does that kid know the origin of that white jade bowl?"

Know the origin?

That is a mysterious thing that the old rivers and lakes of Duobaohuang can't judge. Can a junior who is less than a hundred years old know the way?

"This, shouldn't it?"

"Hey, don't underestimate this kid. The old man has an intuition. That kid is a master who doesn't see rabbits or scatter eagles. Since he is so inevitable, there must be a reason! And the biggest reason is the origin of this white jade bowl. !"

It can only be said that Jiang is still old and spicy, Tian Yan emperor has lived for countless years, and naturally has a vicious vision.

In fact, Emperor Duobao had a hint of doubt in his heart at this time!


Fire Dragon couldn't help urging again.

It also made Duobaohuang finally make a decision, only to see that he directly accepted Li Ye's pill bottle.

This move caused Huolongzi's face to sink!

And the others also know Dubaohuang's choice!

Li Ye breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was not sure that his ascending emperor pill could overcome the fire of Jiuqu Tianyan. Or, there are not many opportunities at all!

He is even ready to increase the price!

But I didn't expect Duobaohuang to give up the fire of Jiuqu Tianyan!

"Young man, this is yours now!"

Emperor Duo Bao casually threw it, and flew directly towards Li Ye.

But suddenly, a figure appeared halfway through!

Fire Dragon!

Obviously Huolongzi was not satisfied with this result! Very unwilling!

Even grab it directly!

This scene, but beyond everyone's expectations! How many years has it been that no one dared to fight and break the rules in Tiandibaozhai?



A terrible coercion appeared in an instant, and the fire dragon child was considered a tyrannical generation. He was directly shocked and flew out. The hand that was about to touch the white jade bowl was even directly blown to pieces, and the flesh was blurred!

Emperor Duobao didn't raise his eyes, he didn't even make a move. But naturally someone will solve this problem secretly, otherwise, Tiandi Baozhai would not have existed for so many years.

At this time, the others also reacted, looking at the pale and resentful Fire Dragon, they all took a deep breath!

No one has seen the person who did it just now, but there are some terrifying existences present, but they are vaguely sensed!

People such as Yu Ran Dao Zun, Bai Mei Dan Zun and others, their eyes flickered. They are also considered to be among the top powerhouses in the world, but the breath that suddenly appeared just now made them even faintly felt a little fright!

"Look at the face of the emperor of Earth Mars, spare your life! People who are bad at Tiandi Baozhai's rules will never step in! Get out!


He didn't give Huo Longzi any chance to speak up, but a terrifying force blasted him out of Tiandi Baozhai.

Others watched the fire dragon child be blasted out, and no one made a sound.

As for some people who didn't take Tiandi Baozhai's rules too seriously, they were shocked at this time, and immediately suppressed the disapproval in their hearts.

"Peak Martial Emperor!"

Some strong finally confided in a low voice!

The breath was terrible just now, enough to make many people with bad intentions dismiss all thoughts.

"Jubao Pavilion, after all, is an emperor-level force. If you want to mess around on the territory of Jubao Pavilion, you are also seeking a dead end."

Some people are somewhat enlightened.

It's just that some people showed disappointment, but they were quite interested in the fire of Jiuqu Tianyan on Huolongzi.

A few divine thoughts appeared slightly, but very hidden.

Seeing Huolongzi being expelled, no one would doubt Duobaohuang's decision at this moment.

The white jade bowl fell into Li Ye's hands.

"Thank you senior!"

Although puzzled, Li Ye was still slightly grateful to bow to Emperor Duobao.

It's a pity that Emperor Duobao's face was cold, as if the events just now couldn't touch him at all, and the third auction of treasures had already begun.

Accepting the white jade bowl, Li Ye didn't show any surprises on the surface, as if he had auctioned off an ordinary treasure.

But some people couldn't help being curious.

"Emperor Duobao, what kind of treasure is the white jade bowl just now?"

The first broken gourd, but the broken Emperor Soldier, in their opinion, this white jade bowl is certainly not much worse.

It's a pity that Emperor Duobao replied coldly, "Death Valley picked it up at will, and those who are predestined will get it."

Picked it up? Those who are predestined get it?

What kind of answer is this?

Some people are dissatisfied, but thinking of the fate of the fire dragon child before, he dare not speak. Some people are even more grateful that they didn't fight for it, or they spent a huge price to buy a thing that they didn't even know what it was, and didn't cry to death?

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