Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2528: Press you with a royal weapon

In the life and death stage, neither side took the first shot.

Li Ye didn't know if he wanted to do his best. Although he was not stupid not to beat women, he still couldn't do much to beat a girl directly.

As for Yu Shang, it is disdain to take the initiative.

For a long time, everyone was waiting anxiously, but Yu Shan was pretty cold, "You guy, can you fight or not?"

Li Ye smiled bitterly, it's all like this, if he doesn't make a move again, it is estimated that this tug of war will go on indefinitely.

"In that case, I'm taking a shot, girl, please be careful."

Having said that, Li Ye still has a four-point force in his shot. Therefore, women, especially beautiful women, have an innate advantage. Even Li Ye, who regards women as nothing, can’t help but pity Yu Yu. .

But he soon discovered that he was wrong!

As soon as he shot, he knew he underestimated the enemy!


A mark of law directly shattered Li Ye's momentum, and the terrifying will rushed directly into his body. Even if he reacted immediately, Li Ye was still victimized by his underestimation and vomited a mouthful of blood. It crushed pieces of void, and finally released that force.

"Is it so weak? I disappointed this girl too much."

Yu Shang didn’t know that Li Ye left her hands, and a hint of disappointment flashed across her pretty face. After all, the Peacock Emperor had also stood out from the stage of life and death back then. She admired the Emperor Peacock since she was a child and naturally wanted to see how many people could stand on the stage of life and death. Awesome.

Just this fight, she was disappointed.

"If you have such a little ability, you are not qualified to stand on this stage of life and death!"

Regardless of Li Ye's reaction, Yu Shang did not have the expectation just now. A halo of laws appeared all over his body, making her look like a goddess, turning his hands into a long whip of laws, and waving it over.

The long whip, which was completely incarnate by law and Daoyun, was enough to shred any resistance, and the void was split in half and appeared directly in front of Li Ye.

Li Ye didn't dare to keep his hands now. He saw that this woman who was younger than him was definitely not easy, so he gave a low growl!

A layer of black light appeared on the body, and at the same time, his hands turned into two huge claws!

"It's useless!"

The long whip fell, but to everyone's surprise, the two giant claws were not smashed. Instead, they firmly grasped the long whip. At the same time, with a slight force, it was directly about to give the wreck that was above the nine heavens. pull down.

With a sweet hum, all of the sky suddenly appeared with long whips, like a clever viper passing through the two giant claws, and directly took Li Ye's deity!

"The young lady is really amazing, that kid is too frustrated."

The Peacock Emperor smiled.

It's a pity that the next moment, he was dumbfounded!


In an instant, Li Ye turned into a Thousand-Hand Guanyin, and black giant claws emerged out of thin air, directly grabbing the long whip that fell from the sky, and at the same time, with a fierce force, as if to overturn the sky. That kind of terrifying strength is enough to shock many strong people present!

"What a terrifying method! I didn't rely on any Daoyun law to do this step! Has this son already understood the way of power?"

Yu Shang was also taken aback, and a hint of panic flashed across Qiao's face, but as a disciple of the Peacock Emperor, she naturally wouldn't be in a hurry because of such a little danger.

With a squeaky sound, those long whips turned into a peerless sword, instantly tore open countless black giant claws, and at the same time directly merged into a huge sword light!


The terrible cold light flashed in Li Ye's eyes, turning into an extremely terrifying will!

The will to collapse almost instantly turned into everything that destroys everything, let alone the sword that Dao Yun turned into, even if it was the sky, in the face of this will, it fell apart!

Yu Shan's body was shocked, and a trace of bright red overflowed from the corners of her rosy mouth, but it also aroused her inner arrogance!

She is a disciple of the Peacock Emperor! The granddaughter of Emperor Tian Yan! How could it be lost to a casual repairer!

A divine light soared into the sky!

It was a phoenix feather, radiating colorful light, and as soon as it appeared, it exuded a powerful breath that surpassed the common people!

"Imperial weapon!"

"The top grade imperial weapon! And it's the top one!"

Seeing that Feng Ling, many people exclaimed!

It's hard to see imperial artifacts, and top-grade imperial artifacts are terrifying treasures that many people have never seen several times in their lives!

The Tyrant Sword's expression condensed! Behind him, the bone knife buzzed softly! It seems to be echoing in the distance, and it seems to be a provocation!

His bone knife is also a top-grade imperial weapon! Facing the same level of magical soldiers, they naturally responded.


Far away, the Peacock Emperor frowned, but did not stop it. In fact, he didn't intend to let his disciple win this match on the stage of life and death. He just wanted to let his disciple experience that feeling, and also to sharpen Yu Shan's inner arrogance.

The other party also wanted to see the depth of this young man, Li Ye, but now that he even used the Feng Ling that he gave to Yu Shang, it was definitely not his intention!

"Imperial weapon!"

Seeing the divine light on the other side's head, Li Ye also stood up all over his body!

When the magic weapon arrives at the imperial weapon, it will have spirituality. Simple and easy to understand is the weapon spirit! The more powerful the spirit around you, the more powerful! At the same time, it also contains the terrible will of a strong man.

When Feng Ling appeared, even the middle emperor felt a slight creepy pressure instantly enveloped the entire stage of life and death, and Li Ye felt as if he was carrying a whole mountain on his back, pressing him as if he wanted Kneel down.

Why do people in the world want to get the most powerful magic weapon? That's it!

As soon as the top grade imperial weapon came out, it fundamentally broke the scale of strength.

But Li Ye is Li Ye, and everyone guessed that in the face of the top-grade imperial weapon, no matter how bad, at least he would use some of his treasures to offset the pressure, but Li Ye was all over his body, bursting with an astonishing breath!


Taking a fierce step, everyone trembled as if they felt the sky and the earth were there!

World trend! It is a terrifying power that Emperor Wu can borrow. Of course, some evil evildoers and Tianjiao who were against the sky could do it before Emperor Wu.

"The general trend of the world! This son can have such accomplishments in this respect!"

Many strong eyes condensed slightly!

The emperor wisteria drew a sharp light in his eyes.

But just that, Li Ye is simply not enough to offset the terrible pressure brought by the high-grade imperial weapon, because even if it is a thousand times the power of the world, it is only the level of the lower emperor! But now, what is pressing on his head is a top-grade imperial weapon!

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