Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2471: Select disciples

The status of Tianci Pavilion is above the six forces.

Naturally, Qingyue, as the elder of the Tianci Pavilion Palace, and the upper emperor, his arrival also made the six parties have to treat it with caution.

But obviously Qingyuehuang went straight to the subject, this time he went down the mountain to select disciples!

Outside the ancient city, the six parties have almost built a large area and arena.

Almost everyone around is guarded by disciples and strong men from the six forces, and at the same time, there are countless casual cultivators who come here!

Although the six parties are powerful and control the situation, when it comes to the number of people, it is natural that the majority are scattered.

It's just that there are not many people who are truly capable in casual cultivators, and most of them come with the mood to watch the excitement. Even if you don't have a chance, you have to see the strong style!

"Which is Qingyue Emperor?"

Someone couldn't help asking questions, but it was clear that Qingyue Emperor hadn't appeared yet, but the powerhouses of the six forces had already arrived one by one. In addition to Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai, the other four powerhouses had also arrived.

Hall of the Evil! Moon Star Bay! Island in the lake! And Yuheng Villa!

Among them, on the side of Yuheng Mountain Villa, an old man was headed, followed by three young men and women. Two of them had arrogance on their faces, and the other was an old acquaintance of Li Ye.

"Li Ye!"

Naturally, Yu Heng Wuda saw Li Ye, but he was slightly taken aback, but smiled.

"Seventh brother, do you know?"

There were three young people in Yuheng Villa this time. One of them glanced at Li Ye and then dismissed it with a smile, his tone indifferent.

"He and I both came from the lower nine domains."

Yuheng Wuwei smiled awkwardly, and it made Li Ye see that although they are all of the Yuheng family's blood, there is no doubt that Yuheng Wuwei came from the Xia Jiuyu. Even if it returns to Yuheng Villa, it has no status. high.

Sure enough, as soon as the man heard about Jiuyu, he smiled coldly, no longer interested, turned and left, and greeted the other five geniuses.

Even the girl from Yuheng's family is so proud, like a phoenix.

"Make you laugh."

"It seems that you are not doing well in Yuheng Mountain Villa."

Seeing the haggardness on Yu Heng Wu's face, Li Ye shook his head.

"It's okay, the first ancestor's desire has always been to recognize the ancestor and return to the ancestor. Although the process is a bit more difficult, at least this is the ancestor's wish."

Is that old man? Li Ye thought of the old man from Yuheng's family back then, and then he sighed, "To be honest, it's me instead of me, so why look so important!"

Naturally, each person has his own choice. Although Yuheng Wudao is free and easy, he is still a member of the Yuheng family, and naturally it is impossible to leave it alone.

"I have heard a lot of rumors recently, and sure enough, even if you come to the Upper Three Realms, you are still an unwilling master to be lonely."

The two quickly expected what happened recently, and Yu Heng Wuwei even laughed.

"Do you think I'm happy? If I had the support of a family behind you, I wouldn't have been so hard."

Although it was a joke, it made Yu Heng fearless. He hesitated, and then pointed out, "Or, let me tell Tai Uncle, although Yu Heng Villa rarely accepts non-disciples of his own clan, but It’s not that there are no exceptions. Tai's uncle had accepted foreign disciples back then."

The so-called grand uncle was the old man who led the team at Yuheng Villa this time.

"The grand uncle is the pinnacle of the middle emperor, and his strength is strong. If he is willing to nod, there will be no problem with Yuheng Villa."

Li Ye could see that after Yuheng Wuwei returned to Yuheng Mountain Villa, he should have been prepared. After all, they had left for ten thousand years, and they had to find a backer in the clan to return.

And that great uncle was the backer he found, and he seemed to have a say in Yuheng Mountain Villa.

"Seventh brother, what you said is wrong. Although the great uncle once accepted foreign disciples, don't forget the final result! This clan will never tolerate foreign disciples entering! You still have to die!"

The young man from Yuheng's family just came back, and when he heard Yuheng Wuwei's conversation with Li Ye, his face suddenly became cold, and he sneered.

Seeing Li Ye, he even showed a touch of contempt, "Although you have a good relationship with Lao Qi, I, Yuheng Mountain Villa, is not accessible to everyone! Even if you are a genius in the Lower Nine Regions, when you arrive here, You don’t know how many powerful people there are! Don’t provoke anyone you shouldn’t provoke.”

Yuheng Wuda heard about the recent events, and it was obvious that Yuheng Villa couldn't even know everything.

"Yuheng City, the grand uncle will not accept disciples, it doesn't count as you say it!"

"I said it's not counted naturally, but don't forget, the purpose of our coming this time, you better not to have extra branches. If it affects the important event of my worship under the Qingyue emperor, I will even have my grand uncle to protect me. With you, you can't think about getting better!"

After speaking, he turned and left with a cold snort, so arrogant.

But when Li Ye heard Yu Hengcheng's name, he was slightly impressed.

The six forces naturally each have a genius determined by evildoers. Among them, Yuetian Castle is undoubtedly Yue Wujin and Lingyue. As for Longjiazhai, it is Tian Chun!

Naturally, Yuheng Mountain Villa also has the most outstanding genius of this generation, it is the city of Yuheng who just looked proud!

"I heard that Emperor Qingyue still only accepts one disciple this time. I don't know who will end up with it?"

"It should be the Moon Endless of the Moon Sky Castle! He is the great-great-grandson of the Moon Sky Castle Lord! I heard that the talent is so outstanding that the Moon Sky Castle Lord personally praised it.”

"Yue Wu Endless? It's really powerful, but besides him, the little villain in the Valley of the Evil is a peerless murderer, it's hard to say victory or defeat."

"Don't forget the star picking of Yuexingwan, this person is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is rumored that Yue Wujin and the little villain are not under the strength!"

"There is also Tan Chun from Longjiazhai. It is said that he is the most heaven-defying evildoer in Longjiazhai after Longdingtian. Hopefully, he will once again be a disciple of Longjiazhai and worship Godsend Pavilion!"

For a time, all the geniuses of the six forces who became famous have become the focus of discussion.

These people, any one of them pulled out, is enough to shock people! Even Ling Yue and other geniuses can hardly enter the top level, and can only turn to the second level.

"The Tianci Pavilion selects disciples and only selects the potential generation under Emperor Wu. What a pity, if there is no limit to the cultivation base, this seat will also have a chance!"

A San Xiu Martial Emperor was a little bit stunned, even Emperor Wu wanted to enter the Tianci Pavilion. After all, as a great emperor-level power, it was definitely not comparable to ordinary sects.

"Yes, under Emperor Wu, but also with outstanding talents within a hundred years of age, almost cut off most people's hope."

At the same time, almost all the geniuses of the six parties have followed the strong men of their own. Among them, the strong men of the six parties are already above the stands. They are not angry and powerful, and the horrible and powerful momentum has suppressed everyone. Breathless!

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