Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2529: Baili Hongyan panicked

The entire stage of life and death seemed to have turned into a whirlpool, and the surrounding void was completely distorted.

"This kid can actually continue to improve!"

Feeling the horrible whirlpool, some people's faces changed directly!

"Damn, in that whirlpool, the king might be torn into pieces in an instant without screaming when he enters the whirlpool?"

"Fart! Half the emperor's entry is also a moment to die! Fuck, what is the background of that kid, this strength is enough to make a terrible reputation in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou!"

"Yeah, this level of strength, not to mention other things, with this one hand, the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou is definitely a monster! Why hasn't anyone seen it before?"

Different from everyone's suspicion, the next emperor of Baozhai that day was sadly reminded at this time, because maintaining the entire life and death stage is to love his work.

But at this time, he has some powerlessness!

The dignified emperor can't maintain a ring?

No one believed this, but he was indeed a little weak.

"Emperor Peacock, Emperor Peacock, your disciple will also say in advance that he wants to go to the stage of life and death. Now he has encountered such a wicked kid. If this continues, the old man can't support it."

Seeing that the formation around the life and death stage was about to break, suddenly two figures appeared next to the old man, and the two shot at the same time, combining the strength of the three, and finally stabilized the entire formation.

Seeing those two people, the old man Tiandi Baozhai was also relieved.

Because he recognizes that the two are the people around the Peacock Emperor, they are much stronger than him. They take action, unless they are the strong ones like the Peacock Emperor, they will not break. Open the entire formation.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The entire vortex turned into a black hole! At this time, even the supernatural light on the top-grade imperial weapon was a little shaky!

"With my own power, such a big fluctuation was caused! This son is too terrifying!"

There are some powerful older generations who couldn't help but gasp.

They all know how terrible the top-grade imperial weapon is.

Sometimes, a high-grade imperial weapon is enough to be a powerful stone for guarding one party! And when some ancient inheritances also experienced great ups and downs, often those ancient imperial artifacts left behind by the ancestors put an end to those unruly people who wanted to take advantage of the fire.

"If he doesn't reach the imperial realm, but he stubbornly shakes the top grade imperial weapon, this kid is either a madman or a peerless enchanting!"

You know, a high-ranking emperor, as long as it can be urged, unless the real high-ranking emperor personally shot, otherwise, the upper-ranking emperor must retreat! Even the middle emperor holds a middle emperor weapon!

Whether it was a lunatic or a evildoer, everyone didn't know at this time.

But the whole life and death stage, even if the three Wu Huangs personally blessed it, it was a little shaky.


Suddenly, two figures appeared in the void.

One of them spouted a mouthful of blood, and at the same time a ray of light flashed, turning into a phoenix feather and covering her whole body. It was Yu Shang, the disciple of the Peacock Emperor's gate.

The other person, as if being stirred by a sea of ​​swords and flames, was covered with scars, and that terrifying muscle was like a pile of iron blocks, exuding explosive power!

"Sure enough, it's a bit early to force the top grade imperial weapon."

Feeling that most of the internal organs have been shattered in his body. If it were an ordinary person, he would have lost half of his life. But Li Ye can still live and live a life of dragons and tigers, it is the almost indestructible body after practicing God of Fighting Art!

When he cultivated to the eighth level of the Battle God Art, the Battle God was equivalent to a real imperial weapon. Today, even if he directly confronts a middle-grade imperial weapon in his flesh, he will not necessarily hurt his skin.

But facing the top grade imperial weapon, still a little reluctant.

No one knows what happened in the whirlpool just now, but after Yu Shang retracted Feng Ling, Qiao's face was slightly red, and he glared at Li Ye, obviously resentful, but still actively conceded.

"I lost!"

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar. Of course, it was those who knew her identity.

The disciple of Emperor Peacock, the granddaughter of Emperor Tianyan, was actually defeated! The key is after using the top-grade imperial weapon!

"Thank you girl for being merciful."

"Hmph, victory is victory, defeat is defeat, I am inferior to others, and I am convinced of losing! But next time, I will definitely beat you!"

After that, Yu Shang left the stage of life and death directly. For her proud since she was a child, today’s defeat was indeed a big blow to her, but compared to those geniuses who can’t afford to lose, she is not unwilling, but rather It stimulated her inner strength to be more competitive.

Seeing his disciple's reaction after losing, the Peacock Emperor nodded slightly.

"Master, did you know that people would lose from the beginning?"

Returning to the Peacock Emperor, Yu Yang couldn't help but squeezed his mouth, somewhat aggrieved, that is to say, this kind of little girl would be revealed in front of the Peacock Emperor.

"The young lady is just underestimating the enemy. If you fight again, you can definitely defeat that person."

The two people around the Peacock Emperor directly comforted, but Yu Shang did not appreciate it, "Go and go, this girl is not so bad to lose. That guy is indeed powerful. For the time being, I am not his opponent. If it weren't for Feng Ling to protect me , I will lose even worse! But when I can really control Feng Ling, he will not be my opponent!"

Although the top grade imperial weapon is powerful, it depends on who uses it.

If the Emperor Peacock used it automatically, it would be terrifying and terrifying.

But now Yu Shang couldn't use even 10% of his power, and he was still squeezed by a general genius. Facing Li Ye, he naturally fell back and shrank.

"Yu Shan, that kid doesn't use any magic weapons."

The Peacock Sovereign smiled, making Yu Shan couldn't help but blush, "Master, which side are you on?"

"Well, after I go back this time, I will practice hard. Being a teacher has placed great expectations on you. Although your seniors are protecting you, they won't be a teacher."

"Know it!"

Yu Shang was defeated, and no one went up on the stage of life and death for a long time.

Even people who don’t know the origin of Yu Shan are not blind!

The top grade imperial weapons are all out, even if they didn't wield their power, that would be exaggerated!

This can't beat the person on the stage of life and death, who can do it?

Baili Hongyan's face turned pale, he naturally knew Yu Shan, and because he knew it was her, he started to regret it now!

"Master, shall we?"

A strong man beside him couldn't help but speak. After all, if Li Ye really wins a hundred people in a row in life and death, will Baili Hongyan really want to apologize to others by then?

Not to mention that Baili Hongyan can't do it, the entire Baili Mo family will lose face! Become a laughing stock!

But Baili Hong Yan's eyes swept away, and his eyes lit up!

"Brother Tiandao, I didn't expect you to leave the customs!"

Overlord! Baili Hongyan is not stupid! He knew that someone really needed someone to save him now, and the only one was Ba Tian Dao!

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