Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2563: Yu Ran Dao Zun

Not to mention, many monks who came here nodded one after another!

Life and Death Taiwan is not only famous in the sixteen countries of Xizhou, it is also famous throughout the territory of Xizhou.

Many people also know the entry threshold of Tiandibaozhai and have tried it. It's just that there are very few who are really successful.

"On the stage of life and death, there are too many restrictions, and it is simply to prevent people from successfully passing through! It is clear that we have no background and no strong strength to prevent us from entering."

"Yes, not only you, but even those of us who have sects are not qualified! If you want to go in, at least it is a true fifth-grade sect disciple, and you have to take it with the elders of each sect. Otherwise, I won’t be able to get in either."

"It seems that I just saw the emperor spirit of Linlang Tianyu! Look at others, not only is he extremely powerful, there is also a terrifying teacher behind him, and he is directly the guest of Tiandi Baozhai!"

Some of the monks who were kept out shook their heads and sighed.

Some people are not convinced, "Life and death stage, I don't believe how many people can successfully play that life and death stage!"

At this moment, suddenly a voice came.

"Life and death stage? You can't even win ten people on the stage of life and death. Is there any face to stay here? It's just humiliation!"

This voice was full of sarcasm, and immediately made many people who were dissatisfied with it!

Just as soon as they saw someone coming, many people immediately dispelled their anger!

"It's Yu Devil!"

The visitor was a young man with a trace of bloodless whiteness on his face, but his whole body was cold and deep. Many monks just couldn't help but snorted, feeling like they were invaded by a terrible cold breath. In the body, layers of white frost appeared on the whole body, and even the blood spewed out was frozen, turning into blood-red ice crystals.

"Damn! It's Yu Devil!"

A strong man managed to carry his luck, and he hurriedly distanced back again and again in amazement.

"Feather Devil! That was the one who had been fighting for 60 undefeated people on the stage of life and death not long ago?"

Someone exclaimed, but many people have tried it recently, but many people have come back.

And the young people who appeared, not only successfully challenged ten people, they even defeated many challengers in a tyrannical manner along the way.

"It's him! I remember! This person is a disciple of the Northern Wilderness Ice and Snow Qi Sect! The cultivation level is very high and unpredictable. Although he has not yet entered the emperor realm, I heard that a few days ago, a lower emperor offended him. , He was directly beaten and seriously injured and fled away!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people were shocked!

A junior who is not Emperor Wu, actually wounded a lower emperor, and let the next emperor escape?

At this moment, even people who don't know Yu Guizi couldn't help but dare not say anything. The previous people who complained repeatedly closed their mouths!

"A bunch of daring trash!"

He glanced at a group of people around him coldly, and Yu Guizi gave a cold snort.

With such a cold snort, many people's expressions changed drastically, and icy chills exploded from all over their bodies, and some of the weaker cultivation bases broke their breath directly.

"Feather Devil! What do you mean?!"

Seeing that a few people with weak cultivation bases were killed directly, someone suddenly spoke angrily.

Only when he came into contact with Yu Guizi's gaze, he suddenly screamed, and bright red ice crystals spurted out of his mouth. He didn't dare to continue to mention anything, and turned and left!

If he doesn't leave, those few people who have been frozen to death are his lessons.

"A bunch of trash!"

As if killing a few people was like a trivial matter, Yu Guizi didn't care at all, and that arrogant attitude made many people dare not speak.

But soon, a few figures broke through the air.

Even Yu Devil's expression changed slightly when he saw it.

"It's from Huang Tiandaozong!"

"Is that man Lingzixu, one of the three avenues in the rumors of Huangtian Dao Sect? He is really handsome and a talent."

Unlike Yu Guizi, Huang Tiandaozong had several people here this time. In addition to Ling Zixu, there was an old man and two middle-aged people.

The old man's eyes were deep and unfathomable, and even Ling Zixu was slightly respectful in front of him. As for the two middle-aged men, their temples bulged high, and there was a terrible breath all over them.

"Northern Wilderness Ice and Snow Wonder Sect?"

Seeing a few corpses on the ground, the old man gave a little light but didn't care too much. However, Ling Zixu's eyes met Yu Guizi, both of whom were influential figures, naturally a terrifying confrontation broke out invisibly.


Obviously, the two sides didn't really do anything, just by looking at each other in the air, they could not suppress the opponent.

Seeing that it was Huang Tian Dao Sect, some casual cultivators just closed their mouths obediently.

This is an emperor sect! The tracing back to history can even go as far back as many people can't study. Such a terrible inherited person is naturally not comparable to them.

"Zixu, did the kid you mentioned come here?"

The old man squinted his eyes slightly, his voice revealed a touch of majesty.

"Master, I didn't see that kid. He knew how to advance and retreat when he wanted to come. He is not an undisciplined and unknown person who is qualified to participate in this kind of occasion."

It turns out that this old man is the master of Ling Zixu, one of the twelve masters of the Taoist Emperor Yuran!

Originally, he was not prepared to come, but he heard that the three innate treasures, even if they were still in retreat, broke through!

At his level, it is even harder to get to the next level. Unless it is an incomparable adventure that is against the sky, there is no hope of attaining the emperor's way in this life. If you want to improve your strength, you can only start from other aspects.

Innate treasure is one of them!

Many people heard this, and they all moved slightly.

As one of the ancient sects in Xizhou, Huang Tiandaozong is not many people who can make them think about it.

And listening to this, it is obvious that Lingzixu suffered a loss in someone?

"His absence makes the old man a little disappointed, a young man who can be recognized by both the Peacock Emperor and the Tianyan Emperor. The old man has not seen a few in thousands of years."

Daozun Yuran smiled coldly, while the others moved their expressions after hearing this.

Young people recognized by both the Peacock Emperor and the Tianyan Emperor?

Many people have a hint of speculation in their hearts.

"Is it the recently rumored mysterious kid who successfully won the King of Yum from the stage of life and death?"

"Oh my god, it is rumored that in the thousand years of life and death, besides that year, that kid was the second to successfully win the title of King of Yum. He was also appreciated by the two peak powers, Emperor Peacock and Emperor Tianyan, and bestowed upon them. Yuling!"

Just now, a bunch of people were still yelling at no one to succeed on the stage of life and death, and then a Yu Devil came, and then it came out that someone had won the King of Yum!

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