Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2513: Take the two sisters

To save them, what Li Ye liked was their bloodline potential. After hearing Li Ye's question, the two sisters were a little confused. Seeing their reaction, Li Ye knew that they obviously didn't know their value.

"From today, you will be by my side. If you want to leave, you can talk to me at any time, I won't force it."

Li Ye didn't use any means, but the two sisters were so frightened that they knelt before Li Ye.

"The son wants to drive away the servants?"

"What do you think, I don't force anyone, you are willing to follow, just follow me, not, I will give you some spirit stones and medicine, you can find a good person."

However, the two sisters shook their heads again and again.

"Sisters and slaves, willing to follow the son! Please don't drive us."

It can be seen that the two sisters were nurtured by Tong Si since they were young, and they have a bit of servility in their bones, and now they are somewhat dependent on Li Ye.

With a sigh, Li Ye knew that he wanted to change them not overnight.

"Well, you will follow me for the time being. Whenever you change your mind, just tell me."

"Thank you son!"

"You will call me Young Master from now on."

To be honest, Li Ye liked the talents of the two women, but he would not use means to control them like many people.

Some people may say that he is hypocritical and uses his feelings to control others, but he is more detailed and that is a good way for both parties.

In the inheritance space.

"How is it?"

In order to save Li Ye, the Heavenly Dream Saint had a fetal gas, Li Ye has not yet felt relieved.

However, after he came to the inheritance space again, he saw a strange expression on Shui Linglong's face.

Behind her, there was a pink and sculpted little loli who looked three or four years old, looking at him with a pair of twinkling big eyes, curiosity and a hint of horror.

"She is?"

"What do you mean?"

An angry white glance at someone, even if Shui Linglong's temperament is more casual, there is still a touch of sourness.

It's just that this feeling passed in a flash.

"Why is it so big?"

Li Ye's eyes widened!

"The art of borrowing life itself is against the sky, but her memory has not recovered for the time being, and it may take a while."

There is no doubt that this cute little loli is the Yulianxiang after rebirth.

Not to mention, it is so small now, but it has revealed a slight fascinating potential, and people can't help but want to love and affection. If he grows up, will he pay it off?

Obviously, after the initial strangeness, Xiaoyu Lianxiang gradually felt an inexplicable closeness with Li Ye, boldly approaching, and wanted to touch it.

Looking at her, Li Ye could hardly describe his current mood.

"You don't want to attack her now."

Shui Linglong's words are not amazing, and Li Ye almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood!

"Am I that kind of person?"

Thinking of Li Ye over the years, there are obviously many opportunities, but there is always a guilty heart, Shui Linglong can't help but chuck, and suddenly the beauty smiles and makes Li Ye look stupid.

"Naughty! Go in and see her."

In the castle, the Heavenly Dream Sage is undoubtedly consumes a lot, but still remains awake.

Seeing Li Ye and Xiaoyulianxiang coming in, the peerless peerless pretty face couldn't help showing a blush.

"Is this... okay?"

Changing from a mortal person, having a child will definitely hurt your vitality, and being a confinement is necessary. But what happens if Li Ye has never met a cultivator?

Given the physique of a cultivator, naturally there is no need for confinement, but there is no doubt that Heavenly Dream Saints resurrected Yulianxiang by the technique of life, which is different from ordinary births. It can be seen that the cost is huge.

"Now I have no spiritual contact with her, she is already an independent and complete person."

Forcibly splitting her own soul and soul, for the Heavenly Dream Saint, it was even enough to make her cut off the possibility of returning to the peak! But she still did it, and even Li Ye didn't know how much it cost her.

"Thank you!"

Li Ye didn't know how to answer, and finally had no choice but to smile.

The expression of the Heavenly Sage is a bit subtle, and the atmosphere between the two is a bit charming. After all, the special relationship between the two of them during this period of time has made the two of them more or less, a little more inexplicable. .

"I need to sleep for a while, as short as a year, and as long as several years."

In the end, the Heavenly Dream Saint spoke, and his expression became serious.

"Will it damage..."

As soon as Li Ye spoke, he scolded himself for being an idiot, abruptly, and all fools knew the consequences.

"Things have come to this, everything is destiny. Although the opportunity is not great, but the lack of a soul and soul has also made me cut off the generation of my inner demon, and she is the same, perhaps it is also a blessing."

Li Ye knew that this was the Heavenly Dream Saint who deliberately played down the matter, but he secretly vowed in his heart that as long as he could do it, he would make up for it one day!

It's just that he doesn't know that when the day comes, his way of making up will be so special...

The Heavenly Dream Saint is asleep, and the Heavenly Sword Emperor is also asleep.

The two biggest powerhouses around Li Ye who are also teachers and friends are temporarily unable to help him.

At the same time, news came from the Killing Temple.

For three days, there was no news about Ye Wuming and Temujin!

At least, within the sixteen countries of Xizhou, it was not found!

"Young master, the old slave is not doing well, and I didn't inquire about the few people the young master said."

On this day, Fu Bo found Li Ye.

"But don't worry, the young master, the old slave has already ordered to go down, except for sixteen foreign countries in Xizhou, as long as there is news, you can get the news immediately!"

At this point, Killing Temple is obviously very confident!

After all, in this world, the organization of the Killing Temple may not be comparable to those ancient inheritances accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years, but the intelligence capabilities are naturally far out!

Although he had not heard from Ye Wuming and Temujin, Li Ye felt that there was a connection in the dark, and it was certain that they were at least still alive.

A few days later, Emperor Yinyue appeared directly in front of Li Ye.


Regarding Emperor Yinyue, Li Ye didn't know the other party's purpose, but at least for now, the other party didn't have any malice towards him.

"Don't be so restrained, can you still be used to living these two days?"

Seeing Li Ye, Emperor Yinyue didn't have the air of a superior emperor.

This is the strangest place in Li Ye's opinion. After all, even in places like Shensheng Prefecture, the lower emperor is not as high as the lower nine domains, but the upper emperor is definitely a top expert, peerless expert, right?

"Senior joked, these **** almost forgot who I am, and it feels like this will cause the whole person to become lazy."

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