Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2486: Pick stars

One after another, his eyes swept toward the people around!

Qingyuehuang's disciple who enters the house is definitely a great opportunity!

Even a genius of six disciplines would like to seize this opportunity. Bayi Chinese Network

Especially, after Long Dingtian's return, everyone saw his soaring strength and his status, which made many people feel enthusiastic!

San Xiu desperately wanted to join the six forces, while the geniuses of the six forces squeezed their scalp and wanted to enter the Tianci Pavilion!

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Everyone wants to get ahead, and more is to get more and more powerful training resources!

"Get the stars!"

Suddenly, a figure fell directly on the ring, closing his eyes, but it caused countless people to shrink their pupils!

Seeing that person, someone exclaimed!

"Do you want to challenge who you want to challenge?"

"With his strength, no one will be his opponent unless it is Yue Wu Endless, Tan Chun and the little villain."

Some people express their opinions, even if they are some casual cultivators, they have to admit that the horror of this person is far beyond what most people imagine.

"If Feng Zhongxing had not been eliminated by the black hand before, there might be another battle!"

"Yeah, I heard that he and Picking Stars both visited the gate of Moon Star Bay back then, but Picking Stars was taken away by the owner of Moon Star Bay, and Feng Zhong Xing was driven out. If you can see that they are fair now. The battle should be very exciting."

Some people sigh, after all, the defeat before Fengzhongxing is a bit controversial, but they cannot change this fact.

Seeing that it was the star picking, the five powerhouses outside Yuexing Bay also frowned slightly.

They were also quite scrupulous about the rumored terrible disciple of Yuexing Bay.

"This star catcher actually took the initiative to step onto the ring, does he want to challenge anyone?"

"With his strength, no one dares to challenge him at all. Perhaps he just wants to end this boring contest this morning. It seems that he is determined to become a disciple of the Qingyue Emperor!"

Among the six forces, Huzhongdao and Yuheng Mountain Villa had the worst decline in strength in the past hundreds of years, especially since they couldn't find a disciple who could rival the genius of star picking.

"Jie'er, if you go up, what is your chance of winning?"

Yu Heng asked with a look of expectation on his majestic face.

However, Yu Hengjue hesitated behind him and didn't answer for a long time.

What's your chance of winning? He has a chance to win! If he is caught by the star, he will not have much chance to retreat! But his self-esteem prevented him from speaking such frustrating words, and he could only hesitate.

Yu Hengli sighed helplessly, his disciple, he naturally knew the depth. He had known that Yu Hengjue was not a star-winning opponent, but he was disappointed that Yu Hengjue didn't even have the courage to play a battle.

"Uncle Tai, I am willing to go up and fight!"

Suddenly, Yu Heng Wu Dao took the initiative to speak, making Yu Heng Jue's eyes widened!

"Seven brother! You are crazy! We can't deal with that star picking at all, and he hasn't said who to appoint, why are you going up there!"

Yu Hengque on one side was shocked and quickly discouraged.

"Yeah, are you going up to die? Just your little weight, five moves may not be able to stop it."

Yu Hengjue didn't dare to see that Yu Heng fearlessly stole the limelight and quickly satirized.

"Great Uncle!"

"You are not the opponent of the little guy in Moon Star Bay."

Yu Hengli shook his head. In fact, this time, Yuheng Villa had some ideas about the selection of a disciple for Qingyue Emperor, but he also understood that the chance was not big. What's more, it is to bring disciples out to meet the world.

The people in Huzhongdao think the same way. They are the same as Yuheng Mountain Villa. In the past few hundred years, they have not been green and yellow. Among the younger generation, there is no outstanding one.

On the ring, Picking Star closed his eyes. Anyone who knows him knows that only the moment he shoots will he open his eyes! But the person who saw him open his eyes either died in his hands or his heart was broken from then on, and his heart was full of demons, and he never had the chance to hit the peak of martial arts.

"Get the stars!"

Yue Wuendi squinted slightly, this time for him, only three people prevented him from becoming Qingyue Emperor's disciple!

One to win the stars, one Tianchun, one little villain!

Among them, he had fought against the little villain, but it was no match.

But neither did their best that time, it was more of a temptation.

On the side of the Evilman Valley, a fifteen or six-year-old boy with a tiger-headed brain was lying on the chest of a mature woman with no image. Several beautiful women around were serving, making many men frowned.

But no one dares to do anything, because this young man is just the little villain in the Valley of the Evil, and the Valley of the Evil is now the first genius!

"It's kind of interesting to take the initiative to play the stars."

No one knows the surname of the little villain, not even many people in the villain, but his eyes are full of aggression, which is definitely not good.

At the moment when Reaching Star stood on the ring, someone actually guessed who he would choose.

Sure enough, Zengxing Hengkong popped a finger and pointed in the direction where Li Ye was!

"Come out! Take to death!"

There is not much speech, but in that voice, it seems to carry an unprecedented domineering!

Come out and die! It's like treating Li Ye as a dead person!

Everyone is not surprised, the star will choose Li Ye as the second round opponent. What surprised them was that Li Ye was not afraid at all and stood directly in the ring.

"He didn't take the initiative to admit defeat?"

"That's getting the stars, and going up is tantamount to death! And he just killed two disciples in Yuexing Bay, and getting the stars clearly wants to avenge the two juniors!"

"It's me instead, and now I immediately abstained and gave up. Although it looks a little ugly, it can at least save a little life."

Some people shook their heads. In their opinion, Li Ye accepted this challenge, which in itself was equivalent to sending him to death.

"Perhaps he thinks that Dengxing and his two junior brothers are all the same?"

Someone laughed.

Suddenly many people laughed, especially the disciples of Liumen, and some even laughed, "If he really thinks so, he will regret it later! Now he has a chance to give up and survive. You can only wait later. It's dead!"

"Don't worry, Reaching the Star will definitely not kill him so easily. You know that the rumors that Reaching the Stars have a good relationship with Xin Jin. Now that his junior brother has been killed by someone, the Reaching of the Stars will definitely get this hatred back!"

There was a hint of sarcasm on the old man Tongluo's face!

He couldn't make a move and was frightened by Emperor Yinyue, but it didn't mean that no one in Moon Star Bay could clean up a junior like Li Ye!

As the younger generation, but also in the ring, life and death are determined by nature! When the time comes, he Yuexingwan will not be afraid that Emperor Yinyue will take action to suppress them!

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