Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2485: The second round of selection

"That kid, good luck."

Quite a few geniuses in Liumen frowned secretly.

In their opinion, Li Ye was so lucky that he actually let the existence of Emperor Yinyue save his life, otherwise he would have died in the hands of the old man Tongluo just now.

As for the intervention of outsiders in the arena, the people of Six Sects will naturally not take it seriously!

Unless the six sects contain each other and treat a casual cultivator, they will naturally not have too much scruples.

"Hmph, even if he wins a game, unless he can win everyone and join the Qingyue Emperor, otherwise, now he offends Yuexing Bay, and sooner or later he will die!"

"Finally, I heard that this kid actually had conflicts with Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai before. Even if the people in Yuexingwan didn't take action, after the Qingyue Emperor left, the two sides would not wait!"

The disciples of Huzhongdao and Evil Hall both sneered.

Li Ye's strength exceeded their expectations, but they were equally confident that Li Ye could not be the final winner.

Because of the intervention of the old man Tongluo, Li Ye did not succeed in detaining the middle-grade imperial artifact, but he didn't care. A middle-grade imperial weapon is not worthy of breaking his face with everyone now.

After that, among the six disciples, it was naturally you and me. The duel between genius and genius, some people left the scene sadly, and some laughed behind.

Naturally, Li Ye was also observing the disciples of the six disciplines. After reading it, he had to admit that the disciples of the six disciplines were much stronger than those of casual cultivators. Even if it was Feng Zhong Xing, who was previously known as the number one genius in the casual cultivation world, it was not necessarily much stronger than some of them.

And this is just some of the most common geniuses among the six.

Naturally, Yu Heng Wuda took a shot, and Li Ye naturally paid attention.

Ten tricks! Yu Heng Fearlessly defeated his opponent, a disciple of the Hall of the Evil, attracted many people from the Yu Heng family to applaud, obviously compared to the original Xia Jiuyu, Yu Heng Fearless strength has improved a lot.

"Isn't there only Yu Heng Jue and Yu Heng Que in this Yu Heng family? When did one come out?"

"This kid from the Yuheng family is quite good, but I haven't heard of it."

The other five powerhouses frowned slightly, although the strength shown by Yu Heng fearlessly did not threaten their respective top geniuses, they had to keep them in mind.

As for the bin of Yuheng Mountain Villa, the grand uncle Yu Hengli that Yuheng Wuwei said was dangerous and nodded slightly.

Yu Hengjue hummed disdainfully, but Yu Hengque smiled slightly.

After one round, more than a dozen people were eliminated, but apart from Li Ye who killed his opponent, no one died in the ring.

"It seems that the six sects do not want the relationship to break."

Everyone is not stupid. Although the six sects fight each other a lot, they maintain a relatively stable balance. Unless one party is strong enough to swallow the other five, it will last forever.

As for the strength enough to swallow the other five gates, fools know that Tianci Pavilion will not tolerate that kind of exhibition. This has created a fragile balance along the border of the ancient city for thousands of years.

A group of people in Yuexingwan, and the old man from Tongluo looked gloomy.

Li Ye killed his two disciples, so he wouldn't stop!

However, Emperor Yinyue's intervention made him somewhat hesitant, and he did not dare to make another move, fearing that Emperor Yinyue would directly suppress him. The key is that Emperor Qingyue spoke up, dealing with a junior, if he was doing it, he would undoubtedly not give the Emperor Qingyue face!

Emperor Yinyue didn't need to be afraid, killing the temple would no longer be around the border of the ancient city, but Qingyuehuang was one of the ten elders of the Tianci Pavilion. If he angered him, it would not be a good thing for Yuexing Bay.

After one round, not many people remained.

Only Li Ye is a disciple of six disciplines, the most dazzling.

At this time, the geniuses of the Six Sects all looked at Li Ye with cold eyes. Especially the three disciples in Yuexing Bay. One of them closed his eyes slightly and couldn't make any expressions, but the other two were breathing fire with both eyes. If they hadn't been able to do it now, they might have been holding a magic weapon towards Li Ye. Kill!

"Who is that person?"

Among the three disciples in Yuexing Bay, Li Ye didn't care about the other two. Instead, it was a young man with his eyes closed that made him pay attention.

"Getting the stars, he is Yuexingwan's first genius now."

Suddenly a voice came from behind, and Li Ye was slightly surprised.

Tian Chun!

As a disciple of Longjiazhai, it was surprising that he would take the initiative to communicate with Li Ye.

On Longjiazhai's side, Long Dingtian frowned, but it didn't matter.

"The opponent in the second round is actively challenging. If he challenges you, you'd better be careful. This person is not easy to deal with."

Tian Chun warned in a low voice, but Li Ye was surprised, and glanced at him.

"Don't be curious why I will remind you. Although I am a disciple of Longjiazhai, I am not malicious to you. In the second round, if you don't challenge you when you win the stars, I will challenge you on the initiative. You are psychologically prepared. "


Unlike the others in Longjiazhai, Tan Chun is a maverick, but she has a shadow of a crazy pursuit of martial arts.

Among the crowd, the son of Sea Emperor, Wu Wen Haoran and others all had complex expressions.

Coming from the Lower Nine Regions, they were so proud back then, but now they can only be reduced to the most ordinary disciples in Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai!

In contrast, Li Ye now stands at a height beyond their reach! You can even compete with Liumen and other existing geniuses.

This kind of gap makes all of them quite aggrieved! But strength is everything! They were in Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai, and couldn't make it out in a short time.

Sure enough, what Tian Chun said was not false.

At the beginning of the second round, among the six gates, only one old man appeared and said loudly, "In the second round, you appoint one person to play against each other! The winner stays and the loser loses qualification!"

Feel free to challenge!

This can be learned.

Many people's eyes are turning around. If this round is to challenge the powerful, it will naturally be death! On the contrary, finding a weaker opponent would undoubtedly have a greater chance to stay, and the hope of becoming a disciple of the Qingyue Emperor is one step closer.

"The star-picking in Yuexing Bay, the little villain in the Hall of the Evil, the endless moon in the Moon Sky Castle, and Tian Chun in Longjiazhai, none of these four people should take the initiative to challenge."

Many people speculated slightly in their hearts, and the four in their hearts are undoubtedly the four strongest in the younger generation among the entire six.

In addition, the rest of the geniuses are obviously weaker.

Among them, Huzhongdao and Yuheng Villa were obviously more passive in this round! Because they didn't have the kind of peerless genius who could match those four!

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