Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2572: Hanakuchiya?

Half a step Dandi! Even if it was only half a step, but compared to Dan Zun, it was a sky and a land!

The whole Baishou Palace is able to gain a foothold in Xizhou! Just because the lord of the Baishou Palace is a half-step emperor!


In the Baishou Palace, a young girl couldn't help but whispered and looked towards Bai Mei Danzun.

"Not in a hurry, it's just the remaining fire of Jiuqu Tianyan. Although it is also precious, it is not enough to mess up as a teacher."

Bai Mei Danzun is not moved?

Do not! He is very excited!

But he also knew the origin of the Fire Dragon Child, and the Earth Martian Emperor was not that easy to provoke.

More importantly, his goal is not just a ray of fire, what he wants, but the real fire!

Li Ye was also surprised when he heard what Huolongzi took out.

"Yu Huo, he is willing."

The so-called Yu Huo, if you compare the different fires of heaven and earth to a life, then Yu Huo is the essence of it! Even if it is a complete world of different fires, it is difficult to split a ray of fire for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, although it is not as precious as the real alien fire, it is also an extremely rare treasure of the fire system.

The last time he fought on the stage of life and death, he noticed that there seemed to be two terrible flames in the fire dragon child. One of them is the Zixin Flame, while the other is vaguely as if suppressed by some kind of force, looming.

Only now did he understand that that was exactly the aura from the remaining fire of Jiuqu Tianyan.

"Damn, the emperor of Earth Mars really seems to have high hopes for his disciple! It's not just the fire of Jiuqu Tianyan, but now it is Zixin Flame!"

"So what, as the fire emperor, and got the Zixin flames, haven't you heard of being defeated at the stage of life and death? The old face of the earth and spark emperor is probably green?"

"Yes, I heard that if it weren't for the Wisteria Emperor of the Baili Mo family to stop him, Huolongzi might even be killed on the stage!"

Some whispered comments made the originally proud Huolongzi instantly pale! The terrible gaze swept around.

But anyone who can come here will not be afraid of him! At least they also know what Huolongzi is afraid of!

And Huolongzi could only hold his breath, and finally his terrifying eyes fell on Li Ye, his killing intent soaring.

Those who know the battle of the life and death platform have strange expressions on their faces.

As for the unknown, it was also known from other populations at this time.

"No wonder Huolongzi would come out to fight, I didn't expect that young man was actually the mysterious kid on the rumors of life and death."

"The origin of this son is quite strange, maybe it has a lot of background!"

The expressions of those who had despised Li Ye changed at this time.

Obviously, a contradictory situation has now formed.

Tiandaomen Batiandao offered 150,000 holy crystals, and Li Ye exchanged it with a bottle of pill, and now another fire dragon came out with the remaining fire of Jiuqu Tianyan.

The decision-making power naturally fell into the hands of Emperor Duobao.

Everyone looked at Emperor Duobao, after all, he could decide who was the final winner.

Under the gaze of everyone, Emperor Duobao looked directly at the direction of the Heavenly Sword Gate, which made Batiandao's eyes happy.

But then his expression became a little ugly.

"One hundred and fifty thousand sacred crystals can't compare to the remaining fire of the nine bends of Tianyan."

This is already very clear, Tiandaomen, out! Unless he increases the price!

The Tyrant Sword was about to hesitate, but a voice came into his ears. His expression changed. It was an ancestor of the Tiandao Sect. Although he did not show up, it was clear that the Tyrant Sword had sufficient rights. , But the ancestors of the Heavenly Sword Gate couldn't see it, so he stopped.

He had no choice but to slam his sleeve severely.

"It seems that Tiandaomen has given up."

"Definitely give up, even if it is something that Emperor Duobao brought from Death Valley, this is the second one. One hundred and fifty thousand sacred crystals have already been valued. If you increase the price, it would be a waste."

Some people have experienced several auctions of Tiandibaozhai, and naturally they know the doorway.

Good things, but they are all in the back!

As soon as Tiandaomen gave up, only Li Ye and Huolongzi were left.

Everyone's eyes fell on the two of them, but more people could almost conclude that it was Fire Dragon who had the last laugh.

"In this scene, Huolongzi should have no suspense."

"Yes, the lingering fire of Jiuqu Tianyan is a loss for a treasure of unknown origin. If it weren't for the signs of Tiandi Baozhai and Emperor Duobao for tens of thousands of years, who would be willing?"

"But even if they were taken out of Death Valley, they are not necessarily all of the best treasures. However, Emperor Duobao has always been famous for treasure hunting, and he has not seen anything in the past ten thousand years."

Some strong men were whispering, many people did not expect that this was the second auction item, and the smell of gunpowder was so strong.

Huolongzi, already showing a proud expression on the connection.

The reason why he took the fight was not just a personal grudge against Li Ye like the Tyrant Blade!

But when he saw the white jade bowl, his expression was shocked! Obviously, he also saw something.

"Li Ye! Even if you beat me on the stage of life and death, in terms of the bottom line, you are far inferior!"

If it is really what he knows, let alone the fire of Jiuqu Tianyan, even if he takes out the treasures of his whole body, all the belongings except Zixin Flames, he will earn it!

It's just that he has to exercise restraint. He doesn't know how many people have noticed it. Once he is discovered, he knows that he has no chance at all! Here, too many people can easily crush him!

He even suspected that once he knew the origin of the white jade bowl, Tiandi Baozhai and even Jubaoge himself would cancel this auction directly! Exclusive!

Emperor Duobao's gaze fell on the pill bottle in his hand.

"What kind of pill is it?"

"No pill can be more precious than the remaining fire of Jiuqu Tianyan, right?"

Everyone was curious, they wanted to see the tension on Li Ye's face, but unfortunately they didn't.

In fact, Li Ye was also a little worried at this time. If there was no Huolongzi to step in, he believed that his pill could definitely impress Duobaohuang. But now, he is also a little confused.

"Although the Shenghuang Pill is precious, it is really hard to say compared to the remaining fire of Jiuqu Tianyan."

Under the gaze of everyone, Emperor Duobao opened the pill bottle and took a look.

Although it was only for a moment, some people still saw a hint of surprise across the face of Emperor Duobao.

"What kind of pill is there?"

Many people's eyes widened.

"Senior!" Huo Longzi couldn't help it, and took the initiative to speak out.

It's just that Emperor Duobao closed his eyes suddenly, as if lost in hesitation and thinking. This kind of reaction made those who are familiar with Emperor Duobao amazed. You know, Dubaohuang in their minds rarely reacted so hesitantly.

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