Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2564: Hidden Fu Bo

Those monks before, blushed even more at this time.

The threshold set by Tiandibaozhai, even if you are not of good origin, as long as you can prove yourself on the stage of life and death, you can be put in.

They can't do it themselves, doesn't mean that others can't do it!

But the one who reacted the most was undoubtedly Yu Devil!

As soon as he heard the King of Yum, endless terrifying sharpness burst out of his eyes!

Everyone just felt that the surrounding sky changed instantly, as if they were in a terrifying world of ice and snow.

"Ice and Snow Qizong, the past dynasties have only accepted the disciples of the ice body as a descendant. This feather devil seems to be the innate ice body body! I don't know if it is an ordinary ice body body or even more rare. Ice Emperor!"

Some experts who knew about Ice and Snow Qizong narrowed their eyes slightly.

As an ancient inheritance in southern Xinjiang, Qi Sect of Ice and Snow is extremely special, with few people, but it has never been lost in hundreds of thousands of years. Even some ancient emperor-level forces would never take the initiative to provoke this ancient and mysterious place.

Yu Guizi said nothing, he also experienced life and death. Although he didn't really burst out to win the King of Yum with all his strength, he knew the difficulty!

In order to hide his strength, he chose to give up after sixty consecutive victories.

But at this time, it aroused his eagerness to compete.

Coincidentally, a few people walked far away.

Seeing those few people, Ling Zixu was shocked, and at the same time whispered a few words in the ear of his master Yuran Daozun.

The person who came was Li Ye.

He didn't bring Ah Da and Ah Er, just with the ghost emperor and Fu Bo by his side.

Originally, he didn't even plan to take Fu Bo, but when he heard that he was going out, Fu Bo would be by his side. The good name is to protect his safety.

In fact, this was also the arrangement of Emperor Yinyue. After all, even though Li Ye has become a man of the world, because of this, the people who followed him are far beyond everyone's imagination.

Even Li Ye could not see through Fu Bo's strength, so he did not insist on rejecting it.

"Some people really don't know anything about themselves!"

Seeing Li Ye, Ling Zixu grunted angrily.

Before visiting the Peacock Emperor, he suffered a lot from Li Ye. Now that Dao Zun Yu Ran came from Huang Tian Daozong, he is naturally full of confidence!

Seeing Li Ye, he couldn't help but let out a cold snort from his nose.

Yu Guizi's eyes burst into a terrible chill. Although no one said it, he knew that the young man who looked shameless in front of him was his goal during this time!

The mysterious kid who won the King of Yum.

"Oh, this kid?"

Dao Zun Yu Ran glanced at Li Ye, but didn't notice the problem. He just stayed on Fu Bo who was beside Li Ye for a second before showing a sneer.

Naturally, he would not disregard what his status was to Li Ye, not to mention that Li Ye is now the celebrity in front of Emperor Tianyan and Emperor Peacock.

Daozun Yuran and his party directly entered Tiandi Baozhai, before Ling Zixu led away, sneered.

As soon as they left, everyone breathed a little breath.

But Li Yegang was about to enter the Tiandi Baozhai too, but found a terrifying look on him.

"Are you the one on the stage of life and death?"

Yu Guizi's voice was full of an aggressive taste, and at the same time, even though he didn't do anything, the terrifying chill almost made people feel like flesh and soul, and they would be completely frozen.


The hostility on the other party was very strong, but Li Ye didn't even bother to do anything with him now. The ghost emperor's figure flashed, he laughed weirdly, and instantly blocked the chill back.

The lower emperor!

Everyone present was slightly surprised. They didn't feel much about seeing Li Ye coming just now. Although Li Ye has been in the limelight recently, he is still a junior.

However, now, seeing a dignified emperor directly acting as Li Ye's entourage, but many people are eyelids!

"What the **** is this kid?"

"The lower emperor serves as an entourage, this treatment, that is, those geniuses passed down from ancient times have this qualification!"

If it is an ordinary genius, the ghost emperor shows his hand slightly, which can naturally be shocked.

It's just that Yu Devil is different! The eyes were cold! In an instant, the cold breath was more than ten times higher than before!

This time, even the ghost emperor was frightened. With his current cultivation level, although he was not considered to be the highest level among the lower emperors, he was still in a solid state! But just like that, he actually felt like he was about to be completely frozen!

Unable to help the eruption of imperial power, at the same time, a country emerged from behind!

"This devil deserves a real name, the next emperor is definitely not his opponent!"

A lower emperor who can simply force him to use the power of his own martial emperor kingdom is enough to amaze the world!

Suddenly at this moment, an old hand appeared, as if it had wiped out everything, and instantly shattered all the terrifying cold surrounding it!

As soon as he shot, everyone was shocked.

Fu Bo! At this moment, his expression remained unchanged, as if he just waved. However, the resulting effect made many people frightened.

Even Yu Devil looked surprised, showing a trace of jealousy.

Although he could ignore the next emperor, but Fubo made him feel dangerous when he shot.

"Master, it's time to go, it's time to go in."

Fu Bo said towards Li Ye, the look of an old butler servant was even more shocking.

Li Ye didn't care, but Fubo knew his unfathomable strength. Even he doubted whether Fu Bo could hide his strength, ordinary middle emperor, but he did not hide so deeply.

Li Ye walked directly into the palace, leaving the frightened Yu Devil behind.

As for the old man Tiandi Baozhai, after seeing Li Ye, he immediately smiled, "Master Li, please inside!"

He is not stupid. At the beginning, the Peacock Emperor showed a special appreciation for Li Ye. Later, it was reported that the Emperor Tianyan and the Peacock Emperor gave Yuling to the young people in front of him at the same time. This treatment is compared to the disciples in the Jubao Pavilion. All are special, he naturally greets with a smile.

Of course, he also paid much attention to Fu Bo who had just shot, but he couldn't think of when there was such a terrifying powerhouse in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou.

As for the ghost king, he didn't care much about it.

The lower emperor, although considered a strong one, is nothing but errands in the eyes of truly invincible.

Yu Guizi also entered afterwards.

When everyone entered, the rest of the people reacted.

"I'll go, the old man was so strong just now! What's the way?"

"Even one hand stunned Yu Devil's enchanting evildoer, what level of cultivation? At least it is the middle emperor, right?"

"A middle-ranked emperor actually acts as an entourage. Who the **** said that the young man named Li Ye has no background? Stand up, I promise not to kill him!"

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