Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2464: How can you master the Tao!

The terrifying sword intent turned into a shocking sword light, so that Emperor Qiwu didn't dare to underestimate the enemy!

After all, he was the lower emperor of the upper three realms. He only saw him grunt and draw a circle with one hand to completely freeze a large void. At the same time, the terrifying power that belonged to the emperor Wu turned into a world!

"A world!"

"No matter how bad the kid is, he will definitely lose!"

"The reason why Emperor Wu is invincible is at this point! Controlling the world with your bare hands, let alone defeating Emperor Wu, even Emperor Wu can't get close!"

"That kid is also against the sky, and his strength can definitely threaten some powerhouses who have just stepped into the lower emperor. Unfortunately, even Qiwu Emperor is the pinnacle of the lower emperors. It is too difficult to defeat!"

Although Wu Huang is invincible, although it is only the term of the lower nine realms, in the upper three realms, even if Wu Huang is not absolutely invincible, it is almost impossible to leapfrog and defeat!

Even the countless top evildoers of the six forces have never succeeded. [? ([

"It is rumored that the Tianci Pavilion once had a villain against the sky. Before becoming an emperor, he drew a lower emperor powerhouse. Although he did not win, he has already broken the record for ten thousand years!"

Sure enough, even though this sword was stunned by the sun, it was still blocked by that side of the world, and even the sword light pierced and pierced it, but finally vanished.

"The emperor really underestimated you, your strength is even stronger than the so-called Tianjiao among those people at the beginning! It is a pity that you did not take the right path! Instead, you chose to be the enemy of Yuetianbao!"

Even Qi's eyes condensed, and he shot out with one hand and palm!

He felt a hint of crisis in Li Ye's sword just now!

Although it is easy to resolve, but he is relying on absolute suppression in the realm!

What if the two are equal? Even if the kid in front of him has just stepped into the realm of the lower emperor, what will happen?

Even Qi was shocked! Although he does not want to admit it, he has rarely felt flustered for hundreds of years! Even when he had just stepped into the lower emperor and challenged the middle emperor, he had never been so hesitated!

When he thought of this, he felt more murderous in his heart!

It's not just the orders and emperor scriptures of Yuetianbao! His intention to kill Li Ye is more of a self-preservation after instinct is threatened!

A peerless genius who may threaten him in the future, some people choose to love talents and cherish talents, and some people will be like Lian Qi, and kill him!

Lian Qi was obviously the latter, so his killing intent flashed in his eyes, and at the same time a magic weapon appeared in front of him!

"Imperial weapon! Do you hesitate to deal with a junior?"

When everyone saw the thing in front of Qi Qi, they were all shocked!

That is Lianqi's own royal weapon! You know, Emperor Wu made the shot himself, and also took out his own refining imperial weapon, it is definitely not as simple as 1+1=2!

In an instant, Lian Qi's whole body seemed to have changed, and his aura was more than ten times stronger!

Just for a moment, Li Ye spurted blood directly and flew out!

But just as Lian Qi was about to make up for it, he suddenly felt that he was in a quagmire.


He is also a person who knows the goods, he immediately knew what was born, and at the same time he hummed slightly, the terrifying power instantly destroyed everything around him!

Let your formation be strong, but in front of absolute power, it is fragile!

But in such a short moment, Li Ye had a chance to breathe.

"Sure enough, a lot stronger!"

Li Ye wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. Before he became an emperor, he cut the emperor first, but killed an unrecognized pseudo-emperor in the upper three realms. The real Emperor Wu is like now! His current strength is still somewhat insufficient!

However, he didn't know that while he was shocked, even Qiwu Emperor was shocked inexplicably!

Li Ye's strength exceeded his expectations! Even far out!

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, he must admit that Li Ye is definitely not as simple as the hillbilly of the Xia Jiuyu he thought!

More critical! Formation!

"That was the **** array just now! And it's the **** array above the nine levels!"

Everyone saw it, and suddenly exclaimed!

"That kid is actually an array mage? And no one has seen how he deploys the array! It is simply an instant success! This can only be done by a large array teacher, right?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

Such a young person can not only hurt such a powerful person as Lian Qiwu Emperor, but may even be a great formation division?

"A big formation division?"

There are not only six forces on the border, but also some small power sects!

For those sects, Li Ye's casual repair is definitely worth recruiting!

Even if nothing else is said, a big formation division! It's enough for them to move!

Even as far as the six parties are concerned, a large formation division is enough for them to extend an olive branch!

Even the killing intent in Qiwuhuang's eyes is stronger!

That's all Li Ye's genius, now he's still a big battle division? If Yuetianbao knew, he might not agree to kill! It is even possible to solicit in person!


Step out in one step, the formation is broken!

Even the **** formation laid down by the Great Formation Master is nothing more than that for Emperor Wu!

At least, the power of arranging the formation in a hurry is not great, it can only be delayed!

What Li Ye wanted was procrastination!

A roar! The sky was dark, and the next moment it was like covering the sky and the sun, and the terrifying devouring power turned into endless darkness! Even the lower emperor trembled!

Prosperity! The blood fusion of the three Hellhounds and the Primordial Demon Wolf has turned it into a real beast! Even if the bloodline hadn't fully awakened yet, it was enough to threaten Lian Qiwu Emperor.

"Beast! Looking for death!"

Lian Qi is the next emperor after all! The terrifying Dao Yi instantly tore the black sky and obscured the sun, and at the same time he heard a wailing, Wang Cai was dripping with blood.

Li Ye's eyes are like a **** world! The endless blood has turned into the most terrifying Taoism from his body!


The endless killing intent instantly shocked Lian Qi's body! His face is incredible! Because he felt the source of that power!

"Impossible! You actually realized Tao!"

You know, even in the Upper Three Realms, few people under Wu Huang could feel this kind of power! Even the Emperor Wu can do it only by the slightly outstanding ones! The reason why he is valued so much by Yuetian Castle is because he is stronger than other lower emperors because he has mastered the power of Tao!

Even the most common Taoist power! But it is also enough to make him a threat to the middle emperor!

In the upper three realms! Only those who have mastered the Tao are truly powerful!

The void is broken directly!

The spatial intensity of the above three realms of Shengzhou, even the Emperor Wu is difficult to tear! But at this moment, they were completely shattered by the terrifying power of both.

Two silhouettes flew out, Li Ye was covered in blood, but Lian Qi had a huge blood hole torn in his chest!

Both lose!

Everyone is almost silly!

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