Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2514: Kill the master of the temple

Naturally, Li Ye also learned about killing the temple in the past few days. √

No one knows the origin of the Temple of Killing, and no one knows who created it.

But in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, the Temple of Killing can definitely be on par with the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Baili Mo family! Even if it is said to hold 70% to 80% of the wealth of the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou, it often depends on the temple of killing!

Of course, the Big Three are not strong or weak, at least on the surface, they are all in peace.

"Here is the rudder of the killing temple?"

Li Ye was surprised that Emperor Yinyue would actually take him such an outsider to the rudder of the Temple of Killing!

What surprised him most was that the rudder of the Temple of Killing was indeed in a small world independent of the outside, but the entrance was in a place that no one would guess.

Yin Yuelou!

A very poetic name, but the place is not very poetic, in other words, it makes Li Ye somewhat embarrassed.

Because Yin Yuelou is a brothel!

Even in the Upper Three Realms, the existence of brothels will not disappear.

Cultivators are also humans, even Emperor Wu will have seven emotions, six desires, old age, sickness and death, but in the eyes of mortals, Emperor Wu is like a god.

Shenshengzhou is blessed with blessedness, and the degree of aura of heaven and earth is full of imagination.

At least Li Ye walked all the way, the people from the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, even a few slapstick children, had an aura equivalent to the Earth Profound Realm. Some traffickers and pawns are at least the cultivation base of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm.

Some people dressed as cultivators met on the road, let alone the venerable start!

This is a martial arts paradise, but it is also more cruel!

Who could have imagined that the master rudder of the Temple of Killing, one of the three giants of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, would actually be hidden in a brothel?

Don't say Li Ye can't think of it, no one can think of it!

Entering the master rudder of the Killing Temple is a paradise with beautiful mountains and clear waters, birds and flowers, and the rigorous and gloomy organization of a killer that Li Ye imagined.

"so surprised?"

"Indeed, if it wasn't for the seniors who brought me here, I wouldn't have thought that this place would actually be the rudder of the Temple of Killing."

Emperor Yin Yue smiled slightly, and said nothing.

But Li Ye couldn't help it, "Senior, I am an outsider here, am I?"

A killer organization is definitely more strict than ordinary sects! He, an outsider, came in so easily, even if Emperor Yinyue leads the way, it seems too simple?

It's just that Emperor Yinyue was obviously not ready to explain now, but took Li Ye along.

Finally, in sight, a seemingly primitive and backward village appeared, and Emperor Yinyue also brought Li Ye here.

"Senior, it won't be..."

In his imagination, the Temple of Killing was at least a building in Qiongtai, and the palace was endless.

How could it be a small village that looks backward?

The arrival of the two attracted the attention of some people in the village.

Li Ye saw that there were still some children living here, who looked innocent, and their pure eyes made it impossible to connect with the disciples of the Temple of Killing.

Even those adults, even though Li Ye could see at a glance that those people were powerful, and many of them couldn't even see through him and were unpredictable, but they all looked so peaceful.

Can't think of the identity of the killer at all.

"Yinyue, where did you turn a little guy?"

In the village, an old man couldn't help but smile when he saw the two.

"Old Yu, he is the person waiting for the palace master."

Although the old man looked like an ordinary old man in the secular world, Emperor Yinyue respected him quite a bit.

The old man was startled when he heard the words, and finally his eyes became sharp. He looked at Li Ye several times, but quickly withdrew the terrifying look, and nodded slightly, "That's it, it seems that you are going out this time because of him. "

The whole village is small, probably hundreds of people. The only building that seems to be considered eye-catching is still built with some wood. It looks crooked and it is obvious that the people who built it don't care about the appearance or the free and easy way.

Li Ye was full of doubts. The conversation between Emperor Yinyue and the old man just now made him very concerned.


There is only one person who can make Emperor Yinyue call the palace master!

But before he couldn't help but speak, a person Li Ye never expected appeared in front of him.

"Five Lord?!"

Mo Wu! Li Ye didn't expect to see Mo Wu here!

Seeing Li Ye, Mo Wu was not surprised. He nodded slightly and looked at Emperor Yinyue, "Yinyue, the hall master has already left."

From the dialogue between the two, it is not difficult for Li Ye to see that Mo Wu's status in the Temple of Killing is no lower than Emperor Yinyue, but Mo Wuming is not even Emperor Wu!

"I know you have a lot of questions, others will naturally understand when you see the Lord."

Mo Wu smiled, but Li Ye still asked, "Master Wu, I was in the deserted sea..."

"That's just a clone of my mind."


"Is that Thousand Fantasy Tower the Temple of Killing?"

"It can be said that Qianhuan Tower is just that I created it for something in the desert sea, and it has little connection with the Temple of Killing. But if you want to understand it, you can."

In this way, Li Ye understood.

Mo Wu is a member of the Killing Temple! And at least it's quite equal to Emperor Yinyue! As for the reason for leaving a clone in the lower nine domains, is it related to him?

From the time when Mo Wu saw his unwarranted recognition and favoritism towards him, to the present, the Killing Temple dispatched an upper emperor to find him for him.

If there is nothing tricky in it, no fool would believe it.

The only wooden building in the village, but neither Emperor Yinyue nor Mo Wu followed in, but Li Ye walked in.

No one can be seen in the whole wooden building, not even light. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of my own heartbeat.

Li Ye didn't speak because he believed that since everything allowed him to come here, the owner here would definitely give him an answer.

At least, it is impossible to leave him alone.

I don't know how long it has passed, even Li Ye has crossed his legs into the cultivation.

A sigh of not knowing whether it was a man or a woman came from the darkness and also awakened Li Ye.

"You look a lot like him."

The sound cannot be distinguished from men and women, nor where it comes from, as if it is directly transmitted into the depths of people's hearts.

"I don't know why the senior asked me to come here?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"Junior guess, Senior should be the mysterious hall master who killed the temple."

No one knew who the master of the Temple of Killing was, at least Li Ye didn't know from Emperor Yinyue. It's not that Emperor Yinyue didn't say it, but Li Ye saw that even Emperor Yinyue didn't necessarily know.

"You really look like him."

The voice in the darkness sounded again, but Li Ye frowned slightly.

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