Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2472: All parties gather

For them, the six forces are the emperors of the earth, whoever refuses to accept will kill them! No one can resist. <? [(<[<

The only way out is Tianci Pavilion! The emperor-level sect above the six forces! Almost dominate everything!

The forces of the six parties have their own strong people coming. Although they are not unique figures like their respective heads, they are at least the second or third people in their respective doors.

After all, it was Qingyuehuang, the palace elder of the Heavenly Gift Pavilion, and he was also the top three palace elders. This point of face still had to be given.

On the side of Longjiazhai, Long Dingtian stood high, and in the whole Longjiazhai, he had a special status, because he was the disciple of Emperor Qingyue! Even if he wasn't the only disciple who entered the room, it also doubled his status.

"Long Dingtian!"

Seeing Long Dingtian, the people of the other five sects frowned slightly, and there were a few strong men of his generation with a touch of jealousy and envy in their eyes.

A hundred years ago, Long Dingtian was the top of the six sects, but not the strongest! But now, there is no doubt that Long Dingtian has been far away from them!

It was also the lower emperor, and the terrifying aura of Long Dingtian's appearance made several veteran lower emperors feel shocked.

"This Long Dingtian is definitely the pinnacle of the lower emperor, and may be expected to make further progress within a hundred years!"

"It is a blessing to be favored by Qingyue Emperor. Otherwise, even if Long Dingtian can step into the realm of the middle emperor, it would definitely not be so fast!"

Among the six forces, Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai had the fastest increase in strength in the past 100 years, so the other four are okay. There are indeed a few elders in Yuetian Castle who are not very good looking.

For Yuetian Castle, Longjiazhai is also not polite.

"This time, it seems that Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai are another life and death!"

"Yeah, a hundred years ago, Lian Qi lost her skill to Long Dingtian because of her mischief, and missed the opportunity to become a disciple of the Qingyue Emperor. Now the two new generation leaders are also full of wings. Tianbao will definitely not give this opportunity to Longjiazhai again! That Yue Wu Endless was made the closest person to the Moon Emperor in the Moon Tianbao that year. This opportunity is great!"

There was a lot of discussion among the casual cultivators. Although the Tianci Pavilion did not value the origins, the geniuses of the six forces occupied the right time, place and people. In addition, the training resources were not comparable to casual cultivators, and their natural competition opportunities were much less.

"Yue Wu Endless is indeed powerful, but Tian Chun of Longjiazhai is not to be underestimated!"

Among the people's discussion, as expected, a young man's eyes burst with terrible sharp edges in Yuetian Castle, even if everyone is far apart, they can feel the terrible murderous aura coming on!

Endless month! The young master of Yuetianbao today!

His appearance is like the stars Gongyue, even Ling Yue and other geniuses are reduced to supporting roles at this time, silently standing aside.

"As expected to be the heir appointed by Yuetian Castle, it is really terrifying!"

There are veteran powerhouses nodding their heads, and the other four powerhouses except Longjiazhai have also praised one after another.

However, the appearance of Yue endless didn't make Longjiazhai too many waves.

Among them, Long Dingtian took a cold look at Yuetianbao's direction, and the corners of his mouth rose, full of condescending!

He is no longer as simple as a genius in Longjiazhai back then, what he now represents is the Emperor Qingyue behind him! Even Tianci Pavilion!

However, he dismissed it and looked at Yue Wuxue's provocative eyes, but the other disciples in Longjiazhai were all spitting fire in their eyes!

"Tan Chun, how confident are you that you can beat him?"

Long Dingtian looked towards the strongest genius in Longjiazhai today. Although he did not come from his line, it also made Longjiazhai spend a lot of attention and resources to cultivate.

The key is that Longjiazhai wants to further consolidate their position! If the Qingyue Emperor accepts disciples again, he is still from their Longjiazhai, and he can definitely let Longjiazhai directly crush the other five sects!

"Master, Yue Wujin is powerful, and it is rumored that he has a high-grade imperial weapon given to him by Emperor Yue. The disciple may not have more than 30% chance of winning."

Tian Chun didn't care about it. It could even be said that compared to other people, he didn't care so much about Qingyue Emperor's selection of disciples this time.

"Thirty percent? Too few! This time Master comes, only the best can enter the eyes of his old man. If you can't beat the kid in Yuetianbao, it is not easy to make Master nod!"

These words seem to be teaching the younger generation from the elders, but Tan Chun didn't care about it, but smiled slightly, and said nothing.

"The high-grade imperial weapon is not only available in Yuetianbao!"

Suddenly an imperial weapon with a powerful divinity appeared in front of Tian Chun.

"Uncle Master, is this?"

"This imperial weapon is temporarily for you to use, I have erased the soul mark on it!"

Top grade imperial weapon! Just by looking at the light, I knew that this was a top-grade imperial weapon. Yitianchun saw this scene indifferently, and couldn't help his pupils shrink slightly!

You know, only the upper emperor can refine the high-grade emperor! And refining one will consume quite a lot! Even the upper emperor himself cannot have too many!

Only the upper emperor himself or the person closest to him will have the opportunity to hold such a magic weapon!

In the six forces, although each has a high-ranking emperor, it is difficult for even the middle-ranked emperors below to have a high-ranking imperial weapon!

"Thank you Master Uncle!"

"Remember! You can only win, not lose!"

The high-grade imperial weapon was naturally given to Longding Tian by the Qingyue Emperor. It is conceivable that he was quite favored by the Qingyue Emperor. Otherwise, there are many disciples of the Qingyue Emperor, and not everyone is qualified to get it.

At this moment, as the six powerful forces appeared one after another, it was another terrible breath! Suddenly even the strong of the six forces were slightly moved!

"I have seen the envoy!"

Almost at the same time, the big figures of the six forces, the Emperor Wu or the disciples, all bowed slightly to the people coming.

Tong Si!

He obviously represents the Heaven-given Pavilion, with an absolute status, and can even be equal to the strongest of the six forces. When he arrived at this moment, his demeanor overwhelmed the geniuses and strong men of the six forces.

"Are all here?"

Tong Si looked majestic, glanced across the crowd, nodded slightly, and said, "You don't care about this seat, this seat will serve as a witness."

Everyone is not surprised. For thousands of years, Tianci Pavilion has rarely intervened in their affairs, even if it is an envoy like Tong Si, it will rarely intervene.

"The ambassador has made a serious statement, and those younger generations have to go to the ambassador for help."

On the side of Yuetianbao, it is Emperor Qiyu, one of the five elders! After he saw Tong Si, there was a trace of flattery on his face.

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